The Urantia Book Fellowship

Paramony Index

The Paramony: Biblical References for Paper 2 of The Urantia Book

The Nature of God

Foundation Editions
Page:Line 1
Uversa Editions
Key Words3 #4 Book5 Ch:Vs6 Class7
0033:35 002:01.01/01-02 Pt 1: Touching the infinite Job 37:23 R
0033:35-36 002:01.01/02-03 Pt 2: Divine footsteps Psalms 077:19 R
0033:36 002:01.01/03 Pt 1: Understanding is infinite Psalms 147:05 R
0033:36 002:01.01/03 Pt 1: Understanding is infinite Job 12:13 R
0033:36 002:01.01/04 Pt 2: Greatness unsearchable Psalms 145:03 R
0033:38 002:01.01/06-07 God dwells in thick darkness 1 Kings 08:12 R
0033:38 002:01.01/06-07 God dwells in thick darkness 2 Chronicles 06:01 R
0033:38 002:01.01/06-07 God dwells in thick darkness Deuteronomy 04:11 R
0033:38 002:01.01/06-07 God dwells in thick darkness Exodus 20:21 R
0033:38 002:01.01/06-07 God dwells in thick darkness Deuteronomy 05:22-23 R
0033:39 002:01.01/08-10 Marvels without number Job 05:09 R
0033:39 002:01.01/08-10 Marvels without number Job 09:10 R
0033:39-41 002:01.01/10-12 God is great Job 36:26 R
0034:02-03 002:01.01/12-15 Heaven of heavens 1 Kings 08:27 R
0034:02-03 002:01.01/12-15 Heaven of heavens 2 Chronicles 02:06 R
0034:02-03 002:01.01/12-15 Heaven of heavens Nehemiah 09:06 R
0034:02-03 002:01.01/12-15 Heaven of heavens Psalms 148:04 R
0034:02-03 002:01.01/12-15 Heaven of heavens 2 Chronicles 06:18 R
0034:02-03 002:01.01/12-15 Heaven of heavens Deuteronomy 10:14 R
0034:03-04 002:01.01/15-16 Unsearchable judgments Romans 11:33 R
0034:05 002:01.02/01-02 Pt 1: One God, the Father+ 1 Corinthians 08:06 R
0034:05 002:01.02/01-02 Pt 1: One God, the Father+ Malachi 02:10 R
0034:05 002:01.02/01-02 Pt 1: One God, the Father+ Ephesians 04:06 R
0034:05 002:01.02/02 Pt 2: A faithful Creator 1 Peter 04:19 R
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ John 01:01-03 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Psalms 124:08 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Genesis 05:01-02 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Isaiah 40:26,28 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Isaiah 45:12,18 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Mark 13:19 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Malachi 02:10 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Nehemiah 09:06 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Psalms 115:15 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 01:01-04 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 33:10 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ 2 Kings 19:15 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Isaiah 42:05 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Hebrews 01:02 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Isaiah 37:16 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Revelation 04:11 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Psalms 134:03 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Genesis 02:04-23 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Ephesians 03:09 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Colossians 01:16 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Baruch 03:32-36 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Acts of the Apostles 04:24 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Exodus 31:17 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Acts of the Apostles 14:15 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Amos 04:13 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Psalms 121:02 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Exodus 20:11 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Jeremiah 51:15 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Jeremiah 32:17 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Jeremiah 10:11-12 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Psalms 146:06 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Revelation 10:06 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Genesis 01:01-27 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ Revelation 14:07 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ 2 Chronicles 02:12 C
0034:06 002:01.02/02-03 Faithful and Divine Creator+ 1 Peter 04:19 C
0034:06 002:01.02/03 God as Disposer Job 34:13 C
0034:06 002:01.02/03 God as Disposer Proverbs 16:33 C
0034:06-07 002:01.02/04 God, our source & destiny Isaiah 41:04 C
