deteriorated in Africa
78:3.7(871;3) easily taught to till soil; great slave race
69:8.5(779;4) in southern Europe in 15,000 B.C.
78:3.5(871;1) on Pacific islands
79:6.3(884;6) profited least from Dalamatia teachings
68:0.3(763;3) red man stands far above
51:4.2(584;4) Saharans were superior indigo with strains of orange, green
80:1.4(889;6) tribe believes itself descended from hyena
74:8.5(837;4) usually subdued by blue race
51:4.6(585;2) wiped out and absorbed remnants of green, orange races
64:7.14(728;3) wives won by riddle contests
82:3.5(916;1) better world depends on progress of
145:1.8(916;1) Father treats each ascending son as
117:6.22(1290;8) God modifies his actions to contribute to
4:2.1(56;5) gospel of Jesus enhances and exalts every mortal
102:6.10(1125;5) Greek philosophy and teachings of Jesus aimed at emergence of
195:1.1(2071;1) overdevelopment of institutions detracts from
69:1.1(772;4) Prince's staff preached individual initiative
66:6.2(749;4) progress of individual augmented through group's achievement
100:0.1(1094;1) universe rulers would rather risk system rebellion than deprive one mortal of eternal life
112:5.8(1233;4) Caligastia was ultraindividualistic
66:8.1(752;2) industrialism should promote
70:2.13(786;9) progress demands development of individuality
48:7.29(557;13) cultures of India and China mixed in
79:6.2(884;5) Hinayana Buddhism persisted in
94:9.4(1038;2) cease useless yearning
155:1.3(1725;4) defined as
evidence of moral immaturity
inertia, natural human state
service insensitivity
slothfulness of animalistic retrogression
117:4.13(1285;2) deliver us from inertia
144:5.3(1622;2) few cultivate courageous cosmic thinking
16:6.9(192;5) inertia of primitives was biologic safety brake against too rapidly advancing civilization
68:4.5(767;5) intellect protests against weaning from nonspiritual energies
100:4.2(1097;6) Jesus' disciples should always be active, positive
194:3.11(2064;3) man can reject survival by
111:1.9(1217;4) men escape rigors of truly religious activities
102:2.7-8(1120;4) primitive communism put premium on
69:9.2(780;5) profit motive keeps those slothful hard at work
71:6.2(805;6) supinely trusting in a fictitious Providence
Mongoloid type with secondary Sangik 81:4.7(905;3) secondary Hindu deity
94:4.6(1031;7) tempestuous Vedic lord of atmosphere
94:1.3(1027;4) Andites migrated into valley of
79:2.4(880;2) delta is work of last 50,000 years
79:2.1(879;7) Dravidian centers along
79:3.6(881;6) historically
Adam fostered manufacturing, trade relations with outside world
amazing creativity of American
i. 195:8.7(2081;7)
Andites contributed manufacturing
development required government
manufacturing encouraged by Prince's staff
manufacturing in China from 10,000 B.C.
79:7.5(886;6) Jesus avoided entanglements with economic structure
120:3.4(1329;5) manufacturing appears in Adamic age
52:3.6(593;5) modern factory set woman free
84:5.7-8(937;4) taxation should not handicap
71:5.2(805;2) tools determine survival of contending groups
81:6.20(909;1) transition worlds have necessary economy
44:3.3(502;2) weakness of
i. is lack of excitement and adventure
68:5.11(769;3) due to heredity, environment, degree of spiritual unification
133:7.11(1480;3) mistakenly attributed to social injustice
86:7.4(956;7) none in light and life
55:5.2(629;11) provide opportunity for altruism
3:5.7(51;6) absolute inevitabilities
threefold personalization of Deity
16:1.1(185;1) deficiencies exist on all levels of existence
31:10.7(353;6) divine
i. are God the Supreme, God the Ultimate, and God the Absolute
115:7.6(1266;7) family members reap benefits and suffer consequences of others' actions
54:6.3-4(618;6) subabsolute
i. is Seven Master Spirits
115:7.5(1266;6) Christianity put end to
195:3.5(2073;9) many primitive clans virtually exterminated by
68:6.9(770;6) primitive mothers once killed and ate children to renew strength
89:5.4(979;3) primitives' favorite method to kill unwanted children was exposure
84:7.6(940;2) primitives killed deformed, premature, or sickly children; girls before times of wife purchase
84:1.4(932;1) deficiencies often result of own indolence
70:9.6(794;4) demon possession possible with
i. prior to Pentecost
77:7.7(863;8) disqualification for survival due to inferior ancestors
109:3.8(1198;3) false sentiment perpetuates hopeless defectives
52:2.11-12(592;4) folly of allowing superiors freely to procreate with
64:1.8(719;3) contend for equal rights; not entitled right to encumber civilization
70:9.4,6(794;2) historically
Badonan tribes exterminated
deported in continental nation
early tribal wars weeded out most defective strains
feeble-mindedness confused with demon possession
infiltration of
i. terminated second garden culture
78:6.8(874;5) Life Carriers eliminate i. in light and life
primitives often worshiped feeble-minded
segregated into self-supporting colonies in continental nation
72:10.1,3(818;4) poverty cannot be eliminated if degenerates are freely supported and reproduce without restraint
71:3.5(803;5) subnormals should be kept under society's control
68:6.11(770;8) unrestrained multiplication of
i. destroys civilization
79:2.7(880;5) can be revealed only in infinity
12:1.10(130;2) denotes primacy of First Source and Center
0:3.17(6;4) focalized in human life of Jesus
169:4.3(1856;1) personality of
I. disclosed in Father
10:1.3(109;1) self-differentiated from The Infinitude
105:2.2(1154;1) source of universe reality
130:4.2(1434;1) attainment proportional to achieving Fatherlikeness
(I's continue...)