The Urantia Book Fellowship
Penuel 165:0.1(1817;1)
king; sun worship reference 95:2.8(1045;1)
apostles' tour of 171:3sec(1870;4)
Jews were removed from P. during times of Judas Maccabeus 165:0.3(1817;3)
most beautiful province of Palestine 165:0.3(1817;3)
Tetrarch Philip ruled 156:6.8(1741;8)
7 types 0:1.19(3;6)
all living things strive for 29:2.5(321;4), 65:6.2(737;2), 140:4.11(1573;2)
attainment 181:1.2(1953;4)
all perfecting finites eventually attain p. 106:1.1(1163;7)
believers destined to achieve p. in Jesus 142:7.15(1604;10)
by fusion of creature mind with some fragment of pre-Trinity spirit 56:3.5(639;5)
by grace and individual effort 32:3.9(361;4)
creature and Creator collaborate in 117:1.4(1279;2)
dependent on faith, love, desire to be like God 156:5.7(1739;2)
divine plan for 7:4sec(85;2), 48:8.1(557;16)
every facility and all power provided to insure 40:10.14(454;3)
Father's supreme invitation-command 1:0.3-6(21;3), 7:4.7(86;1), 7:5.1(86;2), 9:5.6(103;4), 13:2.8(149;1), 26:4.5(290;2), 26:9.3(295;1), 26:11.4(297;1), 37:5.3(411;1), 40:7.4(449;2), 56:0.1(637;1), 94:3.1(1030;1), 99:5.3(1091;2), 107:0.3(1176;3), 131:9.4(1453;2), 137:8.13(1536;10), 140:2.16(1536;10), 140:5.15(1574;8), 140:8.32(1583;6), 140:10.1(1584;4), 143:2.6(1610;1), 161:1.10(1784;7), 181:2.25(1961;4)
imitation of God is key to 111:5.2(1221;3)
(in spirit) now in doing Father's will 1:3.6(25;6), 111:5.4(1221;5)
not by passivity 117:4.7(1284;3)
on 3rd circuit of Havona 26:9.3-4(295;1)
progressive, except in Havona 32:3.3(360;5)
cosmic complement to evolution 32:3.12-15(362;1)
defect-interruptions in p. permit mind to glimpse reality 4:2.7(57;4)
Father's eternal p. 2:2sec(35;5)
finaliters have attained 31:3.6(348;3)
hunger for perfection
aroused by Adjuster 101:2.12(1107;4), 102:1.6(1119;5)
is desire to know God and be like him 100:2.1(1095;5)
required for comprehending faith 102:1.1(1118;4)
not strange that everything does not work in 75:8.6(846;5)
of purpose upon reaching Havona 26:4.5-6(290;2)
of spiritual self-restraint equals complete personal freedom 132:3.10(1460;3)
struggle for p. also pertains to physical level 116:5.5(1274;2)
undiluted on Paradise 2:2.4(36;2)
3 rule each major sector 15:10.6(178;6), 15:13.2(181;2), 18:4.2(210;5)
210 in existence 18:4.1(210;4)
administer group pledges to ascenders 18:4.7(211;3)
apprenticed under Eternals of Days 18:4.6(211;2)
in personality registers 30:1.4(330;6), 30:2.5(335;3)
Supreme Trinity Personalities 15:13.1(181;1), 18:0.1(207;1)
Trinitized Custodians are officers of tribunals of 18:4.5(211;1)
7 billion in existence; no more being created 15:10.4(178;4), 19:0.2(214;2), 19:2.1(215;10)
are wisdom of Trinity 19:2.3(216;1)
co-ordinates are Divine Counselors and Universal Censors 19:2.2(215;11), 19:3.2(217;1)
created by Trinity; personify divine wisdom 15:10.4(178;4), 19:2.1,4(215;10)
directionize batteries of reflective Voices of Wisdom for wisdom 28:5.8(310;10)
High Son Assistants serve as clerks for 22:10.1(253;3)
in personality registers 30:1.4(330;6), 30:2.5(335;3)
represent "I was" of judgment 19:4.4(218;2)
require complement of experiential wisdom 19:2.5(216;3)
residence in Jerusem circles 46:5.8(524;6)
as Most High Assistants 37:4.2(409;7)
on major sectors 18:4.4(210;7)
