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for Readers of The Urantia Book
Approved General Council July, 1990


Urantia Brotherhood Constitution January, 1955 Article II: Purpose

"The purposes of Urantia BROTHERHOOD are the study and dissemination of the teachings of THE Urantia BOOK; the promotion, improvement, and expansion among the peoples of the world of the comprehension and understanding of Cosmology and the relation of the planet on which we live to the Universe, of the genesis and destiny of Man and his relation to God, and of the teachings of Jesus Christ; and the inculcation and encouragement of the realization and appreciation of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man -- in order to increase and enhance the comfort, happiness, and well-being of Man, as an individual and as a member of society, by fostering a religion, a philosophy and a cosmology which are commensurate with Man's intellectual and cultural development, through the medium of fraternal association ever obedient and subservient to the laws of this country and of all countries wherein Urantia Brotherhood may extend."


Our organization has spent a considerable amount of time asking who we are and what we should be doing to foster the Fifth Epochal Revelation. In the following material, the strategic planning technique has been used to synthesize and organize ideas from our Constitution, presentations by Paul Snider, the General Council meetings of September 1989 and January 1990, and the Executive Committee's subcommittee on planning. This material is submitted to the General Council as a starting place for a plan for the future and to aid in developing specific plans of action for the present. This is a "working document" that is intended to stimulate thinking and input. It is intended to be dynamic and changing as it reflects the thinking and plans of the organization.

What is Strategic Planning?

The purpose of long-range planning is to systematically develop and create a desired future. A long-range plan is a set of decisions designed to attain that dream. Despite the emphasis on the future, long-range plans provide the context for current choices and actions. Long-range plans do not forecast the future. If one knew what would happen in the coming years, then there would be no need for planning.

Plans evolve continuously, as the environment changes and new ideas and information become available. Thus, organizations should remain flexible and not feel permanently bound by plans made last month or last year. Plans are systematically reviewed, often annually. At the same time, once agreed upon, plans should not be taken lightly. When it becomes desirable to revise plans, the revisions should be explicit, and receive the same approvals used to validate the original plans.

In general, the groups who participate in the strategic planning process need to represent a broad spectrum of the organization. Individuals at every level of the organization should participate in the planning process so that the planners represent a number of different perspectives.

Components of a Strategic Plan

  • Beliefs: A statement of the organization's fundamental convictions, its values, its character.
  • Mission: A broad statement of the guiding purpose for which the organization exists.
  • Purposes: Statements of the intentions and aims of the organization.
  • Strategic Parameters: Pronouncements that establish the parameters within which the organization will accomplish its mission and purposes.
  • Goals: An expression of the desired end results for the organization.
  • Strategies: The broadly stated means of deploying resources to achieve the organization's goals.
  • Action Plans: The explicit portion of a given strategy that outlines the objective of the plan, the tasks required to implement the objective, the person responsible for each task, the due date for the completion of each task, and an analysis of the benefits and costs of the specific action plan.


We believe:

  • That God is the loving, spiritual Father of all humankind and that each and every individual is a son/daughter of God.
  • That each mortal on this planet is a spiritual brother or sister.
  • That The Urantia Book is the Fifth Epochal Revelation of truth to the mortals of this planet.
  • That The Urantia Book is a composite presentation by many superhuman beings who endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception.
  • That The Urantia Book is intended to exalt and upstep evolutionary religion and to foster the transformation of humankind as part of the current stage of planetary spiritual growth.
  • That our organization has a sacred responsibility and privilege of service in bringing the news of this Revelation to all the peoples of the planet.


The MISSION OF FIFTH EPOCHAL FELLOWSHIP is "... to increase and enhance the comfort, happiness, and well-being of Man, as an individual and as a member of society, by fostering a religion, a philosophy and a cosmology which are commensurate with Man's intellectual and cultural development, through the medium of fraternal association ..."


  • I. MATERIAL PURPOSE: "...the study and dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book..."
  • II. MINDAL PURPOSE: "... the promotion, improvement, and expansion among the peoples of the world of the comprehension and understanding of Cosmology and the relation of the planet on which we live to the Universe, of the genesis and destiny of Man and his relation to God, and of the teachings of Jesus Christ..."
  • Ill. SPIRITUAL PURPOSE: "...the inculcation and encouragement of the realization and appreciation of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man...

