heavenly reproducers, celestial artisans
44:2.5(501;4) 200,000, from Jerusem to center of Orvonton
32:2.11(359;8) 250,000, from outermost Nebadon systems to center of Orvonton
32:2.11(359;8) 500,000, between 7 superuniverses and 1st outer space level
12:1.8(129;6) 25,000,000, zone of increasing energy in 1st outer space level
12:1.8(129;6) 50,000,000, distance between 1st and 2nd outer space levels
12:1.9(130;1) astronomic measurements accurate to 1,000,000
l.y. 41:3.10(459;4) relation to red shift
12:4.14(134;3) Solitary Messengers can transmit messages to 100
l.y. 23:3.5(261;3) Pharos, in Alexandria
130:3.2(1432;2) Jesus beheld Satan fall as
53:8.3(609;6) myth on fire coming down from gods based on
69:6.6(778;1) overawed early man
85:4.3(947;2) Primates replenished fire kindled by
63:2.7(712;7) Thor was master of
85:6.4(948;4) thunderstones believed to be protection against
80:9.14(899;1) neither toil nor spin
165:5.3(1823;3) snowy heads over roots in muck
156:5.1(1737;5) converted into quartz, shale, and marble
59:3.1(676;5) results from chemical precipitation as well as marine deposition
57:8.13(661;7) Egyptian tribes worshiped
95:2.3(1044;2) entered Europe from Africa; virtually exterminated tigers and hippopotamuses
64:4.7(721;5) Jesus was a charming listener
171:7.5(1874;8) to those Jesus taught most he said least
132:4.2(1460;6) international exchange of
l. contributes to brotherhood
52:6.4(597;5) Jesus does not look down upon
139:9.8(1564;2) some ancients believed soul resided in
86:5.11(955;3) Pharisees' 613 rules of
163:4.8(1805;5) tertiary supernaphim; intelligence co-ordinators
26:3.8(289;1) descended from nonprogressive reptiles
65:2.10(732;8) 6th order Supreme Power Centers; dispatch power to Physical Controllers on inhabited worlds
41:1.5(456;4) in Uversa personality register
30:2.16(336;8) light, heat, and energize local system headquarters
45:0.3(509;3) Planetary Sovereigns in system light and life comprise
55:8.1(632;4) circuits established in era of Planetary Prince
52:2.2(591;2) conciliating commissions settle contentions between orders of beings on
25:3.6-7(277;3) defaulting System Sovereigns quickly replaced
35:9.9(394;1) headquarters spheres
1 Assigned Sentinel stationed on each represents authority of Seven Supreme Executives
1 Supreme Power Center of 6th order assigned to each
fusion with Adjuster usually effected in
independently lighted, heated, and energized
linked by reflectivity to Ancients of Days
Nebadon's built from 400 to 5 billion years ago
particularly concerned with biologic problems
physically cared for by spornagia
45:0.3(509;3) life
circuits of local systems
corporeal staffs of Planetary Princes dependent upon system life circuits
tree of life provided antidotal complements of system life currents
66:4.12-15(745;2) limited to 1000 evolutionary planets, not reckoning worlds in light and life or in prehuman stage
49:0.2(559;2) maintain their own time standards
33:6.8(372;3) observers represent
l.s. to other systems
33:6.4(371;6) one midsonite world in each
36:4.1(400;5) Planetary Sovereigns become members of system conclave in system light and life
55:8.1(632;4) planets numbered serially according to registration
49:0.3(559;3) ruled by System Sovereigns
15:2.3(166;2) serve as executive or enforcement units; not adjudicative
45:3.9(512;9) survivors have 8 morontia bodies in course of
48:1.5(542;2) survivors more material than spiritual on
43:9.2(495;4) systems neighboring Satania
41:2.1(456;5) worlds of each
l.s. disclose unmistakable physical kinship
49:1.3(560;2) 4th order Supreme Power Centers; downstep superuniverse power for constellations and systems
41:1.2(456;1) chief of Nebadon's
l.u.c. collaborated in writing Paper 41
41:10.6(466;5) in Uversa personality register
30:2.16(336;8) provide energy lanes for interplanetary communication

(L's continue...)