all relationships and ethics grow out of
o.; paramount question regarding advancement
28:6.2(314;1) causes, then balances, motions of reality metamorphosis
115:3.12(1262;9) makes possible coexistence of man the actual and man the eternal
115:3.15(1263;2) accounted for death; weakened grip of magic
88:4.5(971;1) doctrine of hereditary guilt, innate evil, and redemption
121:6.5(1339;1) doctrine of total depravity destroyed religion's potential
99:5.5(1091;4) Paul's theory partly Mithraic, partly original
121:6.5(1339;1) required hypothesis of onetime golden age
74:8.13(838;5) soul looked upon as being born under forfeit
89:4.6(978;3) superstition that man is child of devil
194:2.1(2060;6) society should foster
70:2.13(786;9) strive for
o. while shunning eccentricity
149:4.4(1673;4) one of 24 counselors
45:4.6(513;7) teacher of blue race 200,000 years ago
64:6.23(725;4) first necklace was preserved umbilical cord set with pearls
88:1.8(968;3) gold was first metal sought by man
81:3.4-5(903;6) primitives engraved animal gods on objects
63:6.3(716;2) adopted into families of Prince's corporeal staff
66:7.5(750;7) best of mystery cults
98:2.10(1079;7) one of 24 counselors
45:4.10(513;2) teacher of indigo race
64:6.26(725;7) Paradise satellite for 7th superuniverse
17:1.5(198;5) Andromeda in uninhabited part of Orvonton?
15:4.7(170;1) comprised of
10 major sectors, of which 8 are distinguishable as symmetrical star clusters
10 trillion suns
Andronover is a primary nebula in
many island universes
most is visible to our optical telescopes
practically all stars visible to naked eye
15:3.1(167;4) evolutionary development
high degree of symmetry
unfolding evolutionary purpose
15:14.2-4(181;8) gradually expanding galactic system
12:2.2-3(130;4) light from most recent major cosmic eruption reached Urantia in A.D. 1572
41:3.5(458;5) Nebadon is on periphery of
O. 15:1.6(165;5) on northward path in counterclockwise revolution around Paradise
15:1.5(165;4) spheres travel in vast elongated plane
15:3.2(167;5) standard day is 30 Urantia days, year is 3000 Urantia days
15:7.2(174;2) departed souls passed through judgment hall of
95:2.9(1045;2) descended from enormous ancient reptiles
65:2.9(732;7) beliefs of Pygmies
91:0.5(994;5) may become future citizens of Havona
19:6.4(221;6) by experiential Deities and Absolutes
15:8.9(176;4) sometimes defeats itself
160:4.5(1779;3) John Mark permitted to have original experience; was not overprotected
177:2.2-4(1921;6) Phoenician who proclaimed Salem doctrines in Ur; converted Terah's family
93:5.4(1019;1) domesticated by 5000 B.C.
81:2.8(902;2) long struggle to substitute o. for men
81:6.21(909;2) used for burden bearing in days of Prince's staff
66:5.5(746;3) first free atmospheric o. generated by seaweed, other plants
57:7.9(660;1) lava flows, meteors kept primitive atmospheric
o. used up
57:7.6,9(659;5) on morontia worlds
43:1.3(486;2) science could not have predicted water molecule from
950 million years old; originally not salty
57:8.3-5(660;5) covered 9/10 of earth's surface
57:8.20(662;7) geology of
P. islands
60:1.12(686;8) island peoples improved by Andites
79:1.6(879;3) carry
p. the second mile
159:5.12(1770;4) Jesus helped build a steering
130:2.1,4(1429;3) comprised of Hellenic and Latin mythology, patriotism, and tradition
121:5.3(1336;7) Jesus ignored thoughtless pagan
132:7.1-2(1466;1) all tribal reactions grew out of effort to avoid
68:4.2(767;2) an inevitability
3:5.14(51;13) Andonites not so sensitive to
63:4.2(713;8) essential to progressive evolution
86:2.1(951;3) Life Carriers' healing technique affords relief from
65:4.6(735;5) none on Paradise
27:1.5(299;5) Roman emperor's residence located on
132:0.2(1455;2) marine-life era, from 400 to 150 million years ago
59:6.11(684;1) Arabian Semites fought their way into
96:2.2(1054;7) Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek spoken
121:6.2(1338;5) crossroads of 3 continents
121:2.2(1333;4) enjoyed prosperity and peace in times of Jesus
121:1.6(1333;2) missions of Melchizedek and Michael somewhat determined by central location of
93:5.2(1018;7) northern kingdom of Ephraim vanished
97:9.21(1074;3) Promised Land flowed with milk and honey
96:2.2(1054;7) Saharans emigrated to
80:2.2(890;6) visitors waved branches of
172:3.11(1882;4) first system rebellion in Nebadon took place in
119:2.5-6(1311;4) system 11 of constellation 37
119:2.1(1310;4) legend held woman brought evil upon man
84:4.4(935;4) Ellanora grasped leadership of
53:7.1(607;2) mortals from
P. are caretakers on 7th transition world
53:7.1(607;2) mortals from
P. proclaimed mercy to rebels
53:9.1(610;6) Planetary Prince failed to carry
P. in Lucifer rebellion
53:7.1(607;2) 14 mile erasure of Caligastia's reign
67:3.10(757;3) of system planetary history, 35,000 miles in circumference
46:5.16(525;6) primary midwayers formulate
38:9.12(425;4) taught Clement; followed Nathaniel into India
195:3.10(2074;5) Christian mysticism philosophically akin to
195:4.1(2074;7) fallacy of omnificence
118:6.8(1300;4) impersonal Deity concept fatal to true prayer
(P's continue...)