0034:06-07 002:01.02/04 God, our source & destiny Revelation 01:8,11,17 C
0034:06-07 002:01.02/04 God, our source & destiny Isaiah 44:06 C
0034:06-07 002:01.02/04 God, our source & destiny Revelation 21:06 C
0034:06-07 002:01.02/04 God, our source & destiny Revelation 22:13 C
0034:07 002:01.02/05 Primal mind Isaiah 40:28 C
0034:07 002:01.02/05 Primal mind Philippians 02:05 C
0034:07 002:01.02/05 Primal mind 1 Corinthians 02:16 C
0034:07 002:01.02/05 Supreme soul ?? C
0034:07 002:01.02/06 Unlimited spirit Psalms 104:30 C
0034:08 002:01.02/07 No mistakes 2 Samuel 22:31 C
0034:08-09 002:01.02/08 Resplendent in majesty, glory 1 Chronicles 29:11 C
0034:08-09 002:01.02/08 Resplendent in majesty, glory Isaiah 02:19-21 C
0034:08-09 002:01.02/08 Resplendent in majesty, glory Psalms 045:03 C
0034:08-09 002:01.02/08 Glory of God+ Isaiah 42:08 C
0034:08-09 002:01.02/08 Glory of God+ Isaiah 35:02 C
0034:08 002:01.02/08 Controller makes no mistakes ?? C
0034:09 002:01.02/09 God is devoid of fear Job 41:33 C
0034:09-10 002:01.02/10 He is immortal, eternal Romans 01:20 C
0034:09-10 002:01.02/10 He is immortal, eternal 1 Timothy 01:16-17 C
0034:10 002:01.02/10 God is Divine 2 Peter 01:03-04 C
0034:10 002:01.02/10 God is self existent Revelation 01:08 C
0034:10 002:01.02/11 God is bountiful Jeremiah 31:12,14 C
0034:10 002:01.02/11 God is bountiful Psalms 065:11 C
0034:10 002:01.02/11 God is bountiful Psalms 068:10 C
0034:12 002:01.02/13-14 He imparts Himself to men 1 Corinthians 02:12 C
0034:12 002:01.02/13-14 He imparts Himself to men Ephesians 01:03 C
0034:12 002:01.02/13-14 He imparts Himself to men Psalms 084:11 C
0034:12-13 002:01.02/15 He is the beginning and end Revelation 01:08,11,17 C
0034:12-13 002:01.02/15 He is the beginning and end Revelation 21:06 C
0034:12-13 002:01.02/15 He is the beginning and end Revelation 22:13 C
0034:12-13 002:01.02/15 He is the beginning and end Revelation 02:08 C
0034:12-13 002:01.02/15 He is the beginning and end Isaiah 41:04 C
0034:12-13 002:01.02/15 He is the beginning and end Isaiah 44:06 C
0034:12-13 002:01.02/15 He is the beginning and end Isaiah 48:12 C
0034:13 002:01.02/16 Father of good purpose James 01:17 C
0034:13-14 002:01.02/16-17 Pt 1: All things possible Matthew 19:26 R
0034:13-14 002:01.02/16-17 Pt 1: All things possible Mark 10:27 R
0034:13-14 002:01.02/16-17 Pt 1: All things possible Luke 01:37 R
0034:13-14 002:01.02/16-17 Pt 1: All things possible Luke 18:27 R
0034:13-14 002:01.02/16-17 Pt 1: All things possible Mark 14:36 R
0034:13-14 002:01.02/16-17 Pt 1: All things possible Genesis 18:14 R
0034:13-14 002:01.02/16-17 Pt 1: All things possible Jeremiah 32:17 R
0034:13-14 002:01.02/16-18 Pt 2: Cause of causes Genesis 01:01ff R
0034:26 002:01.04/12-13 Sees the end from beginning Isaiah 46:09-10 C
0034:30-31 002:01.05/02-03 He inhabits eternity Isaiah 57:15 C
0034:30-31 002:01.05/02-03 He inhabits eternity 2 Esdras 08:20 C
0034:31-32 002:01.05/03-04 He is the beginning and end Revelation 01:08,11,17 C
0034:31-32 002:01.05/03-04 He is the beginning and end Revelation 21:06 C
0034:31-32 002:01.05/03-04 He is the beginning and end Revelation 22:13 C
0034:31-32 002:01.05/03-04 He is the beginning and end Isaiah 41:04 C
0034:31-32 002:01.05/03-04 He is the beginning and end Isaiah 44:06 C
0034:31-32 002:01.05/03-04 He is the beginning and end Isaiah 48:12 C
0034:31-32 002:01.05/03-04 He is the beginning and end Revelation 02:08 C
0034:32-33 002:01.05/06 I AM Exodus 03:14 C
0035:28-29 002:01.11/08-09 In Him we live & move Acts of the Apostles 17:28 R
0035:36-37 002:02.01/07 Pt 1: God has life in himself John 05:26 R
0035:38 002:02.01/08 Gives to all life Acts of the Apostles 17:25 R
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Pt 2: And this life is eternal 1 John 05:11 R
