The Urantia Book Fellowship
Adam's second son; masterly leader 74:6.2(834;4), 76:3.3(849;6)
basis of fairness 10:6.3(114;4)
in tribunals given by personalities of Infinite Spirit 10:6.3-4(114;4)
evil 130:1.5-6(1429;1), 132:2sec(1457;4),. See also error; evolution: principle of evolution; iniquity; mistakes; misunderstandings; rebellion (spiritual); sin
Adjusters pilot God-conscious mortals away from 110:1.2(1203;4)
almost every human being has a pet e. 163:2.7(1802;3)
always results when personal evaluations are elevated to absolutes 19:1.4(215;1), 100:1.1(1094;3)
Cano assured Eve persons with good motives could do no e. 75:4.5(842;7)
choosing to become children of e. 162:7.3(1796;5)
dealing with evil
3 ways of resisting e. 159:5.11(1770;3)
avoid e. by seeing things as they are 131:3.3(1446;5)
do not fight e. with its own weapons 140:8.7(1580;2)
do not to others what you would not have done to you 131:1.7(1443;3)
fear not resistance of e. 191:4.4(2042;1)
fret not because of evildoers 131:1.9(1443;5), 131:2.8(1445;2), 141:7.11(1594;5)
friendship is insurance against e. 160:2.9(1776;3)
go forward in righteousness or retrogress into e. 156:2.6(1736;3)
hate e. 126:4.3-4(1392;1)
love of truth necessary for victory over e. 179:4.5(1941;2)
meditation brings deliverance from e. 131:4.7(1449;2)
nonresistance to e. 141:3.8(1590;3), 180:5.9(1950;4)
overcome e. with good 130:2.4(1430;2), 131:1.7(1443;3), 131:3.6(1447;3), 133:7.12(1480;4), 140:6.9(1577;3), 156:5.5(1738;4), 159:5.10(1770;2), 194:3.11(2064;3)
permit e. to run full course of own bankruptcy 54:5.14(618;3)
prayer mobilizes soul to withstand e. 196:0.10(2088;5)
privilege to cleanse ourselves from all e. 143:2.6(1610;1)
see e. against background of ultimate good 195:5.12(2076;3)
Socrates taught not to return e. for e. 98:2.6(1079;3)
spiritual rebirth essential to deliverance from e. 148:4.6,8(1660;5)
when no opening for e., sin cannot be entertained 43:4.9(490;4)
defined as
darkness which follows rejection of light 130:1.5(1429;1)
righteous ends are e. when achieved in wrong way 75:4.6(842;8)
gravity-resisting on mental and spiritual levels 56:10.14(647;5)
having origin in misuse, distortion, perversion 111:6.3(1222;2)
immature choosing which, when willfully endorsed, becomes sin 3:5.15(52;1), 130:1.5-6(1429;1)
imperfect obedience to Father's will 130:4.11(1435;3), 148:4.3(1660;2)
inevitable if creature is to be free 3:5.13(51;12), 54:3.1(615;3), 75:8.6-7(846;5), 130:4.13-15(1435;5), 132:2.10(1458;7)
inherently, automatically suicidal when undiluted 2:3.5(37;3)
originating in imperfection 105:6.4(1159;4)
partial realization of, or maladjustment to, universe realities 67:1.4(754;5), 75:4.3(842;5)
partial creativity tending toward disintegration 111:4.11(1220;10)
produced by contrastive perfection, imperfection 54:0.1-2(613;1)
remoteness from divinity 3:6.2(52;5)
seeing sin where there is no sin, or no sin where there is sin 131:3.3(1446;5)
stimulative of choosing between truth and error 55:3.10(625;9)
suggesting deficiency of wisdom 67:1.4-5(754;5)
transgression of law 48:6.22(555;1)
deliver us from e. 144:5.3(1622;2)
God does not create e. 54:0.2(613;2)
human likes and dislikes do not determine e. 100:3.2(1096;7)
human nature tends toward e. 53:8.9(610;5), 143:2.5(1609;6), 148:4.6(1660;5), 156:5.8(1739;3), 188:4.5(2016;10)
isolated and purely selfish pleasures are relative e. 100:3.4(1097;1)
abhorred everything which savored of e. 133:3.6(1472;5)
did not advertise e. by forbidding it 127:4.2(1401;2), 140:8.21(1582;2), 195:5.13(2076;4)
had little to say about vices 140:8.21(1582;2)
love of Jesus swallows up all e. 188:5.2(2018;1)
