transcendental energy on upper Paradise
42:2.18(471;2) divine domination of universe
5:5.6(69;1) personal gravity traversers; not available to local universe administrators
23:3.2(260;6) without discoverable form
42:12.3(483;3) 1000 groups of supercitizens of Paradise
31:8.1-4(350;4) attached to Corps of Mortal Finaliters
31:8sec(350;4) concerned with superadministration of master universe
31:8.2(350;5) have nothing to do with superuniverses or Havona
31:8.2(350;5) may take place of finaliters on worlds in light and life in next universe age
55:4.7,16(627;5) neither Creators nor creatures; ever loyal; eventuated, not created
Associate Transcendental Master Force Organizers
Primary Eventuated Master Force Organizers
Paradise arrivals fraternize with
27:2.3(300;3) relationship with Solitary Messengers and Inspired Trinity Spirits
31:9.13(352;6) senior Architect of Master Universe is chief of
31:9.1(351;2) subject to God the Ultimate
31:8.3(350;6) occurs in expectant faith-dominated persons
148:2.2(1658;5) service is byproduct of spiritual
t. 178:1.11(1931;2) assist Havona pilgrims
26:9.2(294;6) always accompanied by confusion
99:4.9(1090;5) difficulties of religious
t. 99:4sec(1089;4) great danger of breakdown during
81:6.40-41(911;5) religion should stabilize ideals during dangerous times of
99:2.6(1088;1) unemployment arising from laborsaving machinery
81:6.22(909;3) 1/2 on Urantia joined Lucifer rebellion
67:3.2(756;3) 6th order seraphim
48:6.1(551;6) 10% lost in Lucifer rebellion
53:7.7(608;3) next to destiny guardians, draw nearest to humans of all seraphim
residence in Jerusem circles
46:5.15(525;5) archangel supervises
t. in morontia temple
55:2.7(624;1) defined as
soul's fusion with Adjuster in mortal life
110:5.2(1208;1) examples
55 Amadonites of immortal status translated upon receivers' arrival
Enoch was first mortal to fuse
Van and Amadon translated to Jerusem
74:5.2(833;2) in light and life,
t. in morontia temple
55:2.3-5(623;3) mortal resigns planetary duties, bids farewell before
t. 55:2.3(623;3) occurs many times before we see God
5:1.1,9(62;3) often occurs in planetary atmosphere
55:1.6(622;6) some mortals of Adjuster-fusion status exempted from t. to continue in important posts
55:3.13(626;2) souls proceed by Adjuster transit to resurrection hall
55:2.7(624;1) translated mortals exempt from passing through education of mansion worlds, system, or constellation
55:2.8-9(624;2) morontia progressors enter
t.s. between mansion worlds
47:3.10(534;2) broadcast directors translate broadcasts of Ancients of Days for local universes
44:4.9(504;1) Morontia Companion interpreters and translators always available
48:3.12-13(546;5) needed for people of different superuniverses
44:4.3(503;3) Ganid ceased to believe in
130:2.8(1431;3) stultifying belief in weary and monotonous lives
94:2.3-6(1029;1) 70 serve on Urantia
44:5.6(505;3) energy manipulator celestial artisans; technical advisers to transport seraphim; traffic supervisors
44:5.6(505;3) all space traversers require assistance to overcome gravity when departing a sphere
29:4.1(324;3) improved
t. facilitated commerce
70:3.4(787;4) on Jerusem by birds, vehicles
46:2.4(521;1) spirit personalities proceed by liaison with spirit energy
46:2.4(521;1) translated mortals traverse space freely before being clothed with morontia forms
55:2.7(624;1) seconaphim who carry pilgrims between superuniverses and Havona
28:4.13(310;1) ascenders may visit any realm experientially attained
48:3.10(546;3) desire for
t. will be satisfied
30:3.12(340;1) greatly furthers civilization, brotherhood
81:6.25(909;6) olden wars promoted
70:2.4(785;9) punishment of
t. in continental nation
72:6.9(814;11) lay up
t. where purses wax not old
165:5.4(1823;4) parable of
t. in field
151:4.4(1694;2) blood drinking, offerings of maidens commemorated
70:3.11(788;2) first treaty concerned salt deposit
69:4.6(775;6) world peace cannot be maintained by
134:6.9(1491;3) Adam and Eve warned not to combine good and evil every time they ate from
75:4.4(842;6) after default, Adam and Eve denied access to
75:7.6(845;6) destroyed by Nodites
73:6.7(826;4) fruit enabled Prince's staff and mortal counterparts to live indefinitely
77:2.7(857;4) in Dalamatia and Eden,
t.o.l. grew in courtyard of Father's temple
73:6.5(826;2) loyalists had possession of
t.o.l. in rebellion
67:3.4-5(756;5) near universal cult of
85:2.4(945;7) not available to Melchizedek
93:2.6(1015;6) reference to
t.o.l. in prayer from another planet
144:5.7(1623;2) served Van and Amadon for 150,000 years
73:6.5(826;2) stored up space-energies antidotal to aging
73:6.4(826;1) transferred to Garden of Eden
73:3.2(823;2) 7 feet in diameter, 125 feet high in Carboniferous
59:5.22(682;5) Andon taught dispute settlement by beating
70:1.3(783;6) indwelt by kindly or deceptive, cruel spirits
85:2.4(945;7) not bringing forth good fruit hewn down
166:4.9(1830;9) not to be confused with Trinity concept
104:0.1-3(1143;1) Edentia administrative areas
43:1.7-9(486;6) early reptilian age from 150 to 125 million years ago
(T's continue...)