ancient man was helpless victim of
68:4.4(767;4) crystallized by belief the dead would punish those who disdain rules by which they had lived
68:4.3(767;3) grew out of effort to avoid pain and humiliation while seeking pleasure and power
68:4.2(767;2) have ample power to restrain sex urge
82:3.3(915;6) helped man subordinate present to future
69:5.4(776;2) human institutions are merely accumulated
m. 69:0.3(772;3) m. change, but instinct never
84:5.13(938;3) mistake for evangelists to attempt to reform
95:7.3(1051;1) origin of
m. always unconscious and unintentional
68:4.2(767;2) Prince's staff did not impose
m. upon tribes
66:6.5(749;7) safety brake against too rapid advancement
68:4.5-6(767;5) celestial beings enabled humans to see
m. Jesus
189:4.11(2027;1) creatures of
m. respirate
m. gas
43:1.3(486;2) defined as
material created by modifying revolutions of primary units of matter
reflected shadow of spirit; matter is skeleton
warp is spiritual; woof is physical
0:5.12(9;2) forms can be made indifferent to ordinary matter or contactable
189:2.3-4(2023;2) good we do here contributes directly to
m. life
103:5.7(1134;5) invisible to human vision
44:3.2(502;1) Jesus in
m. See Jesus: events in life: morontia appearances
known since early days of Planetary Prince
48:1.1(541;4) life in
m. entails real contact with real energies
48:6.18(554;3) m. life initiated at conception of soul
48:6.2(551;7) m. mathematics articulates
m. experiences
112:1.11(1227;1) mansion world students eat
m. food; no residual waste
47:4.6(535;2) Melchizedeks certify attainment of
m. wisdom
circuits distinct from physical and spiritual circuits
controlled by Universe Power Directors
melody produced by management of
m. energy
plant life modified on each ascending sphere
slowed down, becomes morontia material
almost wholly self-governing
48:3.3(545;4) at first, 1 for each 1000 survivors
47:3.12(534;4) beautiful, versatile, and companionable guides
47:3.12(534;4) matter of chance whether morontia progressor receives aggressive or retiring type
84:6.5(938;9) not assigned permanently to individuals
48:3.9(546;2) not indispensable;
M.C. are a personality luxury of ascenders' local universe career
48:3.18(547;3) serve exclusively in local universes, from mansion worlds to Salvington
48:3.2(545;3) service
gracious hosts; ever with surviving mortals in local universe
skillful play sponsors
supervise Mansion World Teachers
supreme in management of morontia affairs
48:3.16(547;1) thousands lost in Lucifer rebellion
53:7.5(608;1) trained by and serve under Melchizedeks
48:3.2(545;3) types
aggressive and retiring types
48:3.4(545;5) very close kin to humans
48:3.4(545;5) will always be Morontia Companions
48:3.16(547;1) 4th order transition minister seraphim
39:6.1(439;4) teach mota to morontia progressors
48:6.16-17(554;1) divine builders, celestial artisans
44:3.7(502;6) absent from occasions of rejoicing
47:10.1(539;3) always serve in native local universe
48:2.4(543;1) build morontia temple
55:1.3(622;3) channels of morontia power for transition worlds
48:2.1(542;5) create survivors' 570 successive morontia life vehicles
48:1.5(542;2) creation upon arrival of first mortal survivors
48:2.3(542;7) director serves on Jerusem executive council
45:3.9(512;9) effect union of material and spiritual energies
48:1.5(542;2) enable survivors to glimpse high spirit personalities
45:1.2(509;5) involved in mind control
29:2.2(321;1) modify revolutions of primary units of matter to create new morontia substance
48:1.3(541;6) morontia planners collaborate with
44:3.7(502;6) offspring of Mother Spirit; require no training
48:2.2(542;6) physical-energy manipulators of celestial artisans assist
44:5.2(504;6) produce morontia substance and morontia mind
16:4.5(189;6) provide undifferentiated morontia material wherewith morontia life can begin
42:12.4(483;4) rarely serve on inhabited planets
48:2.5(543;2) technician seraphim are liaisons with
assurance of truth replaces assurance of faith for
101:5.11(1111;4) do not retain self-consciousness without Adjuster
112:6.7(1236;5) life after death no different in essentials than mortal existence
103:5.7(1134;5) may make changes in personal abodes
48:3.15(546;8) may visit superuniverse upon attaining spirit status
30:3.12(340;1) Michael's bestowal as
m.p. on Endantum
119:6sec(1315;4) morontia bodies
are like angels'
do not have circulating blood or eat ordinary food
enormous range of vision
highly individual; vary with nature of inner person
individualized by the morontia mind
morontia-form changes necessary for each successive sphere; re-keying performed by selective assorters
require food and drink; no residual waste
retain same form until becoming first-stage spirits
subject to certain accidents
50:3.3(574;5) mortals denominated
m.p. after mansion worlds until attainment of spirit status at end of local universe sojourn
30:4.11-14,19) 47:7.1(537;1), 48:0.2(541;2), 48:8.1(557;16) no Jerusem citizens fell in Lucifer rebellion
53:7.10-12(608;6) no marriage between
174:3.2(1900;2) opportunity to visit any realm experientially attained
48:3.10(546;3) remain in full contact with material world
48:2.19(545;1) retain ability to recognize beings of previous levels
44:0.11(498;6) training
career equally divided between work and play
divestment of erroneous ideas of God and spirit
learn languages much as we do down here
no time limit set for progression
progressively more difficult tasks given to perform
25:7.2(282;6) translated souls do not pass through mansion worlds
55:6.8(631;4) use material and semimaterial means of atmospheric passage
43:1.2(486;1) wards of the local universe
(M's continue...)