Historic Timeline of Events in the Revelation Community
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1951 | November 22 -- Contact Commissioners receive instructions regarding the book and the role of Urantia Foundation [See excerpt from this document] |
1952 |
August 21 -- Plan for the organization of Urantia Brotherhood approved in communique to contact commissioners. [See excerpt from this document] Note: Based on the contents of this document as well as the one above dated November 22, 1951, it is quite clear that, barring any additional contact from the Midwayer Commission, all matters related to the publication of the book were to be executed in accordance with the best judgment of the trustees of Urantia Foundation. Beyond this, there are no specific instructions. In a letter to Jacques Weiss in 1970, Emma Christensen, replying to comments Weiss made about continuing contacts, said, "I am sure you know that no one, and I mean, no one, [underlines appear in original] is receiving any information from the Commission whch sponsored the Urantia Book. I am sure this Commission will in due time provide any additional information if such is deemed necessary. I speak authoritatively on this subject, so do not be misled by such claims as you report." Furthermore, in 1994, Urantia Foundation President, Richard Keeler, in a deposition taken under oath, testified that there had been no further communications. |
1954 |
Information from an apocryphal source indicates that the seraphim of progress and the seraphim of the churches each sought authority to direct the revelation following publication. This same source indicates that in the end, the planetary government agreed to place the direction of the revelation under the seraphim of the churches for the first one hundred years, after which it would be placed under the direction of the seraphim of progress. For additional insight into this possible conflict, note the comment at 134:3.8 (1486) Last message received from revelators -- the go-ahead for publication. Along with this message was the comment, "You are now on your own" and an indication that all celestial personalities remaining on the planet as well as resident personalities were required to take a vow of silence regarding any further communications related to the revelation. The book was printed in sixteen page signatures, run twice through the press for front and back impressions. |
1955 1,695 books distributed |
January 1 -- Authority for the functions of the Foundation assumed by the first Trustees.25 January 2 -- Urantia Brotherhood General Council formed by 36 members of the Forum -- constitution signed (written by Bill Sadler with Forum consultation) -- Bill Sadler elected first President.5 When Urantia Foundation subsequently "de-licensed" Urantia Brotherhood in 1989, this constitution became that of The Urantia Book Fellowship.
February 11 -- Formal arrangements for publication of The Urantia Book started by Urantia Foundation.5 March 25 -- [See
memo from Bill Sadler regarding service mark on title page]
July 5 -- First "Quarterly News Letter" issued (later known as "Urantia Brotherhood Bulletin")5 October 12, Wednesday -- First publishing of The Urantia Book -- 10,000 copies printed -- Foundation trustees place three copies in safe per provisions of Declaration of Trust -- first book goes on sale at Krochs & Bretnatanos Book Store in Chicago.3 Total cost of the first printing was approximately $75,000.003 December 25 -- Death of Bill Sadler's oldest son, William S. Sadler III. Cause of death unknown. |
1956 638 books distributed |
June 17 -- First Urantia Society installed (Urantia Brotherhood)5 "The Seventy," studying since 1939, become absorbed into Urantia Brotherhood2 August 31 -- Death of Willfred Kellog, age 79; Memorial service held September 2, 1956 September 9 -- At 6:30 PM a study group was held at the Y.W.C.A in Oklahoma City by a minister who had found the book in Chicago. Paper 86 was the topic of discussion. At this meeting it was decided to start a new church based on the teachings of The Urantia Book. In addition to being the first reader group to form independently of the Chicago office and the members of the former Forum, this was also the first reader group to establish a church -- "The New Age Christian Church" with B. Salyer as the minister.28 [See "The Urantia Book Comes to Oklahoma City", by Helen Butler. Also a testimonial by B. M. Salyer] September 19 -- Urantia Brotherhood School opens, architected primarily by Dr. Sadler and the Kulieke brothers along the lines of a seminary. This was the first project of the Brotherhood Education Committee; Dr. Sadler was the first Chairman of this committee.5 [Picture of Dr. William S. Sadler teaching at 533] [See contents of original Urantia Brotherhood School brochure] October 1 -- Urantia Brotherhood Corporation formed5 October 22 -- [See
letter from Jacques Weiss to Carolyn Brown outlining ideas for a French
translation] International Fellowship Committee of Urantia Brotherhood donates 100 books to libraries outside the U.S. -- Canada, Australia, Great Britainn, South Africa and New Zealand.6 November 27 --