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Galatians 06:08 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Jude 01:21 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 03:15-16,36 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 04:14,36 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 05:24,39 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 06:27,40,47 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 06:54,68 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 10:28 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 12:25,50 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 17:02-03 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Luke 10:25 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Luke 18:18,30 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Mark 10:17,30 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Matthew 19:16,29 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Matthew 25:46 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Romans 02:07 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Romans 05:21 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Titus 01:02 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Titus 03:07 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Daniel 12:02 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ 1 John 02:25 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ 1 John 03:15 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ 1 John 05:13,20 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ 1 Timothy 01:16 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ 1 Timothy 06:12,19 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 11:25-26 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ 1 John 01:02 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Romans 06:22-23 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ John 08:51-52 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Acts of the Apostles 13:46-48 C
0035:36-37 002:02.01/08 Eternal life+ Revelation 22:05 C
0035:38-39 002:02.01/11-12 I am Lord, change not Malachi 03:06 R
0035:40 002:02.01/12-13 Father of lights James 01:17 C
0035:41 002:02.01/15-16 No varibleness, changing James 01:17 R
0035:42 002:02.01/16-17 Declares end from beginning Isaiah 46:10 R
0035:42-43 002:02.01/18-19 My counsel shall stand Isaiah 46:10 R
0035:43-44 002:02.01/19-20 Eternal purpose Ephesians 03:11 R
0035:44-45 002:02.01/23-24 God is changeless Isaiah 25:01 C
0035:44-45 002:02.01/23-24 God is changeless Malachi 03:06 C
0035:47-48 002:02.02/03-05 God acts fully & forever Ecclesiastes 03:14 R
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God repents not (by nature) Numbers 23:19 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God repents not (by nature) 1 Samuel 15:29 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Genesis 06:06-07 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Exodus 32:14 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Amos 07:03,06 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God repents not (by choice) Zechariah 08:14 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Hebrews 07:21 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Jeremiah 18:08,10 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Jeremiah 26:19 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Jeremiah 42:10 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Judges 02:18 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Jonah 03:10 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ Psalms 106:45 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ 1 Chronicles 21:15 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ 1 Samuel 15:35 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God is said to repent+ 2 Samuel 24:16 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God repents not (by choice) Ezekiel 24:14 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God repents not (by choice) Jeremiah 04:28 C
0036:01-02 002:02.02/05-07 God repents not (by choice) Psalms 110:04 C
0036:02-03 002:02.02/07-09 God is immutable, infallible Psalms 33:11 C
0036:02-03 002:02.02/07-09 God is immutable, infallible Hebrews 06:17 C
0036:02-03 002:02.02/07-09 God is immutable, infallible Jeremiah 32:18-19 C
0036:03-04 002:02.02/09-11 God is timeless Psalms 90:04 R
0036:39 002:03.01/02 God is righteous in all ways Psalms 145:17 R
0036:40 002:03.01/02-04 God not acted without cause Ezekiel 14:23 R
0036:40-41 002:03.01/04-05 Judgments are true, righteous Psalms 19:09 R
0036:43-44 002:03.01/08-10 No iniquity in the Lord 2 Chronicles 19:07 R
0036:43-44 002:03.01/09-10 God is no respecter of persons Romans 02:11 C
0036:43-44 002:03.01/09-10 God is no respecter of persons Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 35:12 C
0036:43-44 002:03.01/09-10 God is no respecter of persons 2 Chronicles 19:07 R
0036:43-44 002:03.01/09-10 God is no respecter of persons Galatians 03:28 C
0036:43-44 002:03.01/09-10 God is no respecter of persons Colossians 03:11 C
