The Urantia Book Fellowship

Paramony Index

The Paramony: Biblical References for Paper 150 of The Urantia Book

The Third Preaching Tour

Foundation Editions
Page:Line 1
Uversa Editions
Key Words3 #4 Book5 Ch:Vs6 Class7
1678:09 150:00.02/02-04 Annointing sick with oil Mark 06:13b C
1678:09 150:00.02/02-04 Annointing sick with oil James 05:14 C
1678:19-21 150:00.04/01-05 Third preaching tour Luke 08:01 S
1678:19-21 150:00.04/01-05 Third preaching tour Matthew 09:35 S
1678:28-48 150:01.01/all The Women's Corps Luke 08:02-03 S
1679:11-15 150:01.02/all Financing the women Luke 08:03b S
1679:23-25 150:01.03/15-18 Equality of persons Galatians 03:28 R
1679:23-25 150:01.03/15-18 Equality of persons Acts of the Apostles 10:34 C
1679:23-25 150:01.03/15-18 Equality of persons Ephesians 06:09 C
1679:23-25 150:01.03/15-18 Equality of persons Galatians 02:06 C
1679:23-25 150:01.03/15-18 Equality of persons Job 34:19 C
1679:23-25 150:01.03/15-18 Equality of persons Romans 02:11 C
1679:23-25 150:01.03/15-18 Equality of persons Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 35:12 C
1679:23-25 150:01.03/15-18 Equality of persons 2 Chronicles 19:07 C
1679:23-25 150:01.03/15-18 Equality of persons Colossians 03:11 C
1679:36-38 150:01.03/38-41 Paul's view of women 1 Corinthians 11:01-15 C
1679:36-38 150:01.03/38-41 Paul's view of women 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 C
1679:36-38 150:01.03/38-41 Paul's view of women 1 Peter 03:01-06 C
1679:36-38 150:01.03/38-41 Paul's view of women 1 Timothy 02:09-12 C
1680:21-24 150:02.03/11-15 Faithful women Matthew 27:55-56,61 S
1680:21-24 150:02.03/11-15 Faithful women Mark 15:40-41,47 S
1680:21-24 150:02.03/11-15 Faithful women Luke 23:49 S
1680:21-24 150:02.03/11-15 Faithful women Luke 08:02-03 S
1680:21-24 150:02.03/11-15 Faithful women Luke 24:10-11 S
1680:21-24 150:02.03/11-15 Faithful women John 19:25 S
1680:28-29 150:03.01/05-06 Joanna, wife of Chuza Luke 08:03 S
1680:34-36 150:03.02/03-07 Star superstitions Matthew 02:01-02 C
1681:28-29 150:04.01/01-04 Apostles gather Luke 09:01-02 S
1681:28-29 150:04.01/01-04 Apostles gather Mark 03:14-15 S
1681:28-29 150:04.01/01-04 Apostles gather Matthew 10:01 S
1681:29-32 150:04.01/04-08 Harvest plentiful, laborers few Luke 10:02 S
1681:29-32 150:04.01/04-08 Harvest plentiful, laborers few Matthew 09:37-38 S
1681:32-33 150:04.01/09-10 Send out apostles two by two Mark 06:07 S
1681:32-33 150:04.01/09-10 Send out apostles two by two Luke 10:01 S
1681:36-38 150:04.01/15-19 Apostles named Matthew 10:02-04 S
1681:36-38 150:04.01/15-19 Apostles named Mark 03:16-19 S
1681:36-38 150:04.01/15-19 Apostles named Luke 06:14-16 S
1681:36-38 150:04.01/15-19 Apostles named Acts of the Apostles 01:13 S
1681:40-42 150:04.02/03-08 Preach to House of Israel Matthew 10:05-07 S
1681:43-44 150:04.02/08-12 Master & servant relationship Matthew 10:24-25a S
1681:43-44 150:04.02/08-12 Master & servant relationship Luke 06:40 C
1681:43-44 150:04.02/08-12 Master & servant relationship John 13:16 C
1681:43-44 150:04.02/08-12 Master & servant relationship John 15:20 C
1681:45-47 150:04.02/12-15 Beelzebub Matthew 10:25b S
1681:47-54 150:04.02/15-28 Nothing hid that shall not be known Matthew 10:26-28 S
1681:47-54 150:04.02/15-28 Nothing hid that shall not be known Luke 12:02-05 S
1682:08-11 150:04.03/01-06 Sparrows fall / hairs numbered Luke 12:06-07 S
1682:08-11 150:04.03/01-06 Sparrows fall / hairs numbered Matthew 10:29-31 S
1682:11-18 150:04.03/06-19 No peace, but sorrow on earth Luke 12:51-53 S
1682:11-20 150:04.03/06-23 No peace, but sorrow on earth Matthew 10:34-37a S
1682:19-20 150:04.03/19-23 Love the gospel more than family Luke 14:26 S
1682:21-23 150:04.04/all Apostles leave to teach Luke 09:06 S
1682:21-23 150:04.04/all Apostles leave to teach Mark 06:12-13 S
1682:32 150:05.02/03 Gospel of the kingdom Matthew 04:23 C
1682:32 150:05.02/03 Gospel of the kingdom Matthew 09:35 C
1682:32 150:05.02/03 Gospel of the kingdom Matthew 24:14 C
1682:32 150:05.02/03 Gospel of the kingdom Mark 01:14-15 C
1682:32-33 150:05.02/03-06 Salvation: believe, accept John 01:12 C
1682:32-33 150:05.02/03-06 Salvation: believe, accept Romans 03:21--04:05 C
1682:34-35 150:05.02/07-08 In Lord I have righteousness Isaiah 45:24 R
1682:35-36 150:05.02/09-11 Arms enfold people Isaiah 51:05 R
1682:36-38 150:05.02/11-14 Soul joyful in love of God Isaiah 61:10 R
1682:39 150:05.02/16-17 The Lord our righteousness Jeremiah 23:06 R
1682:39 150:05.02/16-17 The Lord our righteousness Jeremiah 33:16 R
1682:39-41 150:05.02/17-20 Clothe son with robe of divine Zechariah 03:04 R
1682:39-41 150:05.02/17-20 Clothe son with robe of divine Isaiah 61:10 R
1682:41-42 150:05.02/20-21 Just shall live by faith Habakkuk 02:04 R
1682:44-46 150:05.03/01-04 Salvation, gift revealed by Sons Ephesians 02:08 S
1682:46 150:05.03/04-05 Saved by faith+ Mark 16:16 S
1682:46 150:05.03/04-05 Saved by faith+ Galatians 03:24 S
1682:46 150:05.03/04-05 Saved by faith+ John 03:36 S
1682:46 150:05.03/04-05 Saved by faith+ Acts of the Apostles 13:39 S
1682:46 150:05.03/04-05 Saved by faith+ Romans 05:01 S
1683:36-43 150:06.03/all Return to Nazareth Mark 06:01 S
1683:36-43 150:06.03/all Return to Nazareth Luke 04:16a S
1684:37-38 150:08.01/01-04 Crowd at Synagogue Matthew 13:54a S
1684:37-38 150:08.01/01-04 Crowd at Synagogue Mark 06:02a S
1684:37-38 150:08.01/01-04 Crowd at Synagogue Luke 04:16b S
1685:45-49 150:08.08/01-08 Jesus handed scroll Luke 04:17a S
1685:50-56 150:08.08/09-20 Commandment not hidden Deuteronomy 30:11-14 R
1686:07-11 150:08.09/all Jesus reads prophets Luke 04:17-19 S
1686:08-11 150:08.09/03-09 Spirit of Lord is upon me Isaiah 61:01-02a R
1686:12-16 150:08.10/all People pleased Luke 04:20-22a S
1686:14 150:08.10/04-05 Today are scriptures fulfilled Luke 04:21 R
1686:15-16 150:08.10/07-09 People astonished Matthew 13:54b S
1686:15-16 150:08.10/07-09 People astonished Mark 06:02b S
1686:28-35 150:09.01/all Opposition grows Matthew 13:55-57 S
1686:28-35 150:09.01/all Opposition grows Mark 06:03-04 S
1686:28-35 150:09.01/all Opposition grows Luke 04:22b-24 S
1686:32 150:09.01/09 Physician heal thyself ?? R
1686:32-35 150:09.01/12-14 Prophet not without honor ?? R
1686:33-35 150:09.01/10-14 Jesus quotes "scripture" (???) John 04:44 S
1686:40-44 150:09.02/10-14 No "miracles" Matthew 13:58 S
1686:40-44 150:09.02/10-14 No "miracles" Mark 06:05-06 S
1686:45-62 150:09.03/all Jesus escapes mob Luke 04:28-30 S
1687:03 150:09.03/11-12 Soft answer vs. wrath Proverbs 15:01 C
1687:16-17 150:09.04/03-05 Return to Capernaum Luke 04:31 S

Key to Column Headings

  • 1Page:Line Refers to page numbering in Urantia Foundation editions of The Urantia Book. Line numbering is as follows:
    • For pages numbered at the top -- The "first" line is the line immediately below the page number.
    • For pages numbered at the bottom -- Every line above the number is counted as a line, including those showing the number and name of the Paper.
  • In all cases, each line containing printing (other than the heading and page number), no matter how short, is counted. Space between lines, no matter how wide, is ignored.

  • 2Paper:Sec:Ppgh Refers to Paper number, number of section within the paper, and number of paragraph within the section. As an additional locator, the portion appearing after the "/" character indicates the line number within the paragraph of the Uversa Press print edition. Thus the identifier 010:00.02/01-11 indicates Paper 10, Section 0, Paragraph 2, lines 1 through 11. Section 0 contains the introductory remarks at the start of each paper.
  • 3Key Words The words or concepts which, in the mind of the author, link the Bible with The Urantia Book.
  • 4# When applicable, indicates volume number for multi-volume Biblical books such as 1 Corinthians.
  • 5Book Name of the book in the King James Version of the Bible.
  • 6Ch:Vs Chapter number, Verse number in the Bible.
  • 7Class Categorization scheme for references in which:
    • S = "Same" -- Both books recite the same incident.
    • R = "Refer" -- One book quotes from, or refers to an incident contained in, the other.
    • C = "Compare" -- One book relates matter which, although not the same as the other, is significant to reinforce, modify or contradict the other.