refused to compromise with e. 136:8.8(1521;3)
would not serve e. that worship of God might result 136:9.3(1522;2)
most destructive of personality status is betrayal and disloyalty to confiding friends 67:1.3(754;4)
partial knowledge is potentially e. 2:7.4(42;5)
result of evil
e. of one augments tribulation of all 12:7.11(138;6)
e. proceeding from heart defiles 153:3.5(1712;5)
e. results when lesser is chosen over greater 16:7.7(193;6)
escaping duty, we go under control of e. 130:1.2(1428;2)
good cannot result from e. to one who does evil 54:4.7(616;6)
pain and sorrow follow in path of e. 131:3.3(1446;5)
time lag of mercy before fruition of e. 2:3.5(37;3), 54:4-5secs) 131:3.5(1447;2)
Bretons retain charms for warding off 80:9.14(899;1)
ghost retaliation against human prosperity 87:5.4-5(962;5)
intelligent human beings still believe in 88:6.7(972;7)
phallic cult defense against 87:5.5(962;6)
primitives cravenly feared malevolence of 111:0.7(1216;1)
primitives thought much sickness caused by 90:3.7(990;2)
some subordinate gods kept as 96:1.14(1054;4)
biologic evolution Paper 65 (730;1),). See also genetics; life: biological
2 unique features on Urantia were appearance of Andonic race prior to colored peoples; appearance in a single family 64:6.1-2(722;6), 65:4.7(735;6)
50,000 facts prove e. nonaccidental 58:2.3-5(665;6)
Adam's significant contribution 51:0.3(580;3), 75:8.1-2(845;8), 78:1.1(868;3)
brains and agility replaced armor and size in survival 60:1.10(686;6), 60:2.11,14(688;3), 60:3.21(691;2), 61:2.5(695;3)
conditioned by integrated function of Life Carriers, physical controllers, and adjutant mind-spirits 65:0.4(730;4)
early manifestation of will on Urantia 65:4.11(736;2)
elephants evolve more rapidly than mice 49:1.6(560;5)
human potentials of evolving animal species exhausted 65:2.13-14(733;3), 65:3.5-6(734;2)
inland seas were cradle of e. 57:8.24-26(663;2), 58:1.7(665;2)
Jesus did not interfere with 120:3.5(1329;6)
Life Carriers
evolution limited by potentials of original Life Carrier implantations 118:8.1(1301;6)
manipulate environment prior to emergence of will 36:3.7-8(400;2)
not allowed arbitrarily to interfere with life patterns once set in operation 65:3.1-2(733;7)
man ascended from seaweed 65:2.1(731;5), 65:6.8(738;1)
may proceed unhindered in cultural decadence 81:5.1(905;6)
missing links never existed 58:6.2-3(669;3)
most important steps regarding plants were chlorophyll-making; seeds 65:6.3(737;3)
narrow margins by which prehuman ancestors escaped extinction 62:3.9(705;8)
no e. on Jerusem 46:2.5(521;2)
sin, Caligastia rebellion, Adam's default, did very little to delay 67:0.1(754;1), 67:7.6(761;5), 73:0.1(821;1), 78:1.1(868;3), 81:0.1(900;1)
some species progress; others gravitate backward 60:2.10(688;2)
still actively in progress 65:6.5(737;5)
summary of e. on Urantia 65:2sec(731;5)
theory of biologic evolution
apparently useless by-products essential 36:2.10(398;4)
appearance of man in ice age by design 65:2.16(733;6)
can be delayed but cannot be stopped 81:0.1(900;1)
cannot be accelerated beyond what planet permits 65:8.2(739;6)
dependent on adjutant mind-spirits 36:5.1(401;5), 65:6.7-10(737;7)
eliminates all life without survival value 59:6.10(683;7)
impossible for primitives to have self-restraint 118:8.5(1302;2)
individuals lacking parental instinct eliminate themselves from reproductive stream 84:7.7(940;3)
Material Sons dispatched when human biologic evolution attains highest level 39:5.3(437;2), 49:5.17(567;4)
only organisms attaining cosmic unity persist 58:6.8(670;2)
organisms accommodate themselves to never-ending fluctuations 58:6.6(669;7), 65:6.7(737;7)