[See early correspondence from Jacques Weiss to Urantia Brotherhood]
November 30 -- [See
Marian Rowley's response to Jacques Weiss' initial correspondence]
December 26 -- [See
Jacques Weiss' original proposal to Urantia Brotherhood for a French
translation] |
1957 594 books distributed |
January 7 --
[See Marian Rowley's short response to Jacques Weiss] March 7 -- Bill Sadler meets with Oklahoma City readers to discuss becoming a Society.28 Editor's note: Bill Sadler became good friends with Oklahoma oilman Clyde Goodman and his Administrative Assistant, Berkeley Elliott. Clyde and Berkeley became early devotees of the book and Bill began to make trips to Oklahoma City to lead study groups for the growing readership there. The folks back at Chicago soon became suspicious that Bill was trying to utilize the Oklahoma City readers as a base for building his own movement. From all available evidence, this suspicion was completely unfounded, but it exemplified the attitude with which the Chicago office generally viewed spontaneous developments in the field which they had not initiated and over which they had little or no control. May 24 -- Urantia Society of Glenview installed (Urantia Brotherhood)5 June 5 -- [See
Marian Rowley's short note to Jacques Weiss regarding his inquiry]
June 12 -- [See
letter from Christy to Jacques Weiss regarding FrenchTranslation]
July 26 -- First Urantia Society of Los Angeles installed5 (The established group in Los Angeles had vied with Chicago readership groups consisting of members of the Forum to be the first Brotherhood Society installed, but was unsuccessful.) November 23--First Urantia Society of Oklahoma City installed by Ruth Burton; Bob and Ruth Burton as well as Bill and Mary Lou Hales were in attendance. The Society was a separate organization from the "New Age Christian Church" and in later years when the church dissolved, the Society carried on as the center of reader activities in the Oklahoma City region.28 |
1958 388 books distributed |
January -- Warren Kulieke elected second President of Urantia Brotherhood.5 April -- Bill Sadler submits memo to Foundation
Trustees regarding potential pitfalls and frictions between the two
organizations, along with recommendations for policies designed to minimize
inevitable frictions. April 24 --
[See letter from Bill Hales to Urantia Foundation Attorney regarding
Jacques Weiss] April 30 --
[See Jacques Weiss' report on progress of the French translation]
May 2 --
[See letter from Dr. Sadler to Meredith Sprunger regarding the appendix
to "The Mind at Mischief."] May 3--Bill Sadler begins series of 27
seminars on The Urantia Book in Oklahoma City. These seminars continued
until his death in 1963.28 May 11 --
[See letter from Marian Rowley to Jacques Weiss discussing issues related
to a French translation] May --
Urantia Foundation official statement on publicity May -- Urantia Foundation cover letter to the Brotherhood regarding publicity June 9 -- [See
letter from Bill Hales to Jacques Weiss regarding French translation]
July 24 -- Vern Grimsley contacts Urantia
Foundation for first time
[See letter] September 24 -- First commencement for graduating class of Urantia Brotherhood School5 October 7 -- [See
letter from Jacques Weiss to Carolyn Brown regarding progress of French
translation] Marian Rowley creates first secondary work -- "The Story of Joe" -- a fictional account of an average mortal person's ascent through the universe to Paradise. The book was never published.
1959 454 books distributed |
January 21 -- [See
Jacques Weiss' report to Urantia Brotherhood regarding progress of French
translation] January 21 -- Meredith Sprunger submits suggestions for a Urantia Brotherhood Educational Policy and a Urantia University [See "An Educational Policy for Urantia Brotherhood"] January 24 --
[See Marian Rowley's
short response to Jacques Weiss] March -- Some early criticism of the Urantia
Book appear; In 1959 Dr. Sadler wrote a formal paper responding to many
of the early criticisms. Urantia Foundation issues (first?) letter to Brotherhood Executive Committee regarding protection of the concentric circles symbol.[See Letter to Executive Committee] First Urantian funeral service outside of 533. Service for Clarence Bowman, Harold Karrer officiating. December -- [See
letter from Dr. Sadler in which he comments about his studies with Freud]
1960 522 books distributed |
February 24 -- Death of Anna Kellogg, age 82 March -- Early correspondence between Vern Grimsley and Meredith Sprunger
in which Vern Grimsley outlines some of his personal career plans.
[See correspondence] May 11 -- Second Urantia Society of Chicago installed (Urantia Brotherhood) -- formed by Bill Sadler, Patricia Sadler (Mundelius), Florine and John Seres.5 June -- First "official" history
[See Marian Rowley's rough draft of a history] August 21 -- Jacques Weiss visits Chicago to discuss issues related
to publication of the French translation which is nearing completion.
