entities in Hindu theology
94:4.7(1031;8) Apostle John did not mention
145:2.13(1631;1) casting out demons by evangelists
163:6.2(1807;1) existed after Caligastic rebellion
87:4.7(962;1) Hebrew doctrine of devils derived from Zoroastrians
95:6.6(1050;2) in general, is domination by own debased tendencies
53:8.9(610;5) in olden times, anything abnormal ascribed to
90:1.2(986;5) Jesus cast out demons in Capernaum
153:4.1(1713;3) never possible for normal-minded
77:7.7(863;8) none now unless mortal desires it
53:8.6-9(610;2) Norana believed daughter possessed
156:1sec(1734;3) spirits supposedly entered swine
151:6.6(1696;4) evolving monotheists keep subordinate gods as
96:1.14(1054;4) 200
d. would not buy bread for 5000
152:2.6(1701;1) laborers in vineyard each given a denarius
163:3.6(1804;3) moneylender lent debtor 500
147:5.4(1652;1) arose from the sea
80:2.4(890;8) military headquarters of northern Andites
80:5.2(893;4) Jesus spent little time in
147:6.6(1655;2) John the Baptist denounced Herod, religious leaders
135:10.2(1506;4) Melchizedeks travel to take
35:2.4(386;2) Thomas afflicted by
d.; unwisely avoided Jesus when depressed
139:8.10-11(1562;4) of Garden workers
73:4.5(824;4) of Jesus' followers after King-making episode
152:3sec(1702;2) possibility of d. provides opportunity for loyalty
3:5.12(51;11) celestial artisans, types
4. artists of odor
materialists' only reward for life of toil
102:0.1-2(1118;1) inadequately revealed by history
19:1.11(215;8) mortal destiny
be inspired by Adjuster's picturizations of
creation of, and response to, spirit goals
day by day living determines eternal
d. 48:7.26(557;10)
endless unfolding of an almost infinite panorama
established by spirit identification
final knowing of Father
no limit upon
d. for fused ascenders
potentially final
d. absolute in value
study from standpoint of Paradise source
19:1.5-12(215;2) not necessarily greater or lesser
40:10.5(452;5) personal beings may accept or reject
112:5.1(1232;2) universe destiny
age of first outer space levels will release superuniverses from limitations of present age
completion of cycle of reality
consummated by Consummator of Universe Destiny
creation interdependent in realization of
established by volitional act of Deities
expansion as gravity and love reach out into time-organizing space
full self-realization of I AM
perfection, even as is Havona
reuniting the 7 absolute phases of Father-I AM
subjugation of energy-matter by mind, co-ordination with spirit, by personality
117:2.1(1280;1) preventive
d. in continental nation
72:10.2(818;5) having put one's hand to plough, cannot turn back
163:2.3(1801;6) repugnant to divine nature to suffer
d. 12:7.3(137;4) portrayed Great Choice between good and evil
97:8.3(1071;1) atonement doctrine describes man's ransom from
194:2.8(2061;6) given credit for evil he has not caused
53:8.9(610;5) Jewish doctrine derived from Zoroastrians
95:6.6(1050;2) knowingly ascribing works of God to
153:4.3(1714;2) superstition that God afflicts man at behest of
148:6.11(1664;3) age of fishes 270-220 million years ago
59:4sec(678;2) Egyptian religion consigned deficient souls to
95:2.9(1045;2) different
d. spoken every 40 miles among primitives
68:1.6(764;2) origin illustrated by baby talk in family
81:6.17-18(908;6) avoid control by ambitious and clever would-be
d. 70:12.6(798;5) when governments act as
d. over religions
178:1.9(1930;6) won in struggle between division of authority and unity of command
70:12.2(798;1) ancients treated disease with
(D's continue...)