get a new and different mind on the mansion worlds, and minds suited to our advancing status as we progress towards Paradise.
The human type mind is endowed with the capacity to reason, to distinguish relative right and wrong, and to recognize spiritual values. Personality has the capacity to activate potentials inherent in the mind, especially the three major classes of attributes deriving from Cosmic Mind and classified as causation, duty, and worship.
The "I" of the quantum neurophysiologist appears to be on track to be identified as a very limited combination of personality and mind as they are described in great detail in the Urantia Papers--certainly there is a degree of convergence between the two. In contrast, there is almost nothing in common to be found in the concepts expounded in the Urantia Papers and those views advanced by any materialist-mechanist interpretation of mind.
It appears to be unlikely that any scientific methodology could ever be developed that could verify or even throw light upon the detailed revelations in the Papers concerning personality and mind. The Papers say little about mind-brain interaction, the nearest thing being, "Human consciousness rests gently upon the electrochemical mechanism below and delicately touches the spirit-morontia energy system above." The Papers do declare that personality is a universe mystery, and mind is certainly a mystery to us Urantians. This is the stuff of revelation--and some things have to be accepted in faith.