0036:43-44 002:03.01/09-10 God is no respecter of persons Acts of the Apostles 10:34 C
0036:43-44 002:03.01/09-10 God is no respecter of persons Ephesians 06:09 C
0036:43-44 002:03.01/09-10 God is no respecter of persons Galatians 02:06 C
0036:43-44 002:03.01/09-10 God is no respecter of persons Job 34:19 C
0037:01-02 002:03.02/05-07 One reaps what one sows Job 04:08 R
0037:01-02 002:03.02/05-07 One reaps what one sows Galatians 06:07 R
0037:25-26 002:03.04/01-03 Extinction as punishment Obadiah 01:16 C
0038:08-09 002:04.01/05-07 God of compassion, mercy+ Psalms 86:15 R
0038:08-09 002:04.01/05-07 God of compassion, mercy+ Psalms 145:08 R
0038:09-10 002:04.01/07-08 Who calls on Lord is saved Joel 02:32 R
0038:09-10 002:04.01/07-08 Who calls on Lord is saved Acts of the Apostles 02:21 R
0038:09-10 002:04.01/07-08 Who calls on Lord is saved Romans 10:13 R
0038:09-10 002:04.01/07-08 Who calls on Lord is saved Psalms 050:15 R
0038:09-10 002:04.01/07-08 Who calls on Lord is saved Zechariah 13:09 R
0038:10 002:04.01/08-09 He will abundantly pardon Isaiah 55:07 R
0038:10-11 002:04.01/09-10 His mercy is everlasting+ Psalms 103:17 R
0038:10-11 002:04.01/09-10 His mercy is everlasting+ Psalms 100:05 R
0038:10-11 002:04.01/09-10 His mercy is everlasting+ Isaiah 54:08 R
0038:11-12 002:04.01/11 His mercy endures forever+ Psalms 107:01 R
0038:11-12 002:04.01/11 His mercy endures forever+ 1 Chronicles 16:34,41 R
0038:11-12 002:04.01/11 His mercy endures forever+ 2 Chronicles 05:13 R
0038:11-12 002:04.01/11 His mercy endures forever+ Psalms 118:01-04 R
0038:11-12 002:04.01/11 His mercy endures forever+ Psalms 136:01-26 R
0038:11-12 002:04.01/11 His mercy endures forever+ 2 Chronicles 07:03,06 R
0038:12-13 002:04.01/11-14 Lord executes loving-kindness Jeremiah 09:24 R
0038:13-14 002:04.01/14-15 Does not afflict willingly Lamentations 03:33 R
0038:14 002:04.01/16-17 Father of mercies 2 Corinthians 01:03 R
0038:45 002:05.01/01 God is Love 1 John 04:08,16 R
0039:01-02 002:05.01/05-07 Sun rises on evil and good Matthew 05:45 R
0039:04-05 002:05.02/04-05 The Father loves you John 16:27 R
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Matthew 16:24-25 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Mark 08:34-35 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Luke 09:23-24 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Revelation 22:17b R
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ John 03:15-16 R
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Acts of the Apostles 02:21 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Acts of the Apostles 10:42-43 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Acts of the Apostles 13:26 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ John 12:46 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ John 04:13-14 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Joel 02:32 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ John 11:25-26 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Luke 12:08 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Mark 03:35 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Matthew 07:24 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Matthew 10:32-33 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Matthew 12:50 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Romans 09:33 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ 1 John 02:23 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ 1 John 04:15 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ 1 John 05:01 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Luke 06:47 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Psalms 050:15 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Romans 10:13 C
0039:07 002:05.02/08-09 Whosoever will may come+ Zechariah 13:09 C
0039:07-08 002:05.02/09-11 Would all men be saved 1 Timothy 02:04 R
0039:08-09 002:05.02/11-12 Not willing any should perish 2 Peter 03:09 R
0039:12-13 002:05.03/04-08 Chasten us for own profit Hebrews 12:10 R
0039:14 002:05.03/08-09 In our afflctions he is afflicted Isaiah 63:09 R
0039:14 002:05.03/08-09 In our afflctions he is afflicted Isaiah 53:05 R
0039:16 002:05.04/03-04 God will abundantly pardon Isaiah 55:07 R
0039:16-18 002:05.04/04-06 God blots out sins Isaiah 43:25 R
0039:18-19 002:05.04/06-08 What manner of love...sons 1 John 03:01 R
