antidoted by consolation, stabilization of sound religion
99:4.6(1090;2) be not mindful of things which foster
a. 48:7.21(557;5),
137:1.6(1525;3) be not worried about things of temporal life
165:5.2(1823;2) can induce mystic state
100:5.10(1100;1) demoralization by thoughtless panic of
113:2.5(1243;2) discount a. in favor of certainties of future
48:4.6(548;1) distorts our minds
9:5.7(103;5) humor prevents injurious nervous tension
48:4.16-19(549;3) in thanksgiving, let needs be spread out before Father
146:2.16(1640;5) inhibits activity, institutes biologic adaptations
86:2.1(951;3) Jesus preached against
140:8.3(1579;5) natural state of savage mind
86:2.1(951;3) our
a. are part of divine plan
23:2.5(258;4) senselessness of much that causes us serious concern
48:4.6(548;1) sufficient for day is trouble thereof
140:6.13(1577;7) thwarts work of Adjuster
108:6.2(1193;1) Ishtar cult in Greece
95:1.7(1043;2) transplanted to Rome,
A. became Venus
98:3.3(1080;5) taught Jews' sufferings were penalty for nation's sins
135:5.2(1500;2) temple located on Palatine hill in Rome
132:0.2(1455;2) after Pentecost,
a. were bold followers of living Lord
194:4.2(2066;2) all except Alpheus twins graduates of synagogue schools
139:0.3-4(1548;3) Alpheus twins were errand-boys; managed multitudes
139:9.3(1563;4) apostles of John the Baptist accompanied
146:3.9(1642;5) attempted to dissuade Jesus from entering Judea
167:4.4,7(1837;3) beliefs of apostles
Jesus' immediate second coming
called Jesus "Rabbi"
137:7.2(1534;1) cheerfully ignorant of rabbinical learning
139:0.4(1548;4) consecration charge
140:9.2(1584;1) did not assist cleansing of temple
173:1.10(1890;5) each taught own view of gospel
148:1.2(1658;1) enemy would seek to draw away
138:7.3(1544;2) feared for their safety
153:5.1(1715;1) intoxicated by healing of 683 at sundown
145:4.1(1634;1) Jesus
believed in faith of
a. 157:4.6(1747;4)
did not reveal plans to
a. 141:0.1(1587;1)
did not wish
a. present at his arrest
a. authority over all things temporal regarding the kingdom
a. in service-contact with multitudes
a. to abide by practices reflective of Jesus' ideals
a. be kept from evil, sanctified in truth
prayed to be honored in
a. 182:1.4(1964;1)
a. to be weak and ignorant
wished for unity among
137:6.6(1533;4) Judas Iscariot was treasurer
139:12.3(1566;2) majority were rugged fishermen
140:8.20(1582;1) Matthew was fund-raiser
139:7.2(1559;6) Matthias chosen to take place of Judas
192:0.2(2045;2) ministry to the sick
141:4.4(1590;7) most married, some had several children
138:9.3(1546;5) Nathaniel watched over
a. 's families
139:6.7(1559;2) never openly solicited funds from the multitude
139:7.8(1560;4) not made alike by schooling
139:0.3-4(1548;3) not to be imposed on by professional alms-seekers
Jesus reenacted in 14th appearance
Peter, James, and John were personal aids to Jesus
138:10.3(1547;3) Philip was apostolic steward
139:5.3(1556;3) resented Judas's treachery
182:2.4(1966;4) rise and fall of faith of
158:1.5(1753;1) separate from all other men on earth
140:3.1(1570;2) serious, sober, chastened group of disillusioned men
152:6.1(1705;1) should disregard selves, take up responsibilities daily
158:7.5(1760;2) should not be anxious for their lives
140:6.13(1577;7) Simon in charge of diversion and relaxation
spiritual progress after Pentecost
194:2.9(2061;7) strict rules on working with women
150:2.2(1680;1) Thomas managed itinerary
139:8.5(1561;5) took offense at others teaching in Jesus' name
turned Roman Empire upside down
195:6.9(2077;5) 12 leaders appointed as
144:6.1(1624;2) anointed sick with oil
150:0.2(1678;2) Jesus refused to participate in joint conferences
141:3.3(1589;4) never knew why Jesus did not prevent John's death
141:1.4(1588;2) politics and preferment among
135:9.5(1505;5) almost completely worn down in Cretaceous
60:3.5(689;4) plants and animals dislocated by glaciers found in
61:7.16(702;6) judge not, falter not because of outward
a. 174:0.2(1897;2) Andonites judged dispute winners by
70:1.3(783;6) forbidden fruit for primitives
89:2.1(975;5) taboo among Levantine peoples
88:1.3(967;5) Pilate built to Jerusalem
185:1.5(1988;4) Cynic; tentmaker; Jesus contacted
A. in Rome; Paul lived with
A. in Corinth
133:3.12(1473;5) Saharans migrated to
80:2.2(890;6) Salem teachings failed in
95:7sec(1050;6) snake revered in
88:1.5(967;7) tribes from A. overran Egypt
(A's continue...)