subject to sudden changes 58:6.2-4(669;3), 59:1.4(673;4), 59:3.5,11(677;2), 59:4.3,10,13(678;4), 59:5.5,23(680;7), 60:1.9(686;5), 60:3.7,19,22(689;6), 61:1.2(693;5), 61:2.8(695;6), 61:6.1-2(700;2), 61:7.4(701;3), 62:2.1,6(703;5), 62:3.10(706;1), 62:4.6(707;5), 64:5.2(722;3), 65:2.4(732;2), 65:8.6(740;2)
survival of the fittest 71:5.3(805;3)
variety indispensable to natural selection 64:6.31(726;3)
Van and Amadon fostered 67:6.7(760;2)
vegetable always proceeds animal 49:1.5(560;4)
principle of evolution
always purposeful, never accidental 36:5.1(401;5), 49:1.1-7(559;6), 58:2.3-5(665;6), 65:0.4(730;4), 65:4.2-3(735;1), 102:6.10(1125;5)
augments nature by increasing Paradise perfection 4:2.4(57;1)
controlling power through mind by spirit and personality 42:10.1(480;4), 112:2.11(1229;2), 116:5.8(1274;5), 116:6.1,4(1275;1), 117:2.1(1280;1), 117:3.2(1281;4), 117:7.10(1292;4)
cosmic complement to perfection 32:3.10-15(361;5)
cosmic technique of growth 100:3.7(1097;4)
creates, then obliterates, scaffolding stages 90:3.10(990;5)
creation in time otherwise than by fiat of Deity 15:6.2(172;4)
Creators could have, but did not, choose to make local universes perfect 25:3.7(277;4)
evolution of dominance is expansion of control of oneself and one's environment 112:2.11(1229;2)
evolutionary capacity of universe inexhaustible 42:11.7(482;5)
God does not transform animal creatures into perfected spirits by creative magic 48:0.1(541;1)
gradual progressive development physically, mentally, and spiritually 32:0.2(357;2)
indicates dominance of Supreme Mind 56:10.11(647;2)
mindless causation cannot evolve the complex from the simple 130:4.5(1434;4)
once initiated, planetary e. must proceed 51:2.3(582;3)
process is under perfect control of universe Creators 3:2.2(46;6)
process varies greatly but is orderly and controlled 49:1.4,7(560;3)
produces advancing practical adjustment 71:2.3(802;2)
progress toward harmonious unity 42:11.7(482;5)
progressive creation in time 15:6.2(172;4), 74:8.4-5(837;3), 105:6.5(1159;5)
Providence works out evolutionary plan 4:1.2(54;5)
shows wisdom of Creators 32:3.11(361;6)
slow but unerringly effective 66:6.5(749;7), 81:1.3(900;5), 81:6.1(906;6), 86:7.6(957;2), 90:3.10(990;5), 95:1.8(1043;3)
summary of cycle 56:9.12-13(645;7)
superphysical adaptations 65:6.7(737;7)
the evolutionary idea 32:3sec(360;3)
social evolution. See also ascension plan; civilization
accelerate e. by applying spiritual pressure from above 52:6.7(598;2)
better to reform than destroy religious ritual 97:10.7(1076;4)
by education of youth 81:6.23-24(909;4)
Caligastia rebellion markedly modified 66:8.3(752;4), 67:0.1(754;1)
celestial evolution transmutes temporal into eternal 103:7.2(1137;7)
dangerous velocities of progress retarded by 118:8.6(1302;3)
external restraints of hunger and fear circumscribe subspiritual choice range 118:8.5(1302;2)
Jesus was a progressive evolutionist 149:2.11(1671;6)
man is gradually backing into the truth 88:4.3(970;8)
man stands on shoulders of all who went before 79:8.10(888;3), 81:6.23,25,44(909;4), 160:2.3(1775;4)
mental e. may occur suddenly 65:8.6(740;2), 170:4.4(1863;3)
olden practices expensive but marked progress 89:1.7(975;4)
progress only in open, higher latitudes 64:1.3(718;5), 81:6.7(907;4)
society is product of ages of trial and error 81:6.41,44(911;6)
succeeds where even revelation fails 84:5.8(937;5)
superb attainments on settled worlds amply justify 55:6.9(631;5)
survival struggles of primitives did not breed trust 39:5.7(437;6)
unaided e. cannot achieve peace on isolated worlds 52:6.2(597;3)
yields progress; revolution does not 66:6.3-6(749;5), 99:2.5(1087;8)

(E's continue...)