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Galatians 04:05-07 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ John 01:12-13 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Isaiah 56:05 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Romans 08:14-17,19,21 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Galatians 03:26 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ John 11:52 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Ephesians 01:05 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Luke 20:36 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Matthew 05:09,16,45 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Philippians 02:15 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Revelation 21:07 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Romans 09:26 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ 1 John 03:01-02,10 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Acts of the Apostles 17:28-29 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ 1 John 05:02 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ 2 Corinthians 06:18 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Hebrews 12:05-08 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ Psalms 002:07 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ 1 Chronicles 22:10 C
0039:19 002:05.04/08 We are sons of God+ 2 Samuel 07:14 C
0039:29-30 002:05.06/05-07 Great gulf between you & God Luke 16:26 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ Ezekiel 37:14 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ 1 Corinthians 03:16-17 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ Romans 08:09-11 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ Job 32:08,18 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's Spirit in you (T/A)+ 1 John 04:12-15 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ Matthew 10:20 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ Luke 17:21 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's Spirit in you (T/A)+ 1 Corinthians 06:19 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ 1 John 03:24 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's Spirit in you (T/A)+ 2 Corinthians 06:16 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ Revelation 21:03 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ Isaiah 63:10-11 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ Galatians 02:20 C
0039:32-33 002:05.06/12-16 God's spirit in you (T/A)+ John 17:21-23 C
0039:38 002:05.07/06-07 God's goodness+ Exodus 34:06 C
0039:38 002:05.07/06-07 God's goodness+ Romans 02:04 C
0039:38 002:05.07/07-08 Lovingkindness+ Psalms 017:07 C
0039:38 002:05.07/07-08 Lovingkindness+ Jeremiah 09:24 C
0039:38 002:05.07/07-08 Lovingkindness+ Hosea 02:19 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ 2 Chronicles 30:09 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Deuteronomy 04:31 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Hebrews 08:12 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Jeremiah 03:12 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 103:08,17 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 116:05 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 117:02 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Deuteronomy 05:10 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Exodus 20:06 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Isaiah 54:08 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Isaiah 55:07 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Micah 07:18 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Numbers 14:18-19 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 100:05 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 107:01 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 118:01,04 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 136:01-26 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ 1 Chronicles 16:34,41 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ 2 Chronicles 05:13 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ 2 Chronicles 07:03,06 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Ezra 03:11 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 086:15 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 145:08 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 025:06 C
0039:40 002:05.07/11 God is merciful+ Psalms 036:05 C
