Spiritual Growth: Issues and Challenges in The Urantia Book
- Spiritual Growth and Progress
- A study by Dave Holt based upon The Urantia Book, the Bible, and the work of Abraham Maslow
- Undertaking a Program of Spiritual Growth
- An Exploration of the Urantian Paradigm of Spirituality
- A Review of Urantia Book Materials on Spiritual and Religious Growth
- Selected quotes from papers 100 through 103
- Fear and Growth
- The Living Religion of Jesus
- The Challenges of Faith in the Quest for Cosmic Citizenship
- The Dynamics of Inner Spiritual Guidance
- How can we validate presumed inner spiritual guidance? Dr. Meredith Sprunger
- A Trace of God
- SSS'03 Presentation by Steven Hecht
- An Essay on Hope
- Psalms for Readers of The Urantia Book
- Outline for a Study on Prayer
- Attributed to Ruth Burton, Urantia Brotherhood School
- Living the Religion of Jesus: The Creation of Destiny
- Spiritual Healing: Insights from The Urantia Book
- Healthy Spiritual Relationships and Spiritual Healing Therapies
- Learning to be Merciful in Our Relationships
- Spiritual Growth: The Human Response to the Father's Love
- A presentation from the 1981 Urantia Brotherhood conference at Snowmass, Colorado. Peter Laurence
- Some Thoughts on the Father's Will
- Do we really want to know the Father's will? Steve Dreier, Snowmass Conference, The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book, 1981
- Principles of Knowing God's Will
- Being led is not an extraordinary event, reserved for mystics and ascetics; rather, it is the normal order of things. Harry McMullan, III, Snowmass Conference, 1981
- 21 Steps to a Spiritual Awakening
- A simple and effective approach to enhanced spiritual growth; a downloadable book by Harry McMullan, III
- The Dark Night of the Soul
- The Great Adventure: Man in Partnership with God
- Bill Sadler reflects on what The Urantia Book meant to him. Talk given in Oklahoma City, 1958.
- How the Living Spirit of Truth Transforms Us
- by Stuart R. Kerr, III -- A clear and concise description of the psycho-spiritual dynamics of individual spiritual transformation.
- Doing the Father's Will and Human Motivation
- Henry Begemann contrasts mere morality with the spiritual motivation to seek and do the Father's will.
- Psychology as a Variety of Religious Experience
- Thoughts on the psychology of spirituality -- personal growth and the progressive grasp of values. Dr. Marta Elders -- Scientific Symposium II, The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book
- Walking with God -- Reflections from The Urantia Book
- A consideration of our relationship with the Father and our relationship with the Supreme. Steve Dreier
- You are the Light of the World
- The Stewardship of Consciousness
- Consciousness is a marvelous resource by which we may become co-creators, taking part in the psychological aspect of our own evolution. Dr. Thomas Burns, PhD. -- Scientific Symposium I, The Urantia Book Fellowship
- Worshipful Problem Solving
- What is worshipful problem solving? How is this religious predisposition to be developed? Lynne Kulieke
- Worship and Mysticism: A Commentary on Paper 5, Section 3 of The Urantia Book
- This presentation examines the difference between worship and mysticism. Dr. Jeffrey Wattles
- Personality and Will: Increasing Personal Mastery of the Inner and Outer Worlds
- A past president of The Fellowship considers the role of personality in the quest for spirituality. David Elders -- Scientific Symposium II, The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book
- Spirituality in the Workplace
- This essay presents insights on techniques for making our work meaningful and fulfilling. James Moravec
- Salvation, Healing and Spiritual Wholeness
- A moving illustration of the spiritually transformative power of literature. Francyl Streano Gawryn
- An Eye to the Keyhole of Eternity
- A meditation on the cosmological perspective outlined in The Urantia Book. Fr. Robert Schuer
- Life Changes—Practice Makes Perfect
- Practical attitudes of daily living which lead to spiritual growth. Brent St. Denis
- The Problem of Evil—The Theodicy Problem
- Worship: Actualizing the Kingdom of Heaven
- Explores some of the "active" aspects of worship presented in The Urantia Book which lead directly to a fuller actualization of the kingdom of heaven. David Kantor
- Prayerful Problem Solving
- How can we graciously solve problems in ways which will lead to spiritual growth? Meredith Sprunger
- Sharing the Spiritual Life
- Expanding the functional presence of God in the world. Carol Hay
- When Things Go Wrong
- Wisdom from The Urantia Book for the Challenges of Daily Life. Harry McMullan, III
A service of
The Urantia Book Fellowship