widow contributed all
Christian leaders compromised with
M. 195:0.9,11(2070;5)
M. similar in appearance and ritual to early Christianity
M. was competitor of Paul's Christianity
Paul's atonement doctrine derived from
Roman Mithraic temple became Christian church
132:0.5(1456;1) encouraged militarism; tolerant of other religions
98:6.4(1083;4) greatly improved by Zoroaster's teachings
98:7.6(1084;5) Iranian priests resurrected
M. to combat Zoroastrianism
95:6.7(1050;3) Jesus sought out worthwhile
M. leaders
132:0.4(1455;4) orgiastic celebrations
134:6.16(1491;10) Roman legions spread
M. over Empire
98:5.1(1082;2) school at Urmia reopened as temple of
134:6.16(1491;10) Sol Invictus was sun-god of
98:5.3(1082;4) sun worship gave rise to
M. in Iran
85:5.2(947;5) supplanted Phrygian and Egyptian mysteries
98:5.1(1082;2) champion of sun-god in struggle with god of darkness
98:5.3(1082;4) Jerusem group approving planetary life initiation plans
57:8.9(661;3) combated Confucianism, proclaimed brotherhood founded on love of God
94:6.11(1034;6) King David laid heavy tribute on
97:9.14(1073;4) restraint in all things is good
131:3.6(1447;3) spiritual stagnation and philosophic chaos
99:4.6(1090;2) among ancients was attempt to deceive envious spirits
87:5.7(963;2) arose from fear of being observed at menstrual period
84:4.8(936;1) political evolution
134:5.9(1488;7) great religious teacher; founded Islam; protested foreigners, incoherent religious life of his people
92:5.11(1010;2) return looked for in Islam
92:5.3(1008;5) nonprogressive species oysters, octopuses, snails
65:2.5(732;3) maintained by individuals lacking normal sex urges
82:3.9(916;5) apostles and evangelists advised to take
m., not take
m. 140:9.3(1584;2),
180:0.2(1944;2) earliest was fish, goats, or cows
69:4.5(775;5) first used in Dalamatia
66:5.12(747;2) Judas
m. bag in deep pocket
threw 30 pieces of silver over temple floor
turned over apostolic funds to David
178:2.10(1933;7) render tribute
m. to Caesar
174:2.2(1899;2) universal language of trade
70:3.5(787;5) in court of gentiles
125:1.1(1378;3) Jesus cleansed from temple
173:1sec(1888;4) licensed to exchange currency for shekel
173:2.3(1891;4) early creditors controlled body after death
69:5.8(776;6) never employ money-power to gain unfair advantage
132:5.9(1464;3) parable of 2 debtors
147:5.4(1652;1) influential river cult
85:4.1(946;8) talked with Jesus in Caesarea
130:2.2(1429;4) race comprised of red, yellow, and blue Sangiks
81:4.7(905;3) became fetish animals
88:1.5(967;7) retarded mid-mammals were ancestors of
62:3.12(706;3) 3 Angona tributaries have retrograde motion (Venus and Uranus are 2)
57:5.13-14(657;2) 3 planets suited for life
15:6.10(173;5) 5th planet fragmentized into asteroids
57:6.5(658;2) could end as double star formation
15:5.8(171;3) origin in Angona approach 4.5 billion years ago; gravity explosion of sun; capture of meteors
57:5.4-14(655;9) planets still growing from meteoric captures
57:6.6-10(658;3) planets travel in plane of Angona solar extrusion, not sun's
57:5.12(657;1) registered 3 billion years ago
57:6.9(658;6) revolves around former Andronover nebula
15:3.6-7(168;2) indistinguishable from spirit except by name
116:6.7(1275;7) living nonspirit energy of Paradise
42:2.19(471;3) reveals nonspiritual realities of First Source; absolute
42:10.1(480;4) breakup of Mogol empire handicapped growth of
79:1.9(879;6) Egyptian political factors favored
95:2.2(1044;1) Egyptian priests combined and hyphenated their gods
95:5.11(1048;5) enabled man to see Father as creator and controller
1:0.1(21;1) pure
m. reduces God to status of pantheistic Absolute
104:2.2(1145;3) indicates immaturity of creative imagination
14:5.8(159;4) multiplies perplexities and difficulties
143:3.7(1611;5) never encountered in universal economy
28:6.18(316;5) full on April 4, A.D. 30
176:0.2(1912;2) lost atmosphere to earth
57:7.4(659;3) mortals living on
m. would be nonbreathers
49:2.6(561;5) Neanderthalers sacrificed best specimens to induce
m. again to shine
64:4.13(722;1) primitive time measurement was lunar month
66:7.17(751;12) rotation ceased due to tidal friction
57:6.2(657;5) weddings once celebrated when
m. full
83:4.5(925;1) will eventually shatter from tidal gravity
57:6.3-4(657;6) worshiped during hunting era
85:5.2(947;5) snake revered in dance of
88:1.5(967;7) always antecedent to religion
5:5.4(68;6) among gentiles, not necessarily related to religion
121:5.17(1338;2) ancient secret societies aimed to improve morals
70:7.7(791;4) concept of God as king-judge fostered
2:6.4(41;2) defined as
awareness of relativity of relationships
barely superanimal unless progressive
discipline of self by divine ideals
ethical values by which duty demands man abide
futile without cosmic insight
indigenous to human personality
indispensable to human progress and survival
inexplicable without God
insight into rightness and wrongness, eternal fitness of human relationships
interaction of liberty and loyalty
motivation of goals
recognition of progressive obligation to Supreme Being
disseminated by morally fragrant persons
16:7.9(193;8) evolution of
m. not wholly dependent on revelation
95:3.2(1045;5) family life is progenitor of true
84:7.30(942;1) highest moral choice is to do God's will
39:4.14(435;7) in spiritual greatness, morals are subordinate to unselfish service
28:6.20(317;1) inferior moral standards cannot invalidate presence of Adjuster
5:5.13(69;8) is to religion as duty is to love
102:5.3(1124;2) Jesus taught
m. from relation of man to God
140:10.5,8(1585;3) lowering morals produces sense of guilt
103:4.3(1133;3) man's understanding of
m. only relatively true
115:1.2(1260;3) modern religion's overstressed and isolated m.
2:7.9(43;2) moral choosing usually accompanied by conflict
103:2.7(1131;6) none would exist without religion
92:3.6-8(1006;3) of act determined by motive
140:10.5(1585;3) Pharisees spiritually blind but thoroughly moral
162:3.1(1792;5) potential evil necessary for moral choosing
132:2.10(1458;7) religion is ancestor of
101:0.2(1104;2) Salem missionaries' failed attempt suddenly to raise
95:1.6-9(1043;1) soil in which revealed religion germinates
103:2.3(1131;2) usually acquired among primitives with appearance of language
52:1.6(590;2) well-ordered society nurtures
(M's continue...)