Topical Index for The Urantia Book
The Urantia Book Fellowship


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Adam's first son 74:6.2(834;4), 76:3.3(849;6), 80:7.5(895;5)
and Ratta
67 children; every 4th often invisible 77:5.6(861;6), 77:6.3(862;7)
grandparents of 2000 secondary midwayers 77:5.6(861;6), 77:6sec(862;5)
married when A. was 120 77:5sec(861;1)
Sato was a direct descendant of 80:7.3(895;3)
company of 27 followed A. northward from garden 77:5.5(861;5)
first wife, 32 children left for Edentia after the default 77:5.3(861;3)
founded civilization about 35,000 B.C. 77:4.13(860;8)
grew wheat and barley 81:1.7(901;2)
lived 396 years 77:5.7(862;1)
survival of traditions about A. in Greece 98:1.1(1077;5)
discovered bronze 81:3.5(904;1)
headquarters near Caspian Sea 78:1.3(868;5)
led by Sato, settled Greece in 10,000 B.C. 80:7.3-4(895;3)
maintained high culture for 7000 years 77:5.9(862;3)
with Adamites formed violet race 78:1.3(868;5)
strange preacher; converted by Amos of Kheresa 159:2sec(1764;3)
highest function of government 22:4.3(247;2)
Adjuster fusion. See fusion: Adjuster fusion
adjutant mind-spirits 34:4.7(378;4), 36:5sec(401;5), 42:10.4(481;1), 65:7sec(738;4)
#1 intuition 34:4.7(378;4)
adjutant of quick perception, reflexes; self-preservation 34:4.7(378;4), 36:5.6(402;3), 65:7.6(739;2)
assists directional control beings 34:4.9(378;6)
extensively contacts nonteachable mind 36:5.6(402;3)
ministers to subhuman mind 42:10.4(481;1)
source of instinctive behavior 62:6.3-6(709;4)
#2 understanding 34:4.7(378;4)
adjutant of quick reasoning, judgment 36:5.7(402;4), 65:7.6(739;2)
gift of spontaneous association of ideas 36:5.7(402;4), 62:6.3-6(709;4)
ministers to subhuman mind 42:10.4(481;1)
#3 courage 34:4.7(378;4)
ministers to subhuman mind 42:10.4(481;1)
mobilizes upon exhaustion of animal life to give origin to prehumans 65:3.5(734;2)
protective self-consciousness 62:6.3-6(709;4)
source of moral stamina and spiritual bravery 36:5.8(402;5)
#4 knowledge 34:4.7(378;4), 62:6.3-6(709;4)
adjutant of curiosity, adventure, and discovery 36:5.9(402;6)
ministers to subhuman mind 42:10.4(481;1)
#5 counsel 34:4.7(378;4)
adjutant of social co-operation and harmony 36:5.10(402;7)
ministers to subhuman mind 42:10.4(481;1)
source of herd instinct 62:6.3-6(709;4)
#6 worship 34:4.7(378;4), 62:6.3-6(709;4), 65:7.7(739;3), 85:7sec(948;6)
badge of spirit ascension candidacy 36:5.11(402;8)
central lodgments indicate only quality of response 36:5.3(401;7)
ministers to midwayer mind 42:10.4(481;1)
signifies inclusion in circuits of Mother Spirit 34:5.3(379;3)
sponsors religious reactions 36:5.11(402;8), 92:0.2(1003;2), 103:0.1(1129;1)
#7 wisdom 34:4.7(378;4), 65:7.7(739;3), 85:7sec(948;6)
adjutant of progressive advancement 36:5.12(402;9)
Andon's decision to flee was first use 62:6.5-6(709;6), 62:7.3(710;2)
caused adoration in concepts of Deity 92:0.3(1003;3)
censors man's religious reactions 103:0.1(1129;1)
central lodgments indicate only quality of response 36:5.3(401;7)
coordinates all other adjutants 36:5.12(402;9)
ministers to midwayer mind 42:10.4(481;1)
registers child's first moral choice automatically 108:2.1(1186;8)
signifies inclusion in circuits of Mother Spirit 34:5.3(379;3)
Andonites' feeling of intimate kinship due to 63:3.3(713;3)
central emplacement of adjutant mind-spirits
directed from local universe and system capitals 65:7.1(738;4)
indicate extent and quality of function 36:5.3(401;7)
on Life Carrier world #1 36:2.3(397;3), 36:5.3(401;7), 65:7.1(738;4)
