The Urantia Book Fellowship
evolution of Buddhist concept of 94:11.7-11(1039;6)
impersonal and co-ordinate reaction of Trinity 56:9.4(644;6)
in infinity and existentially, there is one A. 56:9.1(644;3), 106:8.14(1172;2)
science suggests existence of 101:2.5(1106;4)
term never used as negation 0:11.16(15;6)
Absolute Buddha. See Buddhism: doctrines
absolute level. See reality: levels of reality: absolute reality
Absolute Mind. See Infinite Spirit; mind: types of mind
of actuality
comprised of Son, Spirit, and Paradise 104:5.2(1151;2), 115:3.14(1263;1)
existents of cosmos center in 115:3.14(1263;1)
that which was and is 115:3.11(1262;8)
triodity of actuality 115:3.7(1262;4)
of potentiality. See Absolutes: the three
the seven Absolutes 105:3sec(1155;5)
Absolutes of Infinity 56:4.2(640;1)
encompass circle of infinity 104:3.6(1147;1)
eternal; all changes except 105:2.1(1153;6), 105:3.1(1155;5), 130:4.2(1434;1)
eternalize foundations for all reality 105:4.2(1157;3)
Father is personal cause of A. 5:0.2(62;2), 104:4.1(1147;7)
Father, Son, Spirit, Paradise, Deity Absolute, Unqualified Absolute, Universal Absolute 0:3.1(4;13), 106:0.8(1163;2)
infinite reality is existential as 0:3.1(4;13), 104:3.5(1146;7), 115:2.1(1261;1)
not experiencible 106:2.7(1165;4)
relation to I AM 105:2.4-11(1154;3)
triunities are unifications of 104:4.25(1150;7)
unified in Father 56:4.2(640;1)
the three Absolutes 0:11sec(13;6)
7 Master Spirits do not directly associate with 16:1.4(185;4)
co-ordinated in Ultimate; 3 are 1 in Trinity 56:9.1(644;3)
comprised of Deity Absolute, Universal Absolute, Unqualified Absolute 0:11sec(13;6)
in infinity are ONE 0:11.15(15;5), 56:9.8(645;3)
manifest with the Ultimate, upon the Supreme 115:3.13(1262;10)
never function as such on subabsolute levels 115:3.13(1262;10)
render predictions uncertain 4:1.8-9(55;6), 15:8.9(176;4)
seem to supersede matter, mind, and spirit 4:1.8(55;6)
triodity of potentiality 115:3.8(1262;5)
unified realization of all infinite potentials 106:8.14(1172;2)
union constitutes latency of I AM 106:7.9(1170;2)
Unqualified Absolute unifies with Deity Absolute in Universal Absolute 0:3.11(5;10), 0:11.3(14;1), 56:1.2(637;4), 56:9.1(644;3)
evil when purely personal evaluations are elevated to 100:1.1(1094;3)
Son, Spirit, and Trinity liberate Father from personality absolutism 9:0.1(98;1), 10:0.1(108;1), 10:2.1(109;5), 10:3.7(111;5)
substance of Paradise; nonspiritual expression of Father 11:2.6(120;1)
stationary homogeneous organization of space potency not found outside Paradise 11:2.6(120;1)
absonite level. See reality: levels of reality
absonites. See reality: levels of reality
absonity. See also reality: levels of reality
absonitized beings 30:1.24(334;3), 31:2.1(346;7)
God the Ultimate may endow midsoniters with spirit of 36:4.8(401;4)
limit reached in 28,012th Master Architect 31:9.10(352;3)
neither infinity nor absoluteness 30:1.14(332;5)
Paradise arrivals study 30:4.24(343;6)
devoid of love 16:9.8(196;4)
one cannot serve an 102:7.3(1126;3)
philosophers' gravest error is fallacy of 2:7.5(42;6)
science fights for deliverance from bondage of 12:9.5(141;6)
all effects preceded by definite causes 86:2.5(951;7)
always work out for welfare and progress 10:7.5-6(115;7)
believers not immune to 159:3.13(1767;1)
blind a. do not occur 48:7.9(556;9)
death of Joseph was permitted 126:2.2(1388;2)
if psychic circles not attained due to unavoidable a., mansion world probation granted 112:5.6(1233;2)
advice regarding accidental wealth 132:5.2,11(1462;3)
fall in sandstorm 123:4.5-8(1361;5)
teaching about a. 166:4sec(1830;1)
knowledge leading to scientific action only antidote for 86:7.4(956;7)
not arbitrarily interfered with 123:4.7(1361;7)
not visitations of divine judgments 149:2.10(1671;5)
part of finite drama; vicissitude of evolution 4:1.11(56;3), 65:5sec(736;4)
primitives did not believe in 86:2.6(952;1)
redirecting cataclysms wreck temporal creations preliminary to rearing more enduring realities 100:2.8(1096;5)
to God-knowing believer, does not matter if all things earthly crash 100:2.7(1096;4)
