arising out of relationships require wisdom
28:5.13(311;5) believers
allow Adjusters to strengthen while wrestling with
courageously face problems of universe reality
gospel is solvent for
d. 194:2.1(2060;6)
many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God delivers them
Master's love does not deliver us from
d. 180:1.5(1945;2)
not concerned by temporal upheavals
those seeking God delivered from captivity
use moral power and spiritual energy to solve
d. 166:3.8(1829;5)
when clouds gather overhead, look beyond mists of mortal uncertainty
wrest victory from jaws of defeat
127:6.12(1405;4) benefits of difficulties
Andon and Fonta bred in difficult environment
man learned industry through oppression
many find God seeking divine help to resolve
d. 103:2.4(1131;3)
many truths only felt in adversity
missteps because perfection is goal, not origin
must be encountered as training for soul
prepare us for wisdom, higher learning
times of testing always times of great revelation
195:9.3(2082;8) cannot be changed unless Father wills
147:3.3(1649;3) cannot talk men out of some perplexities
143:3.1(1610;4) challenge mediocrity and defeat the fearful
48:7.7(556;7) Creators made universes in which
d. abound; misadaptation inherent in growth
105:6.4(1159;4) do not ask God to solve your
91:6.5(999;8) Father participates in our struggles
1:5.15-16(29;5) friendship lessens sting of
160:2.9(1776;3) future will exhaust possibilities for misadaptation
117:7.10(1292;4) intellectual and emotional
d. do not interfere with certain survival of God-knowing soul
110:3.5(1206;3) Jesus
did not participate in social
d. 143:3.1(1610;4)
left untangling of
d. to outworking of Father's will
refused to apply material tests to spirit problems
136:9.9(1523;1) Judas blamed others for his own
d.; never went to Jesus with personal
d. 193:4.7,10(2056;5) mankind must solve its own problems
65:3.6(734;3) many are nonexistent, creations of exaggerated fear
143:3.6(1611;4) mortal struggling is not in vain
32:5.1-2(364;3) much difficult to reconcile with idea that truth prevails
194:3.2(2062;11) perspective gained only by studying situation's origin, history, and destiny
19:1.5-12(215;2) portion of all who refuse to grow up
156:5.18(1740;5) problem avoidance is animal trait which morontia career eradicates
48:5.8(551;3) religion sorts, evaluates, and solves most
d. 196:3.1(2093;6) testing reveals man's soul
165:6.2(1824;5) cooking reduced energy necessary for
69:6.7(778;2) Sumerian city referred to by Egyptians
77:4.8(860;3) Nodite headquarters after submergence of Dalamatia
77:3.1-2(858;2) Sumerians confused with traditions of Dalamatia
77:4.8-9(860;3) 1 pound brain controlled 40 ton body
60:1.10(686;6) birds evolved from hollow-boned leaping
60:2.12(688;4) largest
d. lived in Rocky Mountains
60:2.2(687;3) more agile types predominated
60:3.20(691;1) none buried in Australia
60:2.2(687;3) Cynics traced philosophy to
121:4.4(1336;2) nature worship of
D. flourished in Greece
98:2.10(1079;7) Jesus would not employ
d. to further ministry
136:8.4(1520;5) 4 points of compass inherent
d. established by axis of Paradise
11:2.3(119;4) positions of superuniverses relative to Paradise
15:4.5(169;5) living compasses of universe headquarters
34:4.9-10(378;6) supreme seraphim; highest angelic council
39:1.16(429;2) avoid confusion and uncertainty
27:4.3(301;4) instruct Paradise arrivals in accepted usages
27:4.1(301;2) primary supernaphim
27:0.3(298;3) Satisfactions of Service are reflective of
28:5.17(312;4) an inevitability; commonplace feature of human existence
193:4.7(2056;5) attendant upon selfish pursuits
195:9.7(2083;3) attends upon error since it cannot be lived out
2:7.6(42;7) can turn love into hate
177:4.11(1926;4) crushes those fixed on temporal allurements
177:4.10(1926;3) friendship lessens sting of
160:2.9(1776;3) greatest
d. is failure in Deity adventure
26:10.2-4(295;4) Jesus predicted crushing
d. 171:2.4(1870;1) Judas never had philosophic technique for meeting
193:4.7(2056;5) never regarded as defeat on Paradise
26:8.3(294;2) those
d. which never come are hardest to bear
48:7.21(557;5) trust in God's goodness despite bitter
101:3.4(1108;3) worst
d. sometimes becomes greatest blessing
48:6.25(555;4) does not lead to peace
134:6.6(1490;9) always works out for welfare and progress
10:7.5-6(115;7) Caligastia betrayal and Adamic default was
34:7.6(382;6) collisions revivify burned-out suns
15:5.11(171;6) endowment of imperfect beings with freedom entails inevitable tragedy
110:0.1(1203;1) if physical catastrophe should doom a planet, survivors carried away to new world
51:2.3(582;3) Jesus cheerfully indifferent toward
178:2.1(1932;4) have inherent spiritual insight
28:5.20(313;2) liaison with counselors and advisers of Havona
28:5.19(313;1) reflect knowledge of Mother Spirit
28:5.22(313;4) reflect presence of Adjusters
28:5.22(313;4) secondary seconaphim, reflective associates of Universal Censors
28:5.19-22(313;1) Jesus requires life of his
d. 191:5.3(2043;1) Jesus subjected
d. to repeated disappointment
153:1.3(1708;2) may return home to minister to loved ones
163:2.2(1801;5) must be willing to forsake father, mother, wife, and child for kingdom
171:2.2-3(1869;4) must earn own bread, contribute to those who teach
165:5.3(1823;3) only 3 men refused Jesus' invitation to become
149:2.12(1672;1) early war enforced
70:2.3(785;8) errant Melchizedeks purged with correctional rest
35:2.8(386;6) family members must sometimes share in
3:2.9(48;1) few mortals engage in spiritual
110:7.6(1213;1) God sometimes chastens us for our own profit
2:5.3(39;2) in social groups
fellowship should maintain temporal order
Jesus never hesitated to be severe if necessary
171:7.7(1875;2) of children
in Joseph and Mary's family
Jesus began early; punishment seldom required
let compassion be part of all punishment
punishment as corrective affection
wise fathers chasten in love for correction
188:4.10(2017;5) tempt not angels to lead you in troublous ways
178:1.10(1931;1) Van's loyalty resulted from disciplined character
67:3.6(756;7) whom the Lord loves he corrects
148:5.5(1662;2) work for full and unlimited sin-expression as quickest final cure
54:5.9-12(617;9) be not discouraged; evolution still in process
196:3.30(2097;1) be not discouraged by discovery you are human
156:5.8(1739;3) does not necessarily signify resistance to Adjuster
110:3.5(1206;3) evidence of moral immaturity
160:1.6(1773;3) Jesus was with Simon Zelotes through all his
d. 181:2.11(1957;1) commerce and adventure led to
69:4.8(775;8) Jesus' counsel on wealth derived from
132:5.6,10(1463;4) carried too far, leads to cowardice and failure
149:4.4(1673;4) Jesus concealed what made him look different
(D's continue...)