recently published items: El
Grupo Laberinto (Chile) -- New Spanish website La
verdad, la belleza y la bondad en palabras del maestro -- Presentación
por: Aníbal Pacheco Oliva Encuentro de Lectores del Libro de Urantia Malloco,
Chile 23-24-25 de noviembre de 2001 Federal
Court denies Urantia Foundation motion to stay effects of the copyright decision
pending appeal Some
Notes on Fundamentalism -- Les Jameson Appendice
de The Mind at Mischief Traduction
française: André Léonard Glen The
Challenges of Faith in the Quest for Cosmic Citizenship --
David Kantor
en Religión Personal
-- Extractos de un curso estudio por Henry Nelson Wieman; Traducido
por Anibal Pacheco O.
statement on Book Publication
from Dr. Sadler to Harold Sherman, indicating
that permission has been granted to create the plates. December
from Jacques Weiss to Robert Burton -- early discussion of
copyright issues This
is the Truth -- note from Harold Sherman's archive, 1978
1941 fund raising note to
Forum members, soliciting funds for printing. A
Self-Made Renaissance Man -- article about Dr. Sadler from
the Spring 1979 issue of Pervaded Space. Letter
from Clyde Bedell to Martin Myers expressing concern about Urantia Foundation
censorship, October 1979 Dr.
Sadler's "Charge to the Seventy"? Some
Criticisms of the Forum -- Private letter from Harold Sherman
to Elsie Baumgartner, February 4, 1951 Challenge
from Harold Sherman to Dr. Sadler -- Private correspondence
from 1967 Letter
from Jacques Weiss to Robert Burton -- regarding Urantia Foundation's
copyright claims, April 9, 1975
on Proposed Urantia Organizations -- Letter from Harold Sherman
to Dr. Sadler, August 8, 1942 Contract
for original typesetting of The Urantia Book
Wilfred Kellogg's affidavit
donating original plates to Urantia Foundation.  My
Introduction to The Urantia Book by Meredith Sprunger
Sadler comments on problems of dissemination --
transcript of a tape recording Adam
and Eve: Revisiting the Biblical Story -- Larry
Passed by the TDA -- July, 2000 Non-Urantia
Book items of interest:
Exploration of Proleptic Ethics: Expanding Christian Principles for a New Millennium
-- Dr. Ted Peters Ecumenic
Pluralism: An Approach to Inter-religious Dialog -- Dr. Ted
Peters Jesus and Generation X --
Harvey Cox; excerpt from an important book Experiments
in Personal Religion -- Excerpts from a 1928 study course
by Henry Nelson Wieman, a Urantia Book source author. EXCELLENT material for your
spiritual life. The Grand Inquisitor
-- by Fyodor Dostoevsky; One of the most powerful Jesus stories
ever written. |