Strategic Parameters

As we strive to achieve our mission and our purposes we will adhere to the following guidelines:

  • 1. To function as a legally constituted, independent, and autonomous organization that will determine its goals, implement its plans, and coordinate its activities.
    • a. To function according to the organization's constitution and rules established to facilitate proper organizational procedures.
    • b. To function as an organizational system which includes a central organization (General Council, Executive Committee, and nine standing committees) and local societies.
    • c. To operate a staffed, central office which will provide services for the implementation of both central and local organizational efforts.
    • d. To demonstrate accountability for the expenditure of donor funds.
    • e. To avoid organizational pronouncements of involvement in political, social, and economic issues that would divert us from our purposes or would draw us into public controversy.
    • f. To foster voluntary membership of persons who desire a fraternal association of readers of The Urantia Book and who ascribe to the stated purposes of the organization.
    • g. To work with other groups having similar purposes, in a spirit of cooperation.
    • h. To foster an evolutionary, deliberate and personal approach to the growth and expansion of the revelation.
  • 2. To function as an organization which places as much value on the manner in which it operates as on the ends achieved. Relationships with God and one another are the only true end and our organization is but a means to that end. We will strive to use the following methods:
    • a. To operate on the basis of group wisdom and in keeping with our highest understanding of the teachings of The Urantia Book.
    • b. To operate as leaders who are unpaid, who are but trusted servants, and who do not rule or govern.
    • c. To be motivated by an attitude of service, as stewards of a priceless gift.
    • d. To act in an open, communicative, and disclosing way.
    • e. To base actions upon faith and love.
  • 3. To function as an organization created to serve the readers of The Urantia Book and all humankind by respecting the dignity of each Individual.
    • a. To value the unique personal contribution and viewpoint of each individual to the work in which we are jointly engaged.
    • b. To strive for trust in, commitment to, and integrity towards each other.
    • c. To allow each individual who participates in our organization the right to his/her own belief and interpretation of The Urantia Book.
    • d. To foster personal relationships, fraternity, and socialization.


Goals for Purpose I

I. MATERIAL PURPOSE: "...the study and dissemination of the teachings of The Urantia Book."

  • G1-Disseminate The Urantia Book throughout the world.
  • G2-Facilitate the establishment and development of thousands of study groups.
  • G3-Facilitate and promote the emergence of dedicated individuals to represent the teachings of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.
  • G4-Facilitate the distribution of supporting works to The Urantia Book.

Goals for Purpose II

II. MINDAL PURPOSE: "... the promotion, improvement, and expansion among the peoples of the world of the comprehension and understanding of Cosmology and the relation of the planet on which we live to the Universe, of the genesis and destiny of Man and his relation to God, and of the teachings of Jesus Christ..."

  • G1-Promote opportunities for study and discussion.
  • G2-Provide opportunities for the emergence of teachers and leaders.
  • G3-Encourage intellectual awareness of Deity.
  • G4-Encourage tolerance of different viewpoints.

Goals for Purpose III

III. SPIRITUAL PURPOSE: "...the inculcation and encouragement of the realization and appreciation of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man..."

  • G1-Provide opportunities for the understanding of diversity of personality expression.
  • G2-Encourage humankind to enter the kingdom (exercise initial faith).
  • G3-Encourage humankind to live the teachings of The Urantia Book.
  • G4-Encourage worship.
  • G5-Encourage the proclamation of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man.
  • G6-Promote a mutual support network to foster the sacred obligation: service to the brotherhood of God-knowing believers.

Supporting Goals

  • G1-To establish a communication network for Urantia Book readers throughout the world.
  • G2-To maintain an historical perspective for our organization.
  • G3-Foster input from readers throughout the world on organizational functioning.
  • G4-Manage an orderly transition from status as a Urantia Foundation licensee.
  • G5-Maintain a financially stable organization that will support the organization's purposes, goals and strategies.
  • G6-To establish a mechanism to monitor the correspondence of our actions with both constitutional procedures and the teachings of The Urantia Book.

Strategies Note: *After each strategy denotes a strategy for which some programs have been initiated in the past.

"....the study and dissemination of the teaching of The Urantia Book."

Strategies for goal 1 for Purpose l - Disseminate The Urantia Book throughout the world.

  • S1-Sponsor the placement of The Urantia Book in libraries worldwide.*
  • S2-Make available copies of The Urantia Book and any translations worldwide.*
  • S3-Encourage and support a person-to-person dissemination of the Book.*
  • S4-Encourage and support legitimate dissemination of the book by other organizations.
  • S5 -Raise funds for new translations.*

Strategies for goal 2 for Purpose l - Facilitate the establishment and development of thousands of study groups.

  • S1-Foster the establishment of societies.*
  • S2-Support the efforts of societies to offer programs of service to local study groups.
  • S3-Produce materials to aid study groups.*
  • S4-Publish a study group directory.*
  • S5-Provide reader referral service.*
  • S6-Support efforts of area coordinators serving local study groups.*
  • S7-Promote community awareness of study groups.

Strategies' for goal 3 for Purpose I - Facilitate and promote the emergence of dedicated individuals to represent the teachings of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.

  • S1-Encourage the person-to-person spread of the teachings through publications, conferences, booths, study seminars and other appropriate activities.*
  • S2-Develop a speaker's bureau.*
  • S3- Develop an interface with other groups of religionists who wish to share religious ideals and philosophies.

Strategies for goal 4 for Purpose l - Facilitate the distribution of supporting works to The Urantia Book.

  • S1- Develop and distribute information on secondary works.*
  • S2- Coordinate with other organizations producing secondary works.*
  • S3- Determine an organizational policy regarding the development and distribution of secondary works.