death everlastingly divorces man from; do not function on mansion worlds 112:6.6,10(1236;4), 117:5.7(1286;5)
defined as
circuitlike, not entities 36:5.4(402;1), 65:7.3(738;6)
level of consciousness of Mother Spirit 36:5.3-4(401;7), 117:5.10(1287;1), 194:2.12,18(2062;1)
mind bestowal of Mother Spirit 15:9.14(177;13), 17:7.1(205;1), 34:4.7(378;4), 36:5.1(401;5), 42:10.4(481;1)
mind ministry of Infinite Spirit to lower orders 36:5.1(401;5)
do not transmit one person's experience to another 117:5.7(1286;5)
far better synchronized on average worlds 65:7.3-4(738;6)
five-adjutant mind equivalates to 6th reality 46:7.5(528;3)
#1 to #5 in animal orders 36:5.13(403;1), 42:10.4(481;1), 65:6.7(737;7)
#1 to #5 in spornagia 46:7.5(528;3)
#1 to #7 function as moral intellect in humans 42:10.4(481;1)
#6 and #7 only function with secondary midwayers; none with primary midwayers 38:9.6(424;6), 42:10.4(481;1)
activate energy-matter 118:7.7(1301;4)
assist Life Carriers 62:7.6(710;5)
co-ordinate; qualify man for receiving Adjuster 108:2.2-3(1187;1)
collaborate with Master Physical Controllers 36:5.14-15(403;2)
evolve human body with cosmic mind 42:12.4(483;4)
in light and life 55:6.4(630;7)
independently seek receptivity capacity 36:5.2(401;6)
influence diminishes after 3rd psychic circle 110:6.20-21(1211;5)
initial full function on Urantia 62:6.2-5(709;3)
lead towards higher ideas and ideals 34:5.2(379;2)
mother love is instinctive endowment of 84:1.6-7(932;3)
Mother Spirits endow life through 34:5.2(379;2)
regulate teachable mind; no contact with purely mechanical orders 65:0.3(730;3), 65:7.5(739;1)
under direction of spirit of wisdom 112:6.9(1237;1)
wholly dependent on brain capacity 58:6.7(670;1)
grow but never become personal 36:5.13(403;1)
human intellect resides in rhythmic pulsations of 117:5.7(1286;5)
in personality registers 30:1.11(332;2), 30:2.4(335;2)
Infinite Spirit ministers to mind through 9:5.3(103;1)
make evolution purposeful 36:5.1(401;5), 65:6.7,10(737;7)
Master Spirit's influence 16:4.10(190;4)
mortal mind is endowment of 36:2.11(398;5)
Mother Spirits regard as personalities 34:4.7(378;4), 36:5.4(402;1)
not concerned in physical evolution 65:7.2(738;5)
each Circuit Spirit has 12 26:5.5(291;5)
in Paradise classification 30:1.11(332;2)
test pilgrim's compliance with requirements to advance 26:5.5(291;5)
difficult to discover mechanisms of a. among higher spirit orders 108:3.8(1189;4)
administrator seraphim; serve System Sovereigns and Planetary Princes; 1000 serve on Urantia 39:4.2-3(434;2)
heavenly reproducers, celestial artisans 44:2.9(501;8)
acting ruler of Urantia assisted by 1000 39:4.3(434;3)
indigenous to system capitals; mainly occupied with 39:4.1(434;1)
many lost in Lucifer rebellion; Manotia loyal 53:6.2,4(606;5), 53:7.6(608;2), 67:3.2(756;3)
residence in Jerusem circles 46:5.15(525;5)
types 39:4sec(434;1)
5. transporters 39:4.15(436;1)
6. recorders 39:4.16(436;2)
7. reserves 39:4.17-18(436;3)
institutional religion turns ministers into 99:6.3(1092;3)
Jesus' years of Paper 127 (1395;1),)
trials and tribulations peculiar to 128:2.1(1409;6)
Semite appellation of Deity 96:1.9(1053;7)
central Asian commercial metropolis near Ashkhabad 79:1.4(879;1)
ancient ceremonies of blood drinking, saliva exchange 70:3.6-8(787;6)
made sure someone available for death offerings 87:3.3(960;7)
Prince's staff kept 500 adopted children in homes 66:7.5(750;7)
to Garden of Eden citizenship 74:7.4(835;7)

(A's continue...)