improvident expect to be fed by
69:9.5(780;8) receive extra votes in continental nation
72:9.5(817;9) false
t. will arise and lead many astray
176:1.4(1913;3) instruction for kingdom's
t. 159:3sec(1765;3) maintain integrity by remaining learners
130:3.7(1433;2) must be free beings, real leaders
71:7.4(806;4) Perfectors of Wisdom are source of wisdom for
19:2.3(216;1) counsel seraphim regarding energy intake
44:5.10(506;1) energy manipulators, celestial artisans
44:5.8(505;5) assisted by assistant teacher seraphim
39:2.7(430;3) many were morontia counselor transition seraphim
48:6.17(554;2) Michael's 4th bestowal was as
39:1.15(429;1) supreme seraphim; secretaries to all teachers, even mortals
39:1.13-14(428;7) brothel keeper anointed Jesus' feet with
147:5.3(1651;7) God shall wipe away
27:1.5(299;5) available to all who desire to know truth of law how Supremacy will react
25:4.12(280;7) counsel Life Carriers, Universal Censors, Melchizedeks
25:4.11(280;6) do not deal directly with mortals
25:4.11(280;6) have never gone astray
25:4.13(281;1) in Uversa personality register
30:2.12(336;4) headquarters on mansion worlds, Jerusem circles
47:0.4(530;4) number 61 trillion in Orvonton; 500 million in Nebadon
37:8.7(414;2) once voluntarily enrolled, may not transfer out
25:4.6(280;1) original group chosen because of orderly minds
25:4.1(279;2) prevent endless trouble and delay; counsel achievement
25:4.8,10(280;3) recruited from supernaphim, seconaphim, tertiaphim, omniaphim, seraphim, mortal ascenders, and midwayers
27:0.1(298;1) residence in Jerusem circles
seraphim may attain Paradise through service as
39:8.3(440;5) 5th order transition minister seraphim
39:6.1(439;4) liaisons between survivors and Morontia Power Supervisors and Master Physical Controllers
48:6.18(554;3) space traversers; help morontia progressors adjust
48:6.18(554;3) early mammals developed 2 sets
61:1.5(694;2) human
t. are gravitating toward 28
65:6.5(737;5) magical charms concocted from
88:5.2(971;4) Adam could send thought oscillations 50 miles
74:6.6(834;8) will reveal 375 million new galaxies
12:2.2-3(130;4) inherent t. influences religious philosophy, religious experience
101:7.1(1113;3) man's technique varies, but his disposition remains unchanged
69:5.13(777;1) proportionate adjustment of life problems
149:4.3(1673;3) at center of earth
58:5.1(668;3) gravity prevents absolute zero
42:4.6(473;4) second only to gravity in energy and matter evolution
42:2.7(469;7) resurrection halls radiate from, on 1st mansion world
47:3.5(533;3) all worlds of mortal ascent have
44:3.5(502;4) celestial temples
in circle of Sons on Jerusem
in foreground of Father Melchizedek's home
of finaliters on transitional world #1
of light on transitional culture world #7
of Morontia Companions on 1st mansion world
of New Life on mansion world #1
of System Sovereign on Jerusem
of the Father on 7th transitional world
shrine of Most Highs on Edentia
undedicated temple on Jerusem
46:5.25(527;1) first fetish places because dead buried in
88:2.3(969;1) of living spiritual fellowship
157:4.5,7(1747;3) open-air arenas of worship in light and life
55:5.5(630;2) take men into temple before showing them its beauties
141:6.4(1592;6) temple of God
Jesus would raise up in 3 days
173:5.4(1895;2) temple of philosophy on continental nation
72:3.5(811;5) temples on Urantia
grove of Daphne, shrine of shame
of Jupiter, Juno, Minerva, and Apollo in Rome
of Melkarth at Tyre
of Neptune in Alexandria
value of beauty leading up to worship
167:6.5-6(1840;4) virgins dedicated themselves to tending fires in
89:8.1(982;5) cannot surmount
t. through mere human will
156:5.5(1738;4) Jesus' great temptations
offer to found school in Damascus
t. by redirecting energies into higher channels
156:5.4(1738;3) Jesus wrote out on 2 boards; later destroyed
137:2.9(1527;3) Moses promulgated
T.C. in name of Yahweh; were taboos
96:4.4(975;1) evidence that man is indwelt by God
26:11.5(297;2) great error to teach boys it is unmanly to show
140:5.16(1575;1) indiscriminate kindness causes many social evils
140:8.13(1580;8) mature human looks upon all others with
160:1.6(1773;3) predicted eclipse of sun in 1808
90:2.9(988;5) before residential status on Paradise
26:7.4(293;2) 1000
t. accompany each Creator Son to his local universe; retire with appearance of native angels
28:1.2-3(306;5) accompanied Michael on Lanonandek bestowal
119:2.4(1311;3) liaisons between Creator Sons and Ancients of Days
26:1.6(286;1) may become Technical Advisers
25:4.2(279;3) retire from local universe when native angels appear
28:1.3(306;6) serve as Most High Assistants
37:4.2(409;7) cannot annul material currents
24:1.8(266;2) employ many beings, including high spirit personalities of circuit control
24:1.8(266;2) order of Universe Circuit Supervisors; 1 functions on each local universe capital; of continuous creation
24:1.2,6-7) Satania quarantined by action of
53:7.3(607;4) unbiased
t. secured by reflective seconaphim
(T's continue...)