Jacques Weiss' schedule] October 11 --
[See letter from Jacques Weiss to Urantia Foundation commenting about
legal delays]
1961 462 books distributed |
May 4 -- Letter from Marian Rowley to Vern Grimsley describing availability
of books used by the Brotherhood School. [See
letter] June 27 -- Orvonton Urantia Society of Chicago installed (Urantia Brotherhood)5 April 19 -- Contract between Urantia Foundation and Jacques Weiss signed for production of a French translation in three volumes. September 1 -- Letter from Marian Rowley to Vern Grimsley in which
basic details of daily operations at 533 are reviewed.
[See letter]
1962 716 books distributed |
February -- Jim Mills elected third President of Urantia Brotherhood (elected to complete the term of Warren Kulieke who died in office)5 March 11 -- Bill Sadler resigns as Field Representative of Urantia Brotherhood. Publication of La Cosmogonie
D'Urantia -- First French translation
(in three volumes) available until early 1970's when Urantia Foundation
brought legal action against translator-publisher for enforcement of
terms of contract.5, 6 This translation was prepared by Mr.
Jacques Weiss, a French industrialist and former leader of the underground
resistance to the Nazi occupation. The first printing of 10,000 copies
was sold out by 1968. [Picture
of La Cosmogonie translation team] [See
brochure outlining content of La Cosmogonie] Richard Keeler and Martin Myers drive to Chicago to meet Dr. Sadler and Christy.24
1963 600 books distributed |
January -- Emma Christensen elected fourth President of Urantia Brotherhood5 Thomas Kendall appointed Trustee of Urantia Foundation June 18 -- Bill Sadler resigns as member of the General Council citing poor personal health. [See Bill Sadler's resignation letter] Early letter of inquiry from Vern Grimsley.
The related correspondence provides some insights into Dr. Sadler's
view of the church and of Urantia Book evangelism. August 23-25 -- First summer Study Session of Urantia Brotherhood at 533 Diversey Parkway, Chicago5 November 22 -- Death of Bill Sadler3 [See Eulogy by Jim Mills and short biography]
1964 622 books distributed |
August 20-22 -- First Triennial Delegate Assembly of Urantia Brotherhood5 [Picture of the Banner of the First Triennial Delegate Assembly] [Picture of attendees, First Triennial Delegate Assembly] [President's Address to the Delegates by E. L. Christensen] Vern Grimsley begins broadcasting on KFAX, San Francisco, California, airing radio programs containing the teachings of The Urantia Book without mentioning the book itself.10 Vern also introduced The Urantia Book to his old University of Kansas fraternity brothers, Rich Keeler, Martin Myers and Hoite Caston. [Picture of the fraternity brothers serenading Christy at Family of God Foundation headquarters, 1980] Editor's note: These four gentlemen formed an alliance with Christy and Doc Sadler and profoundly influenced the direction of social and legal development within the movement over the next forty years--two of them apparently continue to do so at the time of this writing (1997). Christy told me in a private conversation that by the early 1960's, she and Dr. Sadler were getting concerned about the lack of capable young people coming into the movement--they saw the arrival of these gentlemen as an answer to their prayers. Referring to this group of four, she said, "When Poppy and I saw them, we weren't going to let them get away." She subsequently frequently referred to them as, "My boys." Within ten years this group was showing formidible leadership potentials, with Vern Grimsley's charismatic spiritual presence, multi-millionaire Richard Keeler's financing, Martin Myers' legal education, and Hoite Caston's business and legal experience in the entertainment industry. September -- [Christy
says no Brotherhood pins should be sent to Jacques Weiss]
October 27 -- Jacques
Weiss again requests pins for individuals who have assisted in the translation.
Jacques Weiss' letter] October -- [See
"Organizational History" by Marian Rowley, written 10/64]
November 11 -- Christy, expressing concern about stories related to
early history, sends note to Society Presidents to remind "old
timers" of their oath of secrecy.
[See letter]
1965 |
January -- Burton King, Barbara King and Doris George start radio program on KBLA, Los Angeles, broadcasting readings from The Urantia Book. First session of Urantia Brotherhood School held outside of Chicago -- Ruth Burton leads eight week seminar on Part IV in Los Angeles. [See photograph of Ruth Burton] August 6-8 -- Second Summer Study Session of Urantia Brotherhood [See "Greetings to the Summer Study Session" by E.L. Christensen] September 27 -- [See
letter from Georgia Gecht to Christy regarding Burton King, the impending
Pelly lawsuit and other matters] September 30 -- Brotherhood affiliate Second Urantia Society of Chicago becomes "Second Society Foundation" for purposes of publishing Bill Sadler's "A Study of the Master Universe".3 October 8 -- [See
letter from Christy to Georgia Gecht monitoring southern California
events and readers] Study Group started in Helsinki, Finland by readers interested in working on a Finnish translation.6
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