God's immanence and transcendence
5:5.6(69;1) infinity is the maximum
p. 115:3.4(1262;1) of simultaneous measurements
65:6.1(737;1) ever-present dread of bad luck brought primitives
86:1.3(950;5) some early priests were
90:1.2(986;5) Jesus objected to custom of touching
124:4.7(1372;4) 12 recently arrived parents serve on
47:1.4(531;2) all survivors must pass requirements of
47:1.4,6(531;2) affectionate
p. never called upon to forgive children
174:1.2(1898;2) disclose to children the love of Paradise Parent
84:7.30(942;1) divine love is source of parental love
21:0.2(234;2) highly educational and disciplinary responsibilities of parenthood
126:2.2(1388;2) importance to children of love between p.
177:2.2(1921;6) instinct to care for feeble infants
63:3.1(713;1) leaving
p. for sake of kingdom
163:3.4(1804;1) no ascending mortal can escape parenthood experience
47:1.4,6(531;2) no mortal reproduction after life in flesh
45:6.7(516;5) parent-child relationship is most tender and beautiful in mortal experience
2:6.2(40;6) privilege of giving sons to the Father
84:7.4(939;7) relationship with God is Father-child
196:3.32(50;5) rewarded by excellency of their children
71:3.9(803;9) selflessness inherent in parental love
16:9.7(196;3) New Guinea tribe teaches descent from
74:8.5(837;4) dog is sacred animal of
88:1.4(967;6) fire myth persists in symbolism of
69:6.6(778;1) modern perversions of Zoroaster
95:6.8(1050;4) library at Alexandria contained manuscripts from
130:3.4(1432;4) quadruples achievement possibilities
43:8.11(494;10) as it is with the parts, so it is with the whole
116:6.6(1275;6) evolution of parts is segmented reflection of purposive growth of whole
116:6.6(1275;6) from standpoint of eternity, welfare of part and whole indistinguishable
3:2.8(47;6) Orvonton's purpose is meaning-of-the-whole
15:14.3(182;1) parts and individuals of grand universe evolve as reflection of total evolution of Supreme
117:0.4(1278;4) potential may fail to actualize with respect to a part, but never in aggregate
115:3.13(1262;10) survival of part depends on identification with whole
3:5.15(52;1) understanding relationship of parts to each other requires understanding relationship of each to the whole
56:10.16(647;7) universe government rather risk rebellion than deprive one soul of eternal life
112:5.7-8(1233;3) universe is integrated aggregation of real units subject to destiny of the whole
112:5.1(1232;2) whole is dependent on total acts of manifold parts
117:4.5(1284;1) whole often more than, or different from, sum of parts
12:9.3(141;4) affectionate; intelligent; spoke many words
52:1.5(590;1) Bon successfully trained fandors as passenger birds; extinct 30,000 years ago
66:5.6(746;4) could fly 2 men nonstop 500 miles
52:1.5(590;1) used in Eden; Adam inspected Garden from
74:4.4(832;4) ostrichlike bird was ancestor of
61:1.4(694;1) Jesus' disciples should always be active, positive
194:3.11(2064;3) to eternity is attainment of Father
26:9.2(294;6) folly to regard
p. as exclusive source of truth
79:8.8(888;1) Jesus portrayed deliverance from
188:5.3(2018;2) restful to contemplate; savors of things already mastered
48:4.10-20(548;5) weakening effect of overreverence for
79:6.9(885;6) profits on
p. taxed at 50% in continental nation
72:7.10(816;1) Adam and Eve would have met with success had they exercised more
75:8.4(846;3) bear with erring brother
54:5.5(617;5) being just and fair are preconditions to showing p.
28:6.8(315;2) being long-suffering is fruit of spirit
34:6.13(381;7) cannot function independently of time
54:5.4(617;4) challenge evil and hatred with forbearance
194:3.12(2064;4) cheerfully endure tasks, trials of Adjuster's selection
110:7.10(1213;5) delays of time inevitable
65:8.1(739;5) evidence man indwelt by God
26:11.5(297;2) exercised by mortals whose time units are short
118:1.6(1295;6) forbearance under provocation
178:1.14(1931;5) go slowly in political evolution
71:2.1(801;5) Jesus
always exhibited
p. with human shortcomings
p. was Jesus' ideal of strength of character
would not act prematurely
100:7.14(1103;2) learned in one's family
84:7.28(941;9) mortals should be slow to criticize universe delays
54:6.8(619;5) natural, slow, and sure way of accomplishing divine purpose
136:8.5(1520;6) parable of prodigal son illustrates need for
54:4.2(616;1) Prince's staff set about slowly and naturally to advance interests intrusted to them
66:6.3-7(749;5) time alone ripens fruit upon tree
130:5.3(1436;4) universe not managed merely to meet our approval
65:5.3(736;6) we are in the hands of God
135:9.6(1505;6) we must in all things wait upon Father's will
137:4.8(1529;5) we will have opportunity to present any good ideas in future ages
65:3.7(734;4) Apostle Andrew crucified in
(P's continue...)