The Paramony: Biblical References for Paper 103 of The Urantia Book
The Reality of Religious Experience
Foundation Editions Page:Line 1 |
Uversa Editions Paper:Sec:Ppgh2 |
Key Words3 | #4 | Book5 | Ch:Vs6 | Class7 |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Acts of the Apostles | 01:05,08a | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Acts of the Apostles | 02:01-04,16-18 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Acts of the Apostles | 02:33 | C | |
1131:48 | 103:02.09/11 | More blessed to give | Acts of the Apostles | 20:35 | R | |
1131:46-47 | 103:02.09/08-09 | Higher & lower natures | Colossians | 03:09-10 | R | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | 1 | Corinthians | 03:16-17 | C |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | 1 | Corinthians | 06:19 | C |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | 2 | Corinthians | 06:16 | C |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | 2 | Corinthians | 13:05 | C |
1135:07-08 | 103:05.11/09-10 | Where spirit of Lord: freedom | 2 | Corinthians | 03:17 | R |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Ephesians | 01:13 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Ephesians | 04:30 | C | |
1131:46-47 | 103:02.09/08-09 | Higher & lower natures | Ephesians | 04:22-24 | R | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Exodus | 31:03 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Exodus | 35:31 | C | |
1139:32 | 103:07.12/15 | I AM | Exodus | 03:13-14 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Ezekiel | 11:19 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Ezekiel | 36:26-27 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | Ezekiel | 37:14 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Ezekiel | 18:31 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Galatians | 04:06 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Galatians | 02:20 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | Galatians | 02:20 | C | |
1133:42 | 103:05.02/01 | Do good to others | Galatians | 06:10 | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love neighbors as self | Galatians | 05:13-14 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Genesis | 01:02 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Isaiah | 44:03 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | Isaiah | 63:10-11 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Isaiah | 59:21 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Isaiah | 61:01 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Isaiah | 63:10-11 | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love neighbors as self | James | 02:08 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | 1 | Jo hn | 04:12-15 | C |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | Job | 32:08,18 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | 1 | Jo hn | 03:24 | C |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Job | 33:04 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | 1 | Jo hn | 04:12-15 | C |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love one another | 1 | Jo hn | 03:11,23 | C |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love one another | 1 | Jo hn | 04:07,11-12,21 | C |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love one another | 2 | Jo hn | 01:05 | C |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Joel | 02:28-29 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | John | 14:16-18,23,26 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | John | 15:04,26 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | John | 16:07,13-14 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | John | 01:33 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | John | 03:05 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | John | 07:39 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | John | 17:21-23 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | John | 17:21-23 | C | |
1130:43-44 | 103:02.01/07-10 | Spiritual "birth" day | John | 03:03-08 | C | |
1130:43-44 | 103:02.01/07-10 | Spiritual "birth" day | John | 01:13 | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love fellows as Jesus loved | John | 13:34-35 | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love fellows as Jesus loved | John | 15:12,17 | C | |
1134:28-29 | 103:05.06/09-11 | If save life, lose it; if lose, find | John | 12:25 | R | |
1137:45 | 103:07.01/12 | God is spirit | John | 04:24 | C | |
1138:12 | 103:07.03/10 | God is spirit | John | 04:24 | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love neighbors as self | Leviticus | 19:18,34 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | Luke | 17:21 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Spirit of Truth)+ | Luke | 24:49 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Luke | 04:01 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Luke | 11:13 | C | |
1133:39-41 | 103:05.01/03-07 | Golden Rule from Adjuster | Luke | 06:31 | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love neighbors as self | Luke | 10:27 | C | |
1134:01-02 | 103:05.02/11 | Love enemies | Luke | 06:27,35 | C | |
1134:28-29 | 103:05.06/09-11 | If save life, lose it; if lose, find | Luke | 09:24 | R | |
1134:28-29 | 103:05.06/09-11 | If save life, lose it; if lose, find | Luke | 17:33 | R | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love neighbors as self | Mark | 12:31,33 | C | |
1134:28-29 | 103:05.06/09-11 | If save life, lose it; if lose, find | Mark | 08:35 | R | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | Matthew | 10:20 | C | |
1133:39-41 | 103:05.01/03-07 | Golden Rule from Adjuster | Matthew | 07:12 | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love neighbors as self | Matthew | 22:39 | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love neighbors as self | Matthew | 19:19 | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love neighbors as self | Matthew | 05:43-44 | C | |
1134:01-02 | 103:05.02/11 | Love enemies | Matthew | 05:44 | C | |
1134:28-29 | 103:05.06/09-11 | If save life, lose it; if lose, find | Matthew | 10:39 | R | |
1134:28-29 | 103:05.06/09-11 | If save life, lose it; if lose, find | Matthew | 16:25 | R | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love one another | 1 | Peter | 01:22 | C |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Proverbs | 01:23 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Psalms | 051:10-11 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | Psalms | 139:07 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | Revelation | 21:03 | C | |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Thought Adjuster)+ | Romans | 08:09-11 | C | |
1131:46-47 | 103:02.09/08-09 | Higher & lower natures | Romans | 06:06 | R | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love neighbors as self | Romans | 13:09b | C | |
1133:42-43 | 103:05.02/02-03 | Love one another | 1 | Thesslonians | 04:09 | C |
1130:31-35 | 103:01.06/03-12 | Spirit in man (Holy Spirit)+ | 2 | Timothy | 01:14 | C |
Key to Column Headings
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