ability to adapt derived from adjutant mind-spirits
65:6.7-8(737;7) all are bellicose
70:1.7(784;3) all except most primitive dependent on plants
58:2.9(666;6) Andonites largely subsisted on
63:6.3(716;2) Andonites warmed themselves with skins of
63:4.1(713;7) Andonites worshiped
63:6.3(716;2) appearance of multicellular
59:1.4(673;4) companionable, affectionate, noncarnivorous, intelligent, non-speaking on architectural spheres
43:6.4-5(492;4) differences with respect to man
cannot know God, develop language
communicate in limited way, but with little or no personality
do not build fire
do not communicate concepts
do not visualize survival after death
have knowledge, but not wisdom
instinctive exertions are not efforts of design
know only the past; live in the present
make no inquiry into purposes of life
manner in which man transcends
selective responses limited to motor level
16:7.2-4(193;1) domestication of animals
gave living tools to primitive man
pastoral civilization made possible by
selective breeding promoted
69:7.3(778;6) evolution required appearance of many apparently useless forms destined to disappear
36:2.10(398;4) indispensable to man's intellectual and physical evolution
36:5.13(403;1) Jesus asked Joseph why Father required slaughter of
124:6.14(1375;8) Jesus' home had 3 cows, 4 sheep, chickens, a donkey, doves, and a dog
126:5.11(1393;8) life of
a. little changed by great glacier
64:4.7(721;5) mind endows with consciousness without personality
9:6.3(104;1) mortals unable to know God reckoned among a.
133:0.3(1468;3) once fetishes, became taboo as food
88:1.5(967;7) Ordovician was age of invertebrate
59:2sec(674;7) primitive tribes believed they were descendants of
74:8.5(837;4) primitives diagnosed disease by examining entrails of
90:4.3(991;2) Prince's staff taught protection against predatory
66:5.4-8(746;2) radically different on nonbreathing worlds
49:3.5(564;1) spornagia utilize
a. in culture of soil
46:7.2(527;6) sudden appearance of land
59:5.5(680;7) thousands of marine species perished in Permian
59:6.2(682;8) vertebrates
crustaceans were ancestors of first vertebrates
fish were first vertebrates
frogs were ancestors of land vertebrates
60:0.2(685;2) in Jesus' time, every rock and tree believed possessed
121:7.9(1341;1) prayer little associated with
91:1.5(995;4) savage looked upon all nature as possessed
86:2.6-7(952;1) slaves brought a. to Greece
98:1.1(1077;5) tithing
a. while disregarding weightier matters
175:1.17(1908;1) poetess at presentation of Jesus
122:9.2-6(1353;1) loyal Nodite daughter
74:2.5(829;7) chief steward of
A. struck Jesus in face
186:2.5(1999;5) deposed as high priest in A.D. 13
129:1.5(1420;2) disturbed by Jesus' refusal to answer
184:1.4-5(1979;2) enmity aroused when Jesus threatened revenues
184:1.3(1979;1) Jesus called upon
A.; was coldly received
184:1.2(1978;5) reluctant to participate in murder of Jesus
184:1.2(1978;5) Romans accustomed to dealing with
183:5.1(1977;1) sent Jesus bound to Caiaphas
184:1.9(1980;1) "sons of Annas" had bazaars in temple; overthrown
173:1.2(1888;5) spent much time with Jesus in A.D. 22
129:2.7-8(1422;4) Mary mother of Jesus a descendant of
122:1.2(1345;1) oldest inhabited world of Satania
49:0.5(559;5) Mary mother of Jesus a descendant of
122:1.2(1345;1) rose out of Pacific depths
57:8.21(662;8) vast ice sheets began to form 100,000 years ago
61:7.11(702;1) largest star in local universe
41:3.2(458;2) subjected to more pressure and heat than other coal
59:5.16(681;8) highest attainment of purely evolutionary religion
5:4.9(67;7) alternate flow of space levels exerts
a. influence
11:7.9(125;3) annuls physical gravity within local frame
9:3.3(101;3) beings endowed with antigravity
Census Directors
local universe Mother Spirits
Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit
seven Supreme Power Directors
Solitary Messengers
Universe Circuit Supervisors
24:0.3(264;3) employed in Havona
14:3.6(156;3) operates only with respect to material gravity
9:3.3(101;3) pervaded space exerts a. influence on linear gravity
11:8.3(125;6) prevents gravity from converting all energy into matter
15:8.5-6,10) ultimatonic energies sometimes exhibit
42:6.3(476;5) weight of energy depends on
15:8.3(175;6) believers at
A. sent funds to Jerusalem
194:4.7(2067;2) Cedes made record of Jesus' life at
121:8.9(1342;4) close connection with Jerusalem
121:2.5(1333;7) flagrantly immoral capital of Roman province of Syria
133:8.1(1480;6) headquarters of Pauline Christianity
171:1.6(1869;2) Jesus revisited for 2 months
134:7.3(1492;3) notorious grove of Daphne at
133:8.1(1480;6) Paul's disciples first called Christians at
194:4.13(2068;3) Jesus' trial in praetorium of
185:0.2(1987;2) Mesopotamian god of sky
95:1.4(1042;5) civilization forged upon
66:5.13(747;3) forge out strong character
23:2.5(258;4) Nebadon being forged upon
(A's continue...)