m. is to do will of God
143:6.1(1615;2) Kaaba stone fetish at
95:7.5(1051;3) 10 now stationed on Urantia
29:4.12(326;1) 10 stationed on the capital of each constellation
41:1.4(456;3) directionize energy into specialized circuits; equalize pressures of interplanetary circuits
29:4.13(326;2) facilitate departures of seraphic transports
39:5.14(438;7) in Uversa personality register
30:2.17(337;1) manipulate 21 of 30 physical energies; partially control another six
29:4.13(326;2) mobile assistants of associate power directors
29:4.11(325;7) most powerful controllers assigned to inhabited worlds
29:4.12(326;1) possess antigravity in excess of all other beings
29:4.12(326;1) type of Master Physical Controller
29:4.4(324;6) 50,000 facts of physics and chemistry incompatible with accidental creation
58:2.2-5(665;5) does not account for differing mind interpretations
195:6.11(2077;7) pays unintended homage to God
3:6.4-5(53;2) ridiculous notion that men are automatons
195:7.17(2080;2) self-conscious mechanist is best answer to
195:7.13(2079;8) understanding water molecule should have prevented
12:9.3-5(141;4) vulnerable; takes no account of consciousness
195:6-7secs) amazing phenomenon of apparently self-maintaining universe
42:11.6(482;4) conceal creative mind behind; fixity nonexistent
42:12.1(483;1) crystallizations of Creator thought
118:9.5-6(1303;6) divine
m. too perfect for man to discern
42:11.2-3(481;6) mind reaches out to create
42:12.1(483;1) motion and gravity are twin facets of universe
42:11.4(482;2) phase of eternal Deity expression
118:9.6(1303;7) there, but not unqualified
195:6.14(2077;10) universe is not simply a mechanism
75:8.7(846;6) among primitives
belief disease spirits driven out by foul-smelling and bad-tasting
m. 90:4.8(991;7)
belief in plant remedies
cocoa, quinine, oil, wine, opium, castor oil among earliest
Good Samaritan used oil and wine as
164:1.3(1810;1) government refrains from interfering with
m. in continental nation
72:7.2(815;2) merry heart does good like
m. 149:5.2(1674;4) refrain from despising material means of healing
164:3.15(1813;2) pouch containing ghost-impregnated articles
88:3.3(970;4) dangers of overconservative
m. 149:4.3(1673;3) dominance of
m. spells downfall of any nation
72:9.8(818;3) flight of genius neutralized by gravity of
111:7.5(1223;7) glorification of
71:2.1(801;5) religious living transforms the mediocre into persons of idealistic power
100:0.1(1094;1) seeks perpetuation in standardization
48:7.29(557;13) stalemate of dominance of
70:12.6(798;5) after prayer, remain in silent receptivity
146:2.17(1641;1) always successful even if superconscious
133:4.10(1475;3) brings deliverance from illusions of evil
131:4.7(1449;2) contact with Adjuster favored by devoted
91:7.1-2(1000;2) favors spiritual growth
100:1.8(1095;3) healthful attitude is reflective worship, prayer of thanksgiving
100:5.10(1100;1) makes contact of mind with spirit
160:3.1(1777;2) man can never wisely decide temporal issues or transcend selfishness without
99:7.4(1093;2) modern man thinks he is too busy for
195:6.7(2077;3) practice difficult, time-consuming at first
160:3.2(1777;3) prolonged isolation of personality most undesirable
100:5.8(1099;6) area of highly blended races
78:1.11(869;7) civilization disrupted by flood in 15,000 B.C.
78:3.7(871;3) land trade nearly suspended during nomadic invasions ca. 2500 B.C.; sea commerce in full swing
80:9.9(898;4) Onagar's headquarters
63:6.7(716;6) protected by Gibraltar isthmus and Sicilian land bridge in early days of violet race; floods upon their collapse
80:2.4-5(890;8) Black Sea once was an extension of
64:4.10(721;8) collapse of Gibraltar isthmus
80:2.4-5(890;8) Eden lies submerged under eastern end
78:7.7(875;4) few good seaports in eastern
121:2.2(1333;4) greatly expanded in 15,000 B.C.
81:1.2(900;4) marine life evolved in
59:6.9(683;6) Sangik races were
81:4.2(904;6) God is near the brokenhearted
131:2.10(1445;4) man co-operating with God
140:5.11(1574;4) not self-deceptive display of self-righteous superiority
149:6.11(1676;5) Rodan taught philosophy in school of
161:2.12(1787;2) international battlefield of Palestine
127:6.4(1404;3) and entire council loyal in rebellion
67:4.1(757;4) led planetary council on art and science
66:5.23(748;4) prereligious prayer; mana practices
91:0.5(994;5) original Andonic skin pigment, like that of Eskimos
63:4.1(713;7) appearance and departure unannounced
93:10.2(1024;4) appeared at Salem to contact children of Terah
93:5.3(1018;8) did not attempt to reform mores
93:4.15(1018;4) enormously curtailed Caligastia's power to disturb
66:8.5(753;1) failed to eradicate followers' proclivity to sacrifice
93:4.14(1018;3) forbade missionaries to accept fees or create exclusive congregations
98:1.1(1077;5) Hebrew scribes destroyed almost every record of
93:9.9(1023;6) incarnated 1973 years before birth of Jesus
93:2.1(1015;1) indwelt by Adjuster that later served Jesus
136:2.2(1511;1) laid foundations for spiritual rehabilitation of Urantia
76:5.6(852;5) maintained peaceful relations with surrounding tribes
93:5.11(1019;8) organized schools at Salem on Sethite model
93:3.1(1016;3) personal details
6-foot tall Nodite in appearance; dressed like a priest
in full contact with his 11 Melchizedek fellows
lived 94 years as material being; sustained by material food
never married, could not have left offspring
spoke Chaldean and 6 other languages
wore 3 concentric circles
93:2.5(1015;5) prepared way for bestowal of Michael
96:0.2(1052;2) since his incarnation
future Planetary Sovereign of Urantia?
has collaborated with many prophets and seers
headquarters on Jerusem
invisibly present on Urantia for 100 years
will follow Urantia mortals to Corps of Finality
cardinal precepts were trust and faith
covenant with Abraham whereby God does everything and man believes
monotheistic teachings largely derived from
regarding the Trinity
revealed Most High to Abraham
subordinated everything to doctrine of one God
taught advent of another Son of God
were the 3rd epochal revelation
(M's continue...)