0040:12 002:05.10/06 God is Love 1 John 04:08,16 C
0041:01 002:06.03/01-02 Goodness of God+ Romans 02:04 R
0041:01 002:06.03/01-02 Goodness of God+ Exodus 34:06 C
0041:02 002:06.03/02-04 Every good & perfect gift James 01:17 R
0041:03 002:06.03/04 Pt 1: God is good+ Nahum 01:07 R
0041:03 002:06.03/04 Pt 1: God is good+ Psalms 073:01 R
0041:03 002:06.03/04 Pt 1: God is good+ Psalms 034:08 R
0041:03 002:06.03/04 Pt 1: God is good+ Lamentations 03:25 R
0041:03 002:06.03/04 Pt 1: God is good+ Jeremiah 33:11 R
0041:03 002:06.03/05 Pt 2: God is our refuge+ Deuteronomy 33:27 R
0041:03-04 002:06.03/06-08 God is merciful & gracious+ Exodus 34:06 R
0041:05 002:06.03/08-09 Taste and see / blessed Psalms 034:08 R
0041:05 002:06.03/09 Blessed is he who trusts Psalms 002:12 R
0041:05 002:06.03/09 Blessed is he who trusts Psalms 040:04 R
0041:05 002:06.03/09 Blessed is he who trusts Psalms 084:12 R
0041:05 002:06.03/09 Blessed is he who trusts Jeremiah 17:07 R
0041:05-06 002:06.03/10-11 Pt 1: Lord is gracious+ Psalms 111:04 R
0041:05-06 002:06.03/10-11 Pt 1: Lord is gracious+ Psalms 145:08 R
0041:05-06 002:06.03/10-11 Pt 2: God of salvation+ Psalms 068:19-20 R
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Micah 07:07 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Habakkuk 03:18 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Exodus 15:02 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ 1 Chronicles 16:35 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Job 13:16 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Psalms 018:02,46 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Isaiah 12:02 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Philippians 01:19 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Isaiah 17:10 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ 2 Samuel 22:03,47 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Psalms 024:05 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Psalms 025:05 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Psalms 027:09 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Psalms 051:14 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Psalms 065:05 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Psalms 079:09 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Psalms 085:04 C
0041:06 002:06.03/11 God of salvation+ Psalms 088:01 C
0041:06-08 002:06.03/11-13 Pt 1: He heals brokenhearted Psalms 147:03 R
0041:06-08 002:06.03/13-14 Pt 2: God is all-powerful 1 Chronicles 29:11-12 R
0041:06-08 002:06.03/13-14 Pt 2: God is all-powerful Zephaniah 03:17 C
0042:41-42 002:07.06/11-12 Spiritual flavor Psalms 034:08 C
0042:41-42 002:07.06/11-12 Spiritual flavor Psalms 119:103 C

Key to Column Headings

  • 1Page:Line Refers to page numbering in Urantia Foundation editions of The Urantia Book. Line numbering is as follows:
    • For pages numbered at the top -- The "first" line is the line immediately below the page number.
    • For pages numbered at the bottom -- Every line above the number is counted as a line, including those showing the number and name of the Paper.
  • In all cases, each line containing printing (other than the heading and page number), no matter how short, is counted. Space between lines, no matter how wide, is ignored.

  • 2Paper:Sec:Ppgh Refers to Paper number, number of section within the paper, and number of paragraph within the section. As an additional locator, the portion appearing after the "/" character indicates the line number within the paragraph of the Uversa Press print edition. Thus the identifier 010:00.02/01-11 indicates Paper 10, Section 0, Paragraph 2, lines 1 through 11. Section 0 contains the introductory remarks at the start of each paper.
  • 3Key Words The words or concepts which, in the mind of the author, link the Bible with The Urantia Book.
  • 4# When applicable, indicates volume number for multi-volume Biblical books such as 1 Corinthians.
  • 5Book Name of the book in the King James Version of the Bible.
  • 6Ch:Vs Chapter number, Verse number in the Bible.
  • 7Class Categorization scheme for references in which:
    • S = "Same" -- Both books recite the same incident.
    • R = "Refer" -- One book quotes from, or refers to an incident contained in, the other.
    • C = "Compare" -- One book relates matter which, although not the same as the other, is significant to reinforce, modify or contradict the other.