Is there Certainty?

Ken Glasziou

   Early in the century, mathematician-philosopher Kurt Godell staggered the academic world when he proved that no system of mathematics could ever be shown to be totally self-consistent. And since mathematics is the base upon which all science is built, and since science is the basis of all verifiable knowledge, then we are left with a conundrum. We can only speak in terms of probabilities.

   But does Godell have the final word. For example, can I not say with absolute certainty, "I know that I exist?" And this is not really a probability, for no matter how many trials I undertake, I would never have just cause to reply in the negative. Or would I? Could I not be dreaming that I exist? But if that were true then surely there would be an "I" who is doing the dreaming--and at least that "I" must really exist!

   Is there a God? And if there is, and God created all things, then am I not a "something" that really does exist even if only in the mind of God? And if that is true, then for sure, God exists, and in him, I think, I move, I breathe and I have my very being. I'll settle for that.

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