serve superuniverse governments; preside over some super-universe courts 15:10.3-5(178;3), 15:12.1(180;2), 19:2.2(215;11)
train Celestial Recorders on Uversa 25:6.1(281;6)
with associates and co-ordinates, constitute highest mobile advisory body 19:2.4(216;2), 19:3.4-7(217;3)
work on individual planets 19:2.6(216;4)
Voices of Wisdom, Souls of Philosophy, and Unions of Souls are reflective associates of 28:3.1(307;3), 28:5.3,7,11-14)
with associates, are highest source of truth on evolutionary planets 19:2.6(216;4)
wrote: Papers 11-14, 20, 21, 26, 27) 11:9.9(127;7), 12:9.7(142;2), 13:4.8(151;2), 14:6.39(163;4), 20:10.5(233;2), 21:6.5(242;4), 26:11.9(297;6), 27:7.11(305;4),
properties recur in groups of 7 42:9.2-3(479;7)
perjurers. See also lying
soldiers and guards bribed to say disciples took Jesus' body 189:2.4(2023;3)
testimony against Jesus fell in own entanglements 184:3.8(1982;9)
age of biological tribulation; from 170 to 150 million years ago 59:6sec(682;7)
able wife of Peter; accompanied husband 139:2.14(1552;3), 163:7.3(1808;5)
cooked for apostles; mother named Amatha 145:2.15(1631;3)
fed to wild beasts in arena in Rome 139:2.14(1552;3), 163:7.3(1808;5)
leader of enlarged women's corps 163:7.3(1808;5)
be not anxious about what you shall say in 140:9.3(1584;2), 176:1.1(1912;3)
caused by Christians' use of term "kingdom" 195:2.2(2072;6)
creates sympathy 174:3.5(1900;5)
diverts religion into sociology or theology 99:3.8(1088;9)
doubt not truth in 181:1.6(1954;3)
for righteousness' sake 140:3.11(1570;2), 140:5.20(1575;5), 180:3.1(1946;6)
Jesus predicted bitter 163:4.11(1805;8), 171:2.4(1870;1)
kingdom will prosper in 178:1.10(1931;1)
of early Christians by Jews 194:4.13(2068;3)
of Jews by professed Christians 175:2sec(1909;1)
power in way early Christians died from 195:3.4(2073;8)
progress always final harvest of 140:5.21(1575;6)
world will not treat believers better than it did Jesus 157:6.8(1750;2)
Dravidian shipping on 79:3.7(881;7)
island in P.G. proposed for Garden of Eden 73:3.1(823;1)
Ur located on 78:8.2(875;6)
vestiges of Dalamatia exist under waters of 78:7.7(875;4)
Persians. See also Iran
freed Jews from Babylon 97:10.2(1075;7)
triad gods 104:0.3(1143;3)
achievement predicated upon perseverance 115:7.2(1266;3)
always pray, never become discouraged 144:2.4(1619;2)
believers grow not weary when thwarted 156:5.21(1740;8)
evils of inaction 130:6.3(1437;3)
exhaust capacity for human adjustment 91:9.3(1002;8)
Jesus restated misunderstood message 141:4.3(1590;6)
magnificent p. of primitive man 64:7.20(729;1)
parable of the loaves 144:2.3(1619;1)
parable of unjust judge 144:2.5(1619;3)
validate prayers by possessing cosmic stamina 91:9.2(1002;7)
exist to execute bidding of Infinite Spirit 24:3.2(268;2)
in personality registers 30:1.13(332;4), 30:2.11(336;3)
located on Paradise; flash to uttermost parts of creation 24:0.3-4(264;3), 24:3.2(268;2)
mortals will not encounter 24:3.4(268;4)
no presence-form; difficult to regard as persons 24:3.3(268;3), 42:12.3(483;3)
number in trillions 24:3.1(268;1)
Paradise-origin beings aware of presence of 24:3.3(268;3)
traverse space like Solitary Messengers 24:3.2(268;2)
tremendous endowment of antigravity 24:0.3(264;3)

(P's continue...)