among earliest pharmaceutical discoveries
90:4.8(991;7) domination of Spirit never tainted by
34:6.11(381;5) place in evolution of religious observances
90:0.1(986;1) ritual merges with avoidance, exorcism, propitiation
89:0.2(974;2) right of
c. carried right to tax
174:2.5(1899;5) superstitious persons make holes in
85:1.4(945;2) of open lands stimulates invention and resourcefulness
64:1.3(718;5) organizes ultimatons into electrons; gravity prevents absolute zero
42:4.5-9(473;3) universal
c. would occur should God retire as upholder
4:1.6(55;4) Paradise training school for Technical Advisers
25:4.7(280;2) highest course in universe administration
35:3.15(388;9) on Life Carrier world #1
36:2.3(397;3) Melchizedek training school on Jerusem
45:7.3(517;5) none of space bodies in established circuits
15:8.6(176;1) of dead giants produce rarest form of energy
15:8.6(176;1) of space bodies rare
57:6.4(658;1) first-born sons exiled instead of sacrificed
89:7.3(982;2) heavenly reproducers, celestial artisans
44:2.4(501;3) 7 in natural spectrum
42:9.3(480;1) celestial musicians make symphonies of color
44:1.2(499;4) ancients believed soul left body during
86:5.4(954;3) Jairus's daughter in
152:1.2(1699;2) people often entombed when merely in
167:4.3(1837;2) highly mechanical Morontia Power Supervisors; 1 is stationed on each morontia world
48:2.12(544;2) in Uversa personality register
30:2.18(337;2) being brought under control by mother sun
15:6.8(173;3) c. and meteors comprise enormous amounts of matter
15:6.7(173;2) some consist of meteor swarms
49:3.2(563;5) tail pointing away proves reality of light
15:6.8(173;3) achieve perfection
140:10.1(1584;4) celestial beings to show respect for superiors, consideration for subordinates, never to land on Divinington
107:3.3(1179;6) earliest
c. against stealing women and property
89:1.3(974;5) "Father's prayer" taught in Dalamatia
66:5.14-15(747;4) love God and learn to do his will
149:6.7(1676;1) love God with all heart, soul, and might
131:2.2(1444;2) Pharisees taught 613 rules
163:4.8(1805;5) Sanhedrists deserted
c. in favor of oral traditions
153:3.3-7(1712;3) sovereignty of free will in choosing eternal life
5:6.8,12(71;3) active in Mediterranean in 2500 B.C.
80:9.9(898;4) appeared ca. 8000 B.C. with appearance of traders
79:1.3-4(878;4) barter followed seizure by raids
69:4.1(775;1) between China and Mesopotamia
79:7.6(886;7) early maritime commerce on Mediterranean
80:1.1(889;3) early Nordics traded in amber
80:9.4(897;7) first trading was woman exchange
69:5.10(776;8) international
c. contributes to peace, brotherhood
81:6.19(908;8) Jesus' advice to rich man on wealth derived from
132:5.2,7(1462;3) Jesus never meddled with others' temporal business
165:4.1,4(1821;1) led to exploration and discovery
69:4.8(775;8) maritime trade of India, Sumeria among earliest
79:3.6-7(881;6) trade, manufacturing, and banking taught by Prince's staff
66:5.11-12(747;1) women were first traders
69:3.11(774;10) all Jesus' plans characterized by
100:7.3(1101;7) Adjusters facilitate higher forms of
109:4.1-3(1198;4) basis of civilization; makes knowledge and wisdom cumulative
160:2.3(1775;4) broadcasters of superior seraphim use ideographic technique; simultaneously transmit 144,000 messages
39:2.15(431;4) chief of Brilliant Evening Stars intrusted with custody, dispatch, of all personal messages
39:2.17(431;6) harps of God allow perfected space c.
47:10.2(539;4) high speed Paradise method
27:6.4(303;2) interplanetary c. assisted by experts of c.
44:5.7(505;4) lanes of energy for interplanetary c. are circuits between power centers or physical controllers
44:4.10(504;2) mutual c. promoted by mind-energy manipulators
44:5.3(504;7) personal messengers sometimes required
39:2.17(431;6) physical controllers adjust energies essential for
29:4.7(325;3) studied in Melchizedek University
35:3.13(388;7) co-operation better than primitive methods of
81:6.33(910;6) destroyed by progressive, successful individuals
69:9.6(780;9) discarded formula; do not experiment with
69:9.18(782;5) primitive
c. prevented pauperism and want
69:9.1(780;4) put premium on inactivity and idleness; ran counter to strong human proclivities
69:9.2-6(780;5) social systems which deny God unhelpful
195:10.7(2084;7) struggle between nationalistic militarism, industrialism
70:2.6(786;2) suicidal to shift child-rearing responsibility to state
84:7.27(941;8) suicidal weakness that improvident lived off thrifty
69:9.5-6(780;8) distances between nucleus, electrons vs. orbit of Mercury
42:7.2(477;4) mass and size of electrons and protons vs. earth and earth's orbit around sun
42:6.8(477;2) stars in space vs. oranges
41:3.2(458;2) weight of cubic inch of dense star on Urantia
41:3.6(458;6) responsive to solar influence
58:2.9(666;6) Adjusters equalize tension of man's removal from God
107:0.5(1176;5) enhanced careers of ascenders in rebellion
Father personally present in Paradise and Havona, but does not indwell minds of their residents
32:3.4(360;6) gains of higher loyalty offset earlier tribulation
35:9.8(393;8) Gods take note of man's needs at every stage
40:5.8(446;2) grand universers will compensate outer-spacers for deprivation of growth of Supremacy
117:2.6(1280;6) inevitable penalty for life on advanced planets
55:3.11(625;10) more difficult problems allow larger opportunity to acquire experience in their solution
116:6.7(1275;7) Nebadon's troubles made it an educational clinic
35:3.15(388;9) quarantined spheres afford opportunity for faith
50:7.1(578;6) relationship between Havona natives and ascenders
19:6.2(221;4) Son- and Spirit-fusion in ascendant plan
40:10.3-4(452;3) Spirit-fused mortals attain unsurpassed wisdom regarding local universe
37:5.11(411;9) Supreme will compensate for inability to achieve unlimited experience
117:5.14(1287;5) those starting farthest from God have greatest ascent
116:4.11(1273;3) universe unfailingly applies equalizing techniques
(C's continue...)