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label — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.AxisData |
The label value of the item. |
label — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.legend.LegendItemData |
The text to display on the LegendItem. |
labelDistance — Style in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultAxisRenderer |
The distance, in pixels, between a label and the axis. |
labelFunction — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.BaseAxis |
labelFunction — Property in interface com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.IAxis |
A function may be set to determine the text value of the labels. |
labelFunction — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.series.PieSeries |
A function may be set to determine the text value of the labels. |
labelRotation — Style in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultAxisRenderer |
The angle, in degrees, of the labels on the axis. |
labelSpacing — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.BaseAxis |
The space, in pixels, between labels on an axis. |
labelSpacing — Property in interface com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.IAxis |
The space, in pixels, between labels on an axis. |
layoutChange — Event in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.LayoutContainer |
Dispatched when this container's layout changes. |
LAYOUT_CHANGE — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.events.LayoutEvent |
The LayoutEvent.LAYOUT_CHANGE event type constant indicates that
the layout of an ILayoutContainer needs to be redrawn. |
LayoutContainer — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.layout |
Children of this display object are subject to being positioned, and
possibly resized, based on a specified layout algorithm. |
LayoutContainer(mode:com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes:ILayoutMode) — Constructor in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.LayoutContainer |
Constructor. |
LayoutEvent — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.layout.events |
Events associated with ILayoutContainer objects. |
LayoutEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.events.LayoutEvent |
Constructor. |
LayoutManager — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.layout |
Generic layout manager for DisplayObjects. |
layoutMode — Property in interface com.yahoo.astra.layout.ILayoutContainer |
The layout algorithm used to display children of the layout container. |
layoutMode — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.LayoutContainer |
The layout algorithm used to display children of the layout container. |
LayoutModeUtil — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes |
Utility functions shared by implementations of ILayoutMode. |
layoutObjects(displayObjects, bounds) — Method in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes.BaseLayoutMode |
The DisplayObjects in the input parameter will be positioned and sized
based on a specified rectangle. |
layoutObjects(displayObjects, bounds) — Method in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes.BorderLayout |
The DisplayObjects in the input parameter will be positioned and sized
based on a specified rectangle. |
layoutObjects(displayObjects, bounds) — Method in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes.BoxLayout |
The DisplayObjects in the input parameter will be positioned and sized
based on a specified rectangle. |
layoutObjects(displayObjects, bounds) — Method in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes.FlowLayout |
The DisplayObjects in the input parameter will be positioned and sized
based on a specified rectangle. |
layoutObjects(displayObjects, bounds) — Method in interface com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes.ILayoutMode |
The DisplayObjects in the input parameter will be positioned and sized
based on a specified rectangle. |
layoutObjects(displayObjects, bounds) — Method in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes.TileLayout |
The DisplayObjects in the input parameter will be positioned and sized
based on a specified rectangle. |
LEFT — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes.BorderConstraints |
The target will be constrained to the left edge. |
LEFT — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.astra.layout.modes.HorizontalAlignment |
Items will be aligned to the left of the available bounds. |
LEFT_BRACE — Constant static property in class com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONTokenType |
| |
LEFT_BRACKET — Constant static property in class com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONTokenType |
| |
legend — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.Chart |
The component that will display a human-readable legend for the chart. |
Legend — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.legend |
Provides a visual reference for the series in a Chart component. |
Legend() — Constructor in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.legend.Legend |
Constructor. |
LegendEvent — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.events |
Events related to a chart's legend. |
LegendEvent(type, index, bubbles, cancelable) — Constructor in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.events.LegendEvent |
Constructor. |
LegendItem — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.legend |
An item displayed in a chart's Legend. |
LegendItem() — Constructor in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.legend.LegendItem |
Constructor. |
LegendItemData — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.legend |
LegendItemData(label, markerSkin, fillColor, fillAlpha, borderColor, borderAlpha) — Constructor in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.legend.LegendItemData |
Constructor. |
LEGEND_MARKER_CLICK — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.events.LegendEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of an legendMarkerClick
event object. |
LEGEND_MARKER_DOUBLE_CLICK — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.events.LegendEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of an legendMarkerDoubleClick
event object. |
LEGEND_MARKER_ROLL_OUT — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.events.LegendEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of an legendMarkerRollOut
event object. |
LEGEND_MARKER_ROLL_OVER — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.events.LegendEvent |
Defines the value of the type property of an legendMarkerRollOver
event object. |
length — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.DefaultAxisRenderer |
The total length of the axis renderer, in pixels. |
length — Property in interface com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.IAxisRenderer |
The total length of the axis renderer, in pixels. |
length — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.RadialAxisRenderer |
The total length of the axis renderer, in pixels. |
length — Property in interface com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.series.ISeries |
The number of items in the series. |
length — Property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.series.Series |
LINE — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.yui.charts.ChartSerializer |
| |
LINEAR — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.ScaleType |
The ScaleType.LINEAR constant specifies that chart axis objects
should be displayed on a linear scale. |
LineChart — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts |
A chart that displays its data points with connected line segments. |
LineChart() — Constructor in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.LineChart |
Constructor. |
LineSeries — Class in package com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.series |
Renders data points as a series of connected line segments. |
LineSeries(data) — Constructor in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.series.LineSeries |
Constructor. |
lineWeight — Style in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.series.LineSeries |
The weight, in pixels, of the line drawn between points in this series. |
localToLocal(point, firstDisplayObject, secondDisplayObject) — Static method in class com.yahoo.astra.utils.DisplayObjectUtil |
Converts a point from the local coordinate system of one DisplayObject to
the local coordinate system of another DisplayObject. |
location — Property in class com.adobe.serialization.json.JSONParseError |
Provides read-only access to the location variable. |
log(message, category) — Method in class com.yahoo.yui.YUIAdapter |
Sends a log message to the YUI Logger. |
log(message, category) — Static method in class com.yahoo.yui.YUILogger |
| |
LOGARITHMIC — Constant static property in class com.yahoo.astra.fl.charts.axes.ScaleType |
The ScaleType.LOGARITHMIC constant specifies that chart axis objects
should be displayed on a logarithmic scale. |
LoggerCategory — Class in package com.yahoo.yui |
| |
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