Dravidian shipping on
A.S. by 7000 B.C.
79:3.7(881;7) ancient adoption ceremony
70:3.8(787;8) descendants of blue, yellow, and Adamite races
64:7.11(727;8) more recent pastoral peoples
68:5.6(768;6) home of Noah the wine maker
78:7.5(875;2) spoken by common people in Palestine in Jesus' time
121:6.2(1338;5) 100 assigned to Magisterial Sons on planetary missions
37:3.5-6(409;2) absolve destiny guardians if subjects fail to survive
113:6.3(1247;1) activities on Jerusem
37:3.3(408;6) commission of Life Carrier transmutation
65:1.3-4(731;1) created by Creator Son and Mother Spirit
37:3.1(408;4) dedicated to creature survival and ascension career
37:3.2(408;5) destroyed mortal body of resurrected Jesus
189:2.1-4(2022;6) divisional headquarters on Urantia
37:3.3(408;6) do not normally serve under Gabriel
37:3.2(408;5) in charge of 7th Salvington circuit
37:3.7(409;4) in group Universe Aids
37:1.1(406;3) message naming Andon and Fonta
63:0sec(711;1) message to Life Carriers recognizing life on Urantia
62:7sec(709;8) Nebadon's a. directed by first-born
37:3.3(408;6) none went astray in Lucifer rebellion
53:7.4(607;5) number 800,000 in Nebadon
37:3.1(408;4) preserve records of personality for resurrection
112:5.15(1234;4) resurrect primitives for Spirit fusion
52:1.6(590;2) speak in confirmation of fusion
47:8.4(538;2) supervise translations in morontia temple
55:4.13(628;4) throne of presiding archangel on Jerusem surrounded by 24 counselors
45:4.1(513;2) wrote
Papers 33, 35, 41, 44, 46, 48, 77-81) 33:8.7(373;9), 35:10.6(395;2), 41:10.6(466;5), 44:8.7(508;5), 46:8.5(529;4), 48:8.5(558;3), 77:9.13(867;4), 78:8.13(877;3), 79:8.14(888;7), 80:9.17(899;4), 81:6.45(912;2), Michael messages sometimes go direct via
46:3.4(522;4) on Urantia
cf: mind circuit first operational in days of Andon
operated for first time after Jesus' resurrection
space messages for Urantia use
44:5.7(505;4) Eden under eastern end of Mediterranean
78:7.7(875;4) later vases often inferior to earlier
81:2.16(903;2) remnants of second garden in Mesopotamia
78:7.7(875;4) Siwalik Hills contain fossils closest to transition man
64:3.4(720;5) Sumerian tablets telling about Dilmun in museums
77:4.8(860;3) vestiges of Adamsonite headquarters in Turkestan
77:5.10(862;4) vestiges of Dalamatia under Persian Gulf
78:7.7(875;4) last time earth completely covered by water
78:7.4(875;1) prelife era, from 1 billion to 550 million years ago
59:0.2(672;2) formulate plans for life
36:0.1(396;1) 7 groups numbering 28,011 personalities
31:9.1-10(351;2) 28,012th Master Architect failed to absonitize
31:9.10(352;3) close relationship to Creator Sons
31:9.14(352;7) creature will operates within limits established by
118:7.1(1300;5) embody Deity concept of universes
118:4.6(1298;6) function
7 superuniverse architects associate with Seven Master Spirits and Seven Supreme Executives
administer creation prior to appearance of rulers
administrative co-ordinators of master universe
custodians of things transcending this universe age
designed stable yet flexible units of matter
functionally unify creation, reality
mature qualified possibilities of potential Absolutes
may have helped plan Havona
permit finaliters to essay trinitization
planned outer space levels
provide Creator Sons and Ancients of Days with permanent ascendant populations
spheres of space appear in accordance with plans of
in Paradise classification
30:1.15(333;1) Personalized Adjusters are executives of
109:7.3(1201;4) relationship to Inspired Trinity Spirits, Solitary Messengers
31:9.13(352;6) senior Architect
co-ordinates all below level of Deity
co-ordinates Paradise and sacred spheres
oversees 7 finaliter corps
31:10.1(352;8) 500 billion in 7 superuniverses
cf: Havona: nature and constitution
46:2.5(521;2) construction of Salvington
32:2.3(358;5) Creator Sons work on headquarters sphere upon arrival
32:1.5(358;2) equable climate on
a.s. makes roofs unnecessary
48:3.15(546;8) have double number of elements of evolved planets
48:1.3(541;6) independently lighted and heated by power centers, Master Physical Controllers
46:1.3-7(519;4) living power centers modify and concentrate space energies pouring over
43:8.1(493;7) matter of
a.s. organized by direct action of power centers and physical controllers
41:1.3(456;2) no organic evolution or survival of the fittest
46:2.5(521;2) not luminous in space
46:1.5(520;1) partake of nature and grandeur of Paradise
15:7.3(174;3) peopled by accredited personalities
15:7.1(174;1) spornagia care for
a.s. in local universes
37:10.3(416;3) unusually favorable for astronomic observations
30:3.2(338;6) evolution in design of residences
81:2.11-13(902;5) originated in temple building
92:3.6(1006;3) once connected to Mediterranean
61:1.7(694;4) Andonites in
a.r. around 15,000 B.C.
78:3.7(871;3) Chaldean priest who visited Jesus in manger
119:7.6(1317;2) Paul before council of
195:1.1(2071;1) Andon taught settlement of
a. by beating, cursing tree
70:1.3(783;6) conciliating commissions function to resolve a. upon petition from member of each contention
25:3.3(276;8) defense of proposition inversely proportional to truth
48:7.30(557;14) do not coerce men into kingdom with overpowering
159:3.2(1765;4) Jesus free of egotistic desire merely to win
125:5.8(1383;1) Jesus refused to engage in unprofitable
a. 169:2.8(1854;4) assistants to early kings became
70:6.5(790;2) nobility granted for payment or special service to king
69:5.7(776;5) restraining influence on early kings
70:6.6(790;3) shamans were the original
90:2.12(989;1) Greek; taught that virtue is knowledge
98:2.6(1079;3) philosophy revered by Hellenized Jews
121:6.3(1338;6) chest containing sacred writings in synagogue
150:8.6,8(1685;4) King David gained ark after defeat of Philistines
97:9.14(1073;4) Moses consented to putting relics alongside law in
88:2.5(969;3) headquarters of orange race
64:6.12(724;2) Andrew proclaimed gospel in
139:1.12(1550;3) underneath are the everlasting
a. 4:1.4(55;2)
(A's continue...)