II. MINDAL PURPOSE: "... the promotion, improvement, and expansion among the peoples of the world of the comprehension and understanding of Cosmology and the relation of the planet on which we live to the Universe, of the genesis and destiny of Man and his relation to God, and of the teachings of Jesus Christ..."

Strategies for goal 1 for Purpose II - Promote opportunities for Study and discussion.

  • S1-Assist study groups in maintaining a high level of study of The Urantia Book.*
  • S2-Sponsor international conferences and summer seminars to encourage study of The Urantia Book.*
  • S3-Support local opportunities to study The Urantia Book.*

Strategies for goal 2 for Purpose II - Provide opportunities for the emergence of teachers and leaders.

  • S1-Provide opportunities for individuals to teach international at conferences and summer seminars.*
  • S2-Develop and implement leadership training.
  • S3-Develop and disseminate materials which apply research on the teaching/learning process to Urantia Book study situations.
  • S4-Highlight successful teaching techniques used by readers throughout the world.

Strategies for goal 3 for Purpose II - Encourage intellectual awareness of Deity.

  • S1-Encourage inquiry into the nature of Deity.

Strategies for goal 4 for Purpose II - Encourage tolerance of different viewpoints.

  • S1-Provide opportunities for the expression of different viewpoints.
  • S2-Provide opportunities for the cross-fertilization of ideas from different cultures and various world religions.

III. SPIRITUAL PURPOSE: "...the inculcation and encouragement of the realization and appreciation of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man..."

Strategies for goal 1 for Purpose III - Provide opportunities for understanding the diversity of personality expression.

  • S1-Promote awareness of other world religions and philosophies*
  • S2-Promote the sharing of interpretations from The Urantia Book*
  • S3-Promote opportunities for understanding the nature of dialogue among ourselves.

Strategies for goal 2 for Purpose III - Encourage humankind to enter the kingdom (exercise initial faith).

  • S1-Promote dialogue on faith.
  • S2- Promote support for choosing a life of faith.
  • S3-Promote the distribution of inspirational materials on faith.

Strategies for goal 3 for Purpose III - Encourage humankind to live the teachings of The Urantia Book.

  • S1-Develop and promote programs for helping one another live the teachings of The Urantia Book.
  • S2 -Promote support for living a life of faith.
  • S3-Promote the development of family focused programs and services that empower parents to reveal the love of God to their children.

Strategies for goal 4 for Purpose III - Encourage worship.

  • S1-Promote the development of programs, the focus of which is purely on communion.
  • S2-Promote and facilitate collaboration with leaders of traditional religions to develop multifaith worship experiences, available to people of all faiths.

Strategies for goal 5 for Purpose III - Encourage the proclamation of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man.

  • S1-Facilitate the sharing of personal experience in proclaiming the gospel.
  • S2-Promote and facilitate the development of materials on the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man.
  • S3-Support and coordinate efforts to proclaim the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man.

Supporting Goals

Strategies for Goal 1 of Supporting Goals - To establish a communication network for Urantia Book readers throughout the world.

  • S1-Develop and implement a mailing list policy which is aligned with organizational beliefs.*
  • S2-Develop and implement a program to network interests among readers.*
  • S3-Serve as a clearinghouse for activities sponsored by non-affiliated Urantia Book organizations.*

Strategies for Goal 2 of Supporting Goals - To maintain an historical perspective for our organization.

  • S1-Collect and organize information about the history of our organization.*
  • S3-Provide historical information to readers.*

Strategies for Goal 3 of Supporting Goals - Foster input from readers throughout the world on organizational functioning.

  • S1-Conduct a periodic assessment of reader's views.*
  • S2-Sponsor annual society conclaves.
  • S3-Sponsor annual meetings for area coordinators.
  • S4-Examine the constitutional structure to determine whether the structure for representation in the central organization is adequate.

Strategies for Goal 4 of Supporting Goals - Manage an orderly transition from status as a Urantia Foundation licensee.

  • S1-Develop and implement a plan to find a permanent name.*
  • S2-Support needs of societies in their interactions with Urantia Foundation.
  • S3-Review the constitutional relationship of FEF with its constituent societies.
  • S4-Develop a working relationship with Urantia Foundation to foster programs which are consonant with our shared purposes.
  • S5-Facilitate an understanding of the usage of the concentric circles and the word Urantia as symbols.

Strategies for Goal 5 of Supporting Goals - Maintain a financially stable organization that will support the organization's purposes, goals and strategies.

  • S1-Engage in solicitations of our readership to raise funds for achieving communicated organizational goals.
  • S2-Operate using a budgetary system of planning, and control.
  • S3-Provide for an annual audit of our financial operations.
  • S4-Use fund accounting to allow donors to match their contributed dollars with their most valued goals.
  • S5-Provide an annual report lo all readers delineating how organizational resources have been utilized to achieve organizational goals and strategies.*

Strategies for Goal 6 of Supporting Goals - To establish a mechanism to monitor the correspondence of our actions with both constitutional procedures and the teachings of The Urantia Book.

  • S1-Establish an independent review committee to monitor our actions.

A service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship