 IAxis Data-only representation of a chart's axis.
 IAxisRenderer A visual representation of an IAxis instance.
 ICartesianAxisRenderer Interface for a cartesian chart's axis renderers.
 IClusteringAxis An axis that supports clustering.
 IGridLinesRenderer A renderer for grid lines appearing on a chart's axis.
 IOriginAxis An axis with an origin.
 IRadialAxisRenderer Interface for a chart's axis renderers.
 IStackingAxis A type of axis that allows values to be stacked.
 AxisData Positioning and other data used by an IAxisRenderer to draw items like ticks.
 AxisOrientation Orientation values available to IAxis objects.
 BaseAxis Implements some of the most common axis functionality to prevent duplicate code in IAxis implementations.
 CategoryAxis An axis type representing a set of categories.
 DefaultAxisRenderer The default axis renderer for a cartesian chart.
 DefaultGridLinesRenderer Renders grid lines associated with a cartesian axis.
 NumericAxis An axis type representing a numeric range from minimum to maximum with major and minor divisions.
 RadialAxisRenderer The default axis renderer for radial axes.
 ScaleType Scale types available to IAxis objects.
 TickPosition Position values available to axis ticks.
 TimeAxis An axis type representing a date and time range from minimum to maximum with major and minor divisions.