best absorbed by Andites; unfit exterminated
80:9.11(898;6) early tamed the elephant
66:5.5(746;3) highly blended with yellow and red races
80:9.2(897;5) in central and South America
79:5.8(884;2) misfortune so largely lost
51:4.3(584;5) moved into Europe; drove Andonites from
78:1.5(869;1) nature
brain power of red race, sentiment of yellow race
most aggressive, adventurous Eurasians
perfectly honest, wholly free from sexual vices
tendency to fight among themselves
64:6.22(725;3) one ruler had 100,000 burden bearers
81:2.8(902;2) Orlandof
great teacher among
b.r. 200,000 years ago
on 24 counselors
45:4.6(513;7) partial to alphabet writing
66:5.10(746;8) persisted longest in southern France
80:5.5(893;7) perverted by Caligastia
64:6.22(725;3) profited most from Dalamatia teachings
68:0.3(763;3) scattered all over Europe
78:1.8(869;4) survived in Basques and Berbers
80:9.11(898;6) united with Adamites, who exterminated Neanderthal strains to produce Cro-Magnons
80:1.5-8(890;1) usually subdues indigo race
51:4.6(585;2) Andonites were sailors
80:8.5(897;3) apostles traversed Sea of Galilee in
157:1.5(1744;3) Cro-Magnons were expert boat builders
80:3.6(891;7) early maritime commerce on Mediterranean
80:1.1(889;3) Edenites had no suitable
76:0.1(847;1) Jesus
storm on Sea of Galilee
Joseph and Mary's return to Palestine in
123:0.4(1356;1) many
b. used by apostles built by Jesus
145:1.1(1628;4) Peter's night vision on Sea of Galilee
152:4sec(1703;1) sea commerce active in 2500 B.C.
80:9.9(898;4) sea traffic between Indian and Mesopotamia
79:3.2(881;2) bodies created for the Caligastia 100
66:2.7-8(742;7) cannot be carried by seraphic transport
39:2.13(431;2) cosmic mind and adjutant mind-spirits evolves
42:12.4(483;4) energized by circulatory distribution of assimilable energy products of nourishment
116:7.1(1276;2) gland chemistry effects imagination, spirit reception
49:5.12(566;7) healing secretions when injured
65:4.3-6(735;2) human cells akin to disease-producing organisms
76:4.7(851;5) living electrochemical mechanism of animal origin
0:5.7(8;7) mortals may be outwardly beautiful, inwardly unlovely
112:6.3(1236;1) product of supermortal creative design
118:9.3(1303;4) reflects personality to limited degree
112:6.3(1236;1) spirit is architect, mind is builder
42:12.5(483;5) unkind knowingly to defile or pollute
110:1.5(1204;3) and entire council lost in rebellion
67:4.1(757;4) led board of animal domestication and utilization
66:5.4(746;2) among earliest property accumulated
69:5.8(776;6) Latins preserved
b. of heroes; later saints
98:3.4(1080;6) of dead believed very magical
88:5.2(971;4) Primates made spicules of
63:1.2(711;5) primitives revered leaders'
88:2.1(968;6) Enoch.
See Enoch: Book of
Job, book of. q.v.
life. custodians of knowledge are living books
27:5.1(301;6) indicates immaturity of creative imagination
14:5.8(159;4) speared slave to accompany deceased master
87:2.8(960;2) personality circuit
5:2.2(64;5) soul-identity of Jesus may repose in
188:3.8(2015;4) red race invented
64:6.4(723;3) member of Hindu trinity; identified with fate
104:1.5(1144;2) Vedic deity-father principle
94:1.4(1027;5) Brahman-Narayana is Universal Self existing
static and potential throughout all eternity
94:3.3-4(1030;3) distant idea of all-encompassing Absolute
94:2.6-7(1029;4) energy-divinity principle activating Vedic pantheon
94:1.4(1027;5) creative energy, cosmic reaction; beyond all definition
94:3.2(1030;2) India left helpless by impersonal hypothesis of
94:2.4,7(1029;2) Infinite One, IT IS; no personality attributes
94:4.3(1031;4) Vedic oversoul of all creation
94:2.4(1029;2) later scriptures of Hindu faith
94:2.6(1029;4) ancient gods of Aryans include Agni, Indra, and Soma
94:4.6(1031;7) Aryans brought
B. to India
94:1.1(1027;2) failed to differentiate levels of reality, recognize soul
94:3.7-8(1030;7) impersonal Infinity of
98:2.9(1079;6) influence on Taoism
94:5.5(1032;7) lacked belief in Father and ascendant progression
94:3.1(1030;1) never entirely lost Trinity concept
92:5.6(1009;3) noble reach into philosophy and metaphysics
94:3.1(1030;1) philosophy very near concept of Adjusters
94:3.6(1030;6) priesthood
assumed control over expanding Vedic ritual
caste system perpetuated
exalted themselves above even their gods
rejected Salem teaching of salvation through faith
sank in inertia and pessimism
94:2.2(1028;5) weakened through rejection of higher truth
94:2.2(1028;5) Adjusters
not organic part of human brain
released if human brain irreparably destroyed
112:3.3(1230;1) brainedness.
See also mortals: planetary types
Adjusters gain better contact with 3-brained mortals
differences eliminated on mansion worlds
not factor in Adjuster fusion, spirit ministry
senses sharper in 3-brained mortals
Urantians are 2-brained
40:5.14(447;2) early mammals possessed large
b. in comparison to body size
61:6.1(700;2) evolution followed growth of brain, not bulk
60:2.14(688;6) lemurs had the largest
b. for their size
62:2.3(704;2) material mechanism for intelligent response to internal and external stimuli
65:6.10(738;3) mid-mammals had large
62:3.3(705;2) mind endowment wholly dependent on brain capacity
58:6.7(670;1) patterns for mind endowment
112:5.14(1234;3) Primates' increased use of hands helped develop
(B's continue...)