evolution of Buddhist concept of
94:11.7-11(1039;6) impersonal and co-ordinate reaction of Trinity
56:9.4(644;6) in infinity and existentially, there is one
A. 56:9.1(644;3),
106:8.14(1172;2) science suggests existence of
101:2.5(1106;4) term never used as negation
existents of cosmos center in
triodity of actuality
Absolutes of Infinity
encompass circle of infinity
eternalize foundations for all reality
Father, Son, Spirit, Paradise, Deity Absolute, Unqualified Absolute, Universal Absolute
triunities are unifications of
unified in Father
7 Master Spirits do not directly associate with
co-ordinated in Ultimate; 3 are 1 in Trinity
comprised of Deity Absolute, Universal Absolute, Unqualified Absolute
manifest with the Ultimate, upon the Supreme
never function as such on subabsolute levels
seem to supersede matter, mind, and spirit
triodity of potentiality
unified realization of all infinite potentials
union constitutes latency of I AM
Unqualified Absolute unifies with Deity Absolute in Universal Absolute
56:9.1(644;3) evil when purely personal evaluations are elevated to
100:1.1(1094;3) Son, Spirit, and Trinity liberate Father from personality absolutism
10:3.7(111;5) substance of Paradise; nonspiritual expression of Father
11:2.6(120;1) stationary homogeneous organization of space potency not found outside Paradise
11:2.6(120;1) God the Ultimate may endow midsoniters with spirit of
36:4.8(401;4) limit reached in 28,012th Master Architect
31:9.10(352;3) neither infinity nor absoluteness
30:1.14(332;5) Paradise arrivals study
30:4.24(343;6) one cannot serve an
102:7.3(1126;3) philosophers' gravest error is fallacy of
2:7.5(42;6) science fights for deliverance from bondage of
12:9.5(141;6) all effects preceded by definite causes
86:2.5(951;7) always work out for welfare and progress
10:7.5-6(115;7) believers not immune to
159:3.13(1767;1) blind a. do not occur
48:7.9(556;9) death of Joseph was permitted
126:2.2(1388;2) if psychic circles not attained due to unavoidable
a., mansion world probation granted
112:5.6(1233;2) Jesus
advice regarding accidental wealth
knowledge leading to scientific action only antidote for
86:7.4(956;7) not arbitrarily interfered with
123:4.7(1361;7) not visitations of divine judgments
149:2.10(1671;5) part of finite drama; vicissitude of evolution
65:5sec(736;4) primitives did not believe in
86:2.6(952;1) redirecting cataclysms wreck temporal creations preliminary to rearing more enduring realities
100:2.8(1096;5) to God-knowing believer, does not matter if all things earthly crash
100:2.7(1096;4) Adjusters
are deeply interested in our real
a. on earth
cannot materially alter our career struggles
permit Adjusters to fight with us and for us
111:7.2(1223;4) all beings seek new
a.; always time for
38:7.5(422;5) ambition, judgment, and wisdom are essentials of
156:5.7(1739;2) artistic
a. effected by personal efforts
44:8.3(508;1) attained goals are simply milestones, but none are denied transient satisfaction from
39:4.7(434;7) child of imaginative adventure
28:6.18(316;5) Father works to improve our earthly
a., but especially our heavenly estate
147:3.3(1649;3) greatness lies not in possessing strength, but in making wise and divine use of one's strength
48:7.27(557;11) increase success by not taking self too seriously
48:6.26(555;5) life not real to those who cannot do one thing expertly
160:4.5(1779;3) maintain poise in success
48:6.24(555;3) material success
work persistently to better our lives
149:5.3(1674;5) requires working in channel of wealth
righteousness yields satisfactions transcending material rewards
some lives too great to descend to mere success
survival decision not determined by
no responsibility for what is beyond our abilities
171:8.10(1876;7) predicated upon perseverance
115:7.2(1266;3) psychic circle attainment augments success potential
110:6.19(1211;4) purposeful service produces highest satisfaction
28:6.17(316;4) real test of Havona
26:5.5(291;5) recognition indicative of
a. granted to all
20:8.3(231;3) self element exhausts, not effort toward
48:6.26(555;5) teamwork.
See also groups: value of
accomplish more permanent things by working with brethren
181:2.22(1961;1) depends on wisdom, charm that wins co-operation
partnership technique quadruples possibilities
43:8.11(494;10) thrill of adding something personal and unique to experiential wisdom
54:2.3(614;8) through renewing of the Spirit
34:6.5(380;6) Van's
a. resulted from clear thinking, unselfish purpose, discipline, dedication to Father
67:3.6(756;7) when man and God enter into partnership, no limitation can be placed upon future possibilities
118:5.2(1299;2) children of Spirit are
10:3.3(111;1) achievement grows out of divine capacity for
28:6.18(316;5) acts of today are destiny of tomorrow
48:7.26(557;10) belief rather than knowledge determines conduct
99:4.5(1090;1) believer always acts, never coerces
94:6.6(1034;1) best way is right way
12:7.2(137;3) dead theory powerless to transform behavior
34:6.6(380;7) defined as
essential to consciousness of Supreme
focusing attributes of whole personality
112:2.3(1228;2) eternal realities are result of righteous striving
170:2.7(1860;2) exhaust capacity for human adjustment
91:9.3(1002;8) Jesus' disciples always active, positive
194:3.11(2064;3) man does not ascend effortlessly in universe
117:4.7(1284;3) no real religion apart from highly active personality
102:2.7-9(1120;4) nonreligious activities bend universe to service of self
5:4.3(67;1) prayer must never be substitute for
91:4.2(997;7) proper conduct essential to progress
27:4.2(301;3) repugnant to divine nature to permit inferior a.
12:7.3(137;4) validate prayers by possessing cosmic stamina
91:9.2(1002;7) weak indulge in resolutions; strong act
48:7.13(556;1) weigh consequences of
192:2.8(2048;4) Zoroaster's religion one of a.
(A's continue...)