looked upon with disfavor by ancients
88:5.4(971;6) Master's love makes world new
180:1.5(1945;2) should not be embraced merely because they are new
147:7.3(1656;1) tribe received revelations from Gabriel allowing loose sex
92:2.5(1005;1) origin of pranks played upon
83:4.7(925;3) Great Lakes emptied through
N.F. 37,000 years ago
61:7.10(701;9) Athanasius' defense at council of
195:0.18(2070;14) after the crucifixion
embalmed Jesus' body with myrrh and aloes
helped bear body of Jesus to tomb
Jesus' 16th appearance in courtyard of
most outspoken disciple of Jesus in Jerusalem
thought Jews had removed Jesus' body
190:1.2(2030;1) came to see Jesus in Gethsemane; turned back
142:8.4(1606;1) educated and intellectual; wealthy elderly member of Sanhedrin
142:6.1(1601;6) feared to be seen openly with Jesus
142:6.1(1601;6) founded by Augustus to commemorate Actium
133:2.5(1471;4) secret societies functioned as
70:7.11(791;8) Isis and Osiris cult built around legend of
98:4.5(1082;1) Abraham and Lot journeyed to
93:5.7(1019;4) Andites enjoyed sheltered position of
80:6sec(894;2) Apostle Simon worked his way up
139:11.11(1565;8) culture disrupted by internal warfare
80:6.5(894;6) Semites enslaved in
96:2.2(1054;7) struggles of green and orange races in
64:6.13(724;3) western end of cradle of civilization
81:1.1(900;3) Amida Buddha teaching of ultimate existence
94:12.3(1041;1) cf: religion not a technique for attaining static and blissful peace of mind
100:3.1(1096;6) enlightenment and bliss, release from material world
94:8.12(1036;3) no free
n. in early atmosphere
57:7.6(659;5) son of architect and builder of Garden of Eden
74:2.5(829;7) advocated houses be made like boats
78:7.5(875;2) cf: Mithraic flood legend
98:5.3(1082;4) Cain departed for
N.; east of second Eden
76:2.9(849;3) and entire council lost in rebellion
67:4.1(757;4) chairman of council on industry and trade
73:1.3(821;6) leader of Prince's staff rebels
67:4.2(757;5) 60 rebel members of Prince's staff and 44 Andonic counterparts constituted 104 ancestors of
77:2.4,8(857;1) Adam impregnated 1,682
N. in second garden to found the Andite race
76:4.8(851;6) built tower of Babel as memorial to
N. racial greatness
77:3.1-2(858;2) centers of civilization
77:4sec(859;4) considerable inheritance in white race
80:0.2(889;2) descendants of rebels on Prince's staff
73:1sec(821;4) descendants settled Crete ca. 12,000 B.C.
80:7.2(895;2) dispersion and decline
77:4.1(859;4) Elamite
N. were culture and commerce advocates; Syrian N. were nationalistic memorialists
77:4.3-4(859;6) far superior to Andonites and Sangiks
77:2.4(857;1) Garden dwellers destroyed nearby
N. settlement upon learning of Eve's default;
N. retaliated; bitter warfare
75:5.3,9(843;5) later some joined Van
73:1.6(822;3) occupied Garden of Eden after default
73:7.1(826;6) practices
encouraged cremation to combat cannibalism
established extensive culture in eastern Mediterranean, north Africa
favored in-marriage
traditional enmity with Amadonites
73:1.4(822;1) pre-Sumerian
N. blended with Adamites to become Sumerians
77:4.6(860;1) priests in 1st and 2nd gardens were
76:2.2-3(848;2) referred to as Nephilim in Old Testament
77:2.3(856;6) regarded man as soul and body
86:5.13(955;5) split into 3 groups after Dalamatia destroyed
73:1.5(822;2) still an able people in times of Adam
77:4.1(859;4) took tree of life after default; did them no good
75:3.5(841;5) false god of light and fire
67:5.5(759;3) ghosts supposed to be frightened by
87:6.4(964;3) progressive decline of
68:5.12(769;4) civilization visits heavy penalties on dissenters and
81:5.3(906;1) accusation that enfeebled specimens would soon perish
143:1.2(1607;4) Jesus
cf: approved use of force to protect majority
cf: resisted what was inimical to his children
cf: restrained madman's attack in Crete
cf: would defend himself fully against aggressor without moral judgment
did not make teaching of
n. a family rule
goodness of Jesus destroys evil
oft-repeated teaching
opposed negative or passive nonresistance
teaching on
n. is comprehended only by living
180:5.11(1950;6) nonviolence is only proper political and economic attitude of religion
143:1.7(1608;4) of selfish reaction to universe
180:5.9(1950;4) resist not injury to feelings of personal dignity
141:3.8(1590;3) violet race retained Edenic traditions of peacefulness for many millenniums
are moving counter to stream of universe events
117:4.11(1284;7) become as if they had never been
47:2.7(532;5) failure to survive is never due to neglect by Adjuster
40:4.1(444;4) final divergence of personality from trend of universe
130:4.8(1434;7) guardian angels respond to dispensational roll call, but Adjusters make no answer
113:6.8(1247;6) pass into realm of the unrealized
117:4.13(1285;2) possibility of cosmic self-destruction unavoidable if personality is to be free
118:7.7(1301;4) wholehearted identification with evil is nonexistence
54:3.2(615;4) withdrawing from God, man approaches nonreality cessation of existence
(N's continue...)