Andonites' loyalties limited to
63:4.3(714;1) delayed growth of strong nations
70:4.4(788;6) many grew out of trades, associations
71:1.15(801;3) many virtually exterminated by abortion, infanticide
68:6.9(770;6) old idea of friendship meant adoption into clan
70:3.6(787;6) peace chiefs ruled through mother line
70:4.4(788;6) primitive Australians focus their religion upon clan
103:3.1(1132;1) reappeared in dark ages
71:1.16(801;4) solidified by fear, hatred of foreign groups
50:5.5(576;8) territorial state had bitter struggle with
134:5.8(1488;6) asked Pilate not to arrest Jesus
183:2.3(1973;1) message to Pilate regarding Jesus
185:5.7-8(1994;1) wife of Pontius Pilate; became prominently identified with gospel
185:2.6(1990;2) Roman slaveholder with whom Jesus talked
132:4.5(1461;3) discouraged young man to whom Jesus spoke
130:8.1(1440;1) magical charms concocted from
88:5.2(971;4) early people wrote on
66:5.9(746;7) Jesus put c. on Josiah's eyes
164:3.8(1812;2) sculpture of c. adorned Dalamatia
66:5.26(748;7) Sumerian c. tablets telling of Dilmun
77:4.8(860;3) at Jesus' 7th appearance
190:5sec(2034;2) do not coerce men into kingdom with
159:3.2(1765;4) no substitute for character
48:7.3(556;3) attribute of troposphere
58:2.6(666;3) chief factors causing fluctuations are land elevation, cosmic clouds, and oceans
57:8.22(662;9) harsh continental weather in Permian
60:0.1(685;1) parable of discerning the weather
157:2.1(1744;4) Mary mother of Jesus a descendant of
122:1.2(1345;1) offer
c. when coat taken
159:5.11(1770;3) most reliable
c. is radium
57:7.3(659;2) husband of Mary, sister of Jesus' mother
187:3.2(2008;3) Andon and Fonta nearly lost their lives
62:5.6(708;4) narrow margins by which ancestors missed extinction
62:3.9(705;8) 70 evangelists sent out without extra
163:1.3(1800;5) Andon and Fonta wore skins
63:2.5(712;5) Caligastia 100 taught treating skins, weaving
66:5.2(745;8) Jesus' c. divided by soldiers before crucifixion
187:2.2,8-9) unshrunk cloth not sewed on old garment
147:7.2(1655;4) cosmic
c. affect climate
57:8.22(662;9) feared and worshiped by primitive tribes
85:4.3(947;2) Neanderthalers deathly afraid of
64:4.12(721;10) ability to effectively co-operate learned on Edentia
43:8.4-11(494;3) civilization dependent on enthusiastic and effective load-pulling spirit
81:6.34-37(910;7) few are the duties for the lone servant
28:5.14(312;1) kindred minds incline toward
16:6.3(191;6) learning to plan with other and wiser beings; quickener of morality seraphim teach
39:4.10(435;3) marriage highest manifestation of antagonistic c.
84:6.2(938;6) more efficient than competition in advanced civilizations
71:5.3(805;3) mortals should co-operate with universe managers
65:5.3(736;6) not natural trait of man
68:1.3-4(763;6) on basis of unity of ideals rather than beliefs
99:5.7(1091;6) Prince's staff taught teamwork
66:7.6(751;1) teamwork depends on leadership
81:6.37(911;2) teamwork is one of most important lessons
28:5.14(312;1) Morontia Companions; instructors of social conduct
48:3.11(546;4) beds often hold gas and oil
between glacial layers
Carboniferous was era of
laid down 200 million years ago
59:5.13(681;5) layers alternate with shale, stone, and conglomerate
59:5.15(681;7) some coal-bearing strata are 18,000 feet thick
59:5.15(681;7) water-preserved, pressure-modified remains of rank swamp vegetation
59:5.14-17(681;6) when c. taken, offer cloak
(C's continue...)