are deeply interested in our real a. on earth 110:1.3(1204;1)
cannot materially alter our career struggles 111:7.2(1223;4)
permit Adjusters to fight with us and for us 111:7.2(1223;4)
all beings seek new a.; always time for 25:7.2(282;6), 38:7.5(422;5)
ambition, judgment, and wisdom are essentials of 156:5.7(1739;2)
artistic a. effected by personal efforts 44:8.3(508;1)
attained goals are simply milestones, but none are denied transient satisfaction from 39:4.7(434;7)
child of imaginative adventure 28:6.18(316;5)
Father works to improve our earthly a., but especially our heavenly estate 147:3.3(1649;3)
greatness lies not in possessing strength, but in making wise and divine use of one's strength 48:7.27(557;11)
humor helps 48:4.13-14(548;8)
increase success by not taking self too seriously 48:6.26(555;5)
life not real to those who cannot do one thing expertly 160:4.5(1779;3)
maintain poise in success 48:6.24(555;3)
material success
work persistently to better our lives 148:5.3(1661;5), 149:5.3(1674;5)
requires working in channel of wealth 160:4.4(1779;2)
righteousness yields satisfactions transcending material rewards 39:4.13(435;6)
some lives too great to descend to mere success 196:3.29(2096;8)
survival decision not determined by 25:1.6(274;3)
utilize energy of spiritual drive for 127:6.12(1405;4), 166:3.8(1829;5)
no responsibility for what is beyond our abilities 171:8.10(1876;7)
predicated upon perseverance 115:7.2(1266;3)
psychic circle attainment augments success potential 110:6.19(1211;4)
purposeful service produces highest satisfaction 28:6.17(316;4)
real test of Havona 26:5.5(291;5)
recognition indicative of a. granted to all 20:8.3(231;3)
self element exhausts, not effort toward 48:6.26(555;5)
sometimes ignorance is essential to 13:1.6(145;1), 39:5.9(438;2), 138:7.1(1543;4)
teamwork. See also groups: value of
accomplish more permanent things by working with brethren 181:2.22(1961;1)
depends on wisdom, charm that wins co-operation 160:1.9(1774;1)
partnership technique quadruples possibilities 43:8.11(494;10)
thrill of adding something personal and unique to experiential wisdom 54:2.3(614;8)
through renewing of the Spirit 34:6.5(380;6)
Van's a. resulted from clear thinking, unselfish purpose, discipline, dedication to Father 67:3.6(756;7)
when man and God enter into partnership, no limitation can be placed upon future possibilities 118:5.2(1299;2)
by authors of Urantia Papers 0:12.12-13(17;2), 121:0.1(1332;1), 121:8.12-14(1343;1)
children of Spirit are 10:3.3(111;1)
achievement grows out of divine capacity for 28:6.18(316;5)
achieves strength 48:7.11(556;1)
act ours; consequences God's 48:7.13(556;1), 95:4.3(1046;4), 117:5.5-6(1286;3)
acts of today are destiny of tomorrow 48:7.26(557;10)
belief rather than knowledge determines conduct 99:4.5(1090;1)
believer always acts, never coerces 94:6.6(1034;1)
best way is right way 12:7.2(137;3)
dead theory powerless to transform behavior 34:6.6(380;7)
defined as
consummation of decision 110:6.17(1211;2), 117:5.13(1287;4)
essential to consciousness of Supreme 110:6.17(1211;2)
focusing attributes of whole personality 112:2.3(1228;2)
do good deeds in secret 131:10.8(1454;5), 140:6.11(1577;5)
eternal realities are result of righteous striving 170:2.7(1860;2)
evils of inaction 130:6.3(1437;3)
exhaust capacity for human adjustment 91:9.3(1002;8)
Jesus' disciples always active, positive 194:3.11(2064;3)
man does not ascend effortlessly in universe 117:4.7(1284;3)
necessary for Josiah's healing 164:3.14(1813;1),. See also faith
no real religion apart from highly active personality 102:2.7-9(1120;4)
nonreligious activities bend universe to service of self 5:4.3(67;1)
prayer must never be substitute for 91:4.2(997;7)
proper conduct essential to progress 27:4.2(301;3)
repugnant to divine nature to permit inferior a. 12:7.3(137;4)
validate prayers by possessing cosmic stamina 91:9.2(1002;7)
weak indulge in resolutions; strong act 48:7.13(556;1)
weigh consequences of 192:2.8(2048;4)
Zoroaster's religion one of a. 95:6.3(1049;6)

(A's continue...)