arithmetic regarding sheep shearing
133:5.5(1476;7) could not have predicted water molecule
12:9.3(141;4) indispensable to discussion of material universe
12:9.3(141;4) not infallible when applied to life problems
133:5.5-6(1476;7) science fights for deliverance from slavery of
12:9.5(141;6) science teaches language of
81:6.10(907;7) young Jesus spent much time on
123:6.3(1364;6) 100 elements exist
42:7.4(477;6) absolute of
m. converges in Father
12:8.13(140;9) appearance of matter
Architects of Master Universe designed
Creator Sons materialize visible
m. from pre-existent space energies
force-charge of space is ancestor of all
m. 15:4.1(169;1)
gravity converts energy into
m. 15:8.5(175;8)
Infinite Spirit can slow energy down to become
m. 9:3.4(101;4)
lines of gravity involved in energies of
m. derived from and dependent on Paradise
Master Force Organizers transmute absoluta into segregata; Universe Power Directors and gravity transmute segregata into
m. 15:4.1-4(169;1)
m. originates in nebulae
power directors transmute energy into
m.; organize architectural spheres
pre-electronic forms
sevenfold organization of prematter
space is womb for some forms of
15:5.1(170;4) defined as
energy concentrated into discrete masses
organized energy subject to linear gravity modified by motion and mind
philosophic shadow cast by mind in presence of spirit
physical presence of the Infinite
same thing as light, heat, electricity, magnetism, chemism, and energy
time-space repercussions of Paradise Pattern and Universal Mind
what responds to material-gravity circuit of Paradise
56:1.2(637;4) electronic energy is basis of
m. 42:5.6(475;2) enormous amount of energy stored in
m. 15:6.4(172;6) factors resulting in physical properties
42:3.1(471;8) force-charge of space makes particles appear to be waves
42:5.14-16(475;10) fully condensed in burned-out suns
15:5.11(171;6) in space,
m. proceeds in direct lines
42:5.14(475;10) mass in
m. retards velocity in energy
15:8.3(175;6) modifications of matter
Absolutes seem to supersede
m. 4:1.8(55;6)
by Master Physical Controllers and Morontia Power Supervisors
conditions which disintegrate
m. 15:8.5(175;8)
formula equating
m. to energy
gravitation effect on
m. is inverse of square of distance
m. is organized by gravity and cold; disrupted by antigravity and heat
power directors maintain equilibrium between energy and
m. by making and unmaking lesser material units
primary associators convert space energy to primitive
m. 29:4.25(328;1)
responds to linear gravity, motion, and mind
of all suns and planets is identical
42:3.1(471;8) of sacred spheres of Paradise is of unrevealed order
13:0.2(143;2) relative integrity of
m. assured because energy absorbed or released in quanta
42:4.13-14(474;3) spirit dominant over
m. in personality
25:1.4(274;1) subject to cosmic overcontrol of Unqualified Absolute
21:2.12(237;2) suns convert
m. into energy
42:4.9(473;7) types of
m. are ultimatonic, subelectronic, electronic, subatomic, shattered atoms, ionized, atomic, molecular, radioactive, collapsed
42:3sec(471;8) units are stable yet efficiently flexible
42:9.5(480;3) vast amount of m. circulates in space
15:5.9(171;4) work which resting m. can perform
42:4.11(474;1) distinct realms of cosmic reality
65:7.8(739;4) among 120 at Pentecost
194:1.2(2060;2) chased out of Samaritan town with stones
162:0.1(1788;1) David Zebedee dropped bag in lap of
190:1.3(2030;2) descendants persecuted by Christians
175:2.2(1909;2) distracted on resurrection Sunday
fish with shekel in mouth
included Selta apocrypha
retains something of human Jesus
written for Jewish Christians
121:8.4-7(1341;5) high nervous tension at entry into Jerusalem
172:5.8(1885;3) killed by Jews at Lysimachia
139:7.10(1560;6) made extensive notes on sayings of Jesus; last copy burned in A.D. 416
139:7.5(1560;1) never openly solicited funds from multitude
139:7.8(1560;4) noncommittal on plan to make Jesus king
152:2.5(1700;6) personal characteristics
married with 4 children; 31 in A.D. 26; moderately wealthy
tendency to suspicion and over-individualism
wholeheartedly devoted but shortsighted, materialistic
139:7.3(1559;7) preached in Syria, Cappadocia, Galatia, Bithynia, and Thrace
139:7.10(1560;6) profitably liquidated his property
163:2.11(1803;2) Ruth was eldest daughter of
150:1.1(1678;5) turned customs office over to his brother
138:3.1(1540;4) wife in women's corps
163:7.3(1808;5) brings past and future together to illuminate true meaning of present
118:1.3-8(1295;3) enables more intense living in present while escaping its limitations
118:1.7(1295;7) multiplies fruits of life efforts
160:3.3(1778;1) surrender of transient desires and personal pleasures for superior longings
160:1.4,13(1773;1) unit of time consciousness in any given intellect
118:1.3(1295;3) primary
m. are supremely constitutive perfect reality of Havona type
105:5.6-7(1158;6) secondary
m. are supremely perfected evolutionary reality of superuniverse type
105:5.6-7(1158;6) tertiary
m. are things, meanings, and values that are neither perfect nor perfected
105:5.8(1158;8) ancients suspended sex regulations on
82:2.4(915;2) suggestive appeal to sex passions of plant world
88:6.4(972;4) perpetuates ancient custom of tree worship
85:2.5(946;1) willow branches cut at
162:4.4(1794;3) appreciative consciousness of values
100:3.4(1097;1) can be augmented even in relations of infinite Deity
115:2.2(1261;2) derived from recognition and understanding
111:4.2(1220;1) new
m. only emerge amid conflict
100:4.1(1097;5) religion discovers new
m. in facts already well known
101:1.4(1105;1) require unraveling and correlation in mind
102:2.5(1120;2) constellations use same
m. as local universes
43:0.3(485;3) mile on Jerusem equals 7 Urantia miles
46:1.2(519;3) paradoxes of simultaneous measurement
(M's continue...)