Roman emperor; Selta attached to
176:2.8(1915;5) marine-life era from 400 to 350 million years ago
59:1sec(673;1) domesticated by 5000 B.C.
81:2.8(902;2) through eye of a needle
163:3.1(1803;3) Joseph father of Jesus worked at
123:3.8(1360;3) wedding of Naomi and Johab at
137:4sec(1528;4) contaminated Hebrew religious practices
96:7.1(1060;1) King David's policy of compromise with
97:9.13(1073;3) non-Hebrew nomadic Palestinians; joined David
97:9.7(1072;5) put not
c. under a bushel
140:3.13(1570;2) still burned in death chambers
87:1.4(958;6) use in religious services remnant of fire worship
85:4.4(947;3) ancient social, economic, religious, military custom
89:5.1(978;8) commerce in women, children fattened for slaughter
89:5.7(979;6) ended by human sacrifice
89:5.15(980;4) factors causing disappearance
89:5.8-16(979;7) once well-nigh universal
89:5.3(979;2) solemn ceremony of revenge
89:5.5-6(979;4) taste for human flesh grows
89:5.4(979;3) tribe ate every 5th child born
68:6.10(770;7) assured Eve people with good motives could do no evil
75:4.5(842;7) brilliant and active Nodite leader
75:3.7(841;7) influenced Eve by flattery, enthusiasm, personal persuasion
75:3.9(842;2) slain by Garden dwellers
75:5.3(843;5) Bethsaida was fishing harbor of
139:1.1(1548;5) Jairus was ruler of synagogue
152:0.1(1698;1) Jesus
last words in synagogue
Nazareth disfavor caused Jesus to move to C.
often conducted services in synagogue
Joseph father of Jesus worked at
123:3.8(1360;3) Mary and Ruth moved to
134:1.6(1484;3) strong Roman military post on route from Damascus
129:1.7(1420;4) woe upon light-rejecting inhabitants of
163:6.5(1807;4) Zebedee's boatbuilding shops south of
129:1.4(1420;1) basis of modern industrial society
69:5.15(777;3) economic freedom secured through
81:5.5(906;3) gross abuses attendant upon misuse of
69:9.3(780;6) investment of labor and property for future
69:5.1,4-5) led to military organization
69:5.2(775;10) misuses of
c. by thoughtless and selfish custodians
69:5.15(777;3) pastoral living allowed man to live on interest of flocks
68:5.7(768;7) urges which led to accumulation of
69:5.3-11(776;1) herders were the first
69:8.5(779;4) priests were chief among primitive
69:5.9(776;7) workers becoming shareholders on continental nation
72:5.1(813;2) Roman temple dedicated to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva
132:0.2(1455;2) Jesus born in caravan stable
122:7.7(1351;3) Joseph's caravan repair shop
Jesus presented full title to James
Jesus provided sand and blocks for youngsters in
Joseph built in 3 B.C.
taken over by Jesus' uncle
young Jesus spent time in
124:3.3(1370;1) many
c. passed through or near Nazareth
121:2.2(1333;4) regular
c. from India to Mesopotamia by 7000 B.C.
79:3.7(881;7) dark shale or slate indicates presence of organic
58:7.10(671;3) early
c. consumed by prolific plant life
57:7.8(659;7) in solar-energy reactions
41:8.1(464;3) afforded speedy growth for primitive land varieties
58:1.8(665;3) in early atmosphere
57:7.6(659;5) age of ferns and frogs, 220 to 180 million years ago
59:5sec(680;3) acquire long-distance view of
156:5.8(1739;3) Adjusters bring along ideal plans for our
c. 110:2.1(1204;5) Adjusters cannot stop or materially alter
111:7.2(1223;4) bestowal Paradise Sons have been in all types
20:6.3(229;2) eternal destiny wholly compatible with honorable
110:3.4(1206;2) life not real to one who cannot do one thing expertly
160:4.5(1779;3) parable of the foolish
156:5.2(1738;1) Joseph added
c.s. to Nazareth home
122:6.3(1350;2) announced arrival of Adam and Eve
74:2.3(829;5) Prince's staff first used
66:5.6(746;4) Andite settlement at
80:7.11(896;3) Carthaginians part of older race which included Jews
121:2.1(1333;3) Jesus' discourse on time and space at
130:7sec(1438;4) expanded in ancient times
80:2.5(891;1) region
Adamson's civilization situated near
Andonites, Andites entered Europe via
drought drove Andites from
headquarters of Onagar
Nerites erupted from
78:8.11(877;1) based on color in India, Egypt
70:8.11(793;3) failed to save Aryan race
94:2.1,5(1028;4) Gautama made determined fight against
94:7.2(1035;2) humans differ but are equal before God
133:0.3(1468;3) instituted by Aryans in India to save racial identity
79:4.5-9(882;5) purchase stability but diminish personal initiative; prevent social cooperation
70:8.13(793;5) remnants of olden prohibitions
89:1.6(975;3) apostles selected Matthias by
193:6.3,6(2058;2) Greeks practiced government by
195:2.1(2072;5) modern survival of shamanism
90:2.4(987;8) soldiers divided Jesus' clothes by
187:2.8(2007;7) Sumerians used as medicine
90:4.9(992;1) early modification of human sacrifice
89:8.3(983;1) priests of mother cult submitted to
(C's continue...)