all mortal-inhabited planets are evolutionary
49:0.1(559;1) cold accretion planets in good relationship to a sun are best for life
15:6.9(173;4) each evolutionary planet ruled over by a Planetary Prince
50:0.2(572;2) emptied of salvable personalities if physical catastrophe dooms
51:2.3(582;3) energy transformers insulate planets against energy
29:4.17(326;6) evolutionary
p. are initial worlds of ascending mortal career
112:0.1(1225;1) evolutionary processes vary greatly; no two exactly alike
49:1.3-4(560;2) governmental techniques of universe cannot retard development of
55:11.6(635;8) Havona has largest
p. in grand universe
14:3.6(156;3) mortals never return to native
p. in same dispensation
40:9.5(451;1) only one bestowal Son serves on each
20:5.4(228;1) only those in main circuits of superuniverse assured of continuous survival
high rate of revolution of mother sun
meteoric accretion
retrograde motion always result of foreign space bodies
series one, two, and three.
See mortals: planetary types
suitability for life
p. made to be eventually inhabited
not 1 in 40 suitable for habitation
not all
p. suited to harbor mortal life
small dark
p. best suited to life experiments
water and air on all
p. if not too small
41:10.3(466;2) System Centers dispatch power to inhabited
29:2.11(322;2) begun in time will be finished in eternity if worth finishing
111:3.7(1219;6) cooperation is planning with other and wiser beings
39:4.10(435;3) implementation in ideas, stereotypes, and decisions
101:7.1(1113;3) overplanning can defeat itself
160:4.5(1779;3) suffer less by making fewer personal
p. concerning others
48:6.25(555;4) thwarted by conspiracy of events
154:6.10(1723;1) association with
p. instills patience, quiet, peace
68:5.9,11(769;1) evolution of spore-bearing plants into seeds
65:6.3(737;3) evolution required appearance of many apparently useless forms; destined to pass
36:2.10(398;4) flowering
p. suddenly appeared in Cretaceous
60:3.sec) lower forms wholly responsive to physical, chemical, and electrical environment
65:6.7(737;7) most important step in evolution was chlorophyll making
65:6.3(737;3) old superstition that women could raise better
84:3.6(934;5) once fetishes, taboo as food
88:1.3(967;5) pure energy growth on morontia worlds
43:6.6(492;6) spore-bearing plants nearly extinct after Permian
60:0.2(685;2) Greek; taught that virtue is knowledge; suffer rather than be guilty of injustice
98:2.6(1079;3) not a religious teacher
92:5.9(1009;6) 4 great philosophies derived from
121:4.1(1335;10) 4th Book of Maccabees exemplifies
121:6.3(1338;6) adapted into Christianity
Hellenized Jewish beliefs affected by
121:6.3(1338;6) natural is unreal shadow of spirit realities
170:5.2(1864;2) tolerated belief in reincarnation
164:3.4(1811;5) divine builders, celestial artisans
44:3.4(502;3) maturity substitutes higher meanings for
100:1.1(1094;3) morontia world has thousands of spirit realities in counterpart to material
p. 44:3.1(501;11) physical pleasures
amusement madness reason for Roman decline
cannot satisfy the soul
desire for
p. has superseded hunger-want
isolated and purely selfish
p. are relative evil
man entitled to enjoy
p. 100:2.6(1096;3)
p. mania great threat to family life
self-deception leads to enslaving
selfish satisfactions do not confer happiness
suicidal if they destroy property, marriage, or home
84:8.6(943;1) recalling past experiences provides
p. 48:4.10,20(548;5) satisfactions of happiness
3:5.14(51;13) ice age; 2 million to 100,000 years ago
61:5-7secs) mammal migration era; 10 to 1 million years ago
61:4sec(698;3) having put one's hand to
p., cannot turn back
163:2.3(1801;6) Cretan Andites used
p. ca. 12,000 B.C.
80:7.2(895;2) discern
p. in prose of routine existence
48:7.22(557;6) effort to escape from material to spiritual values
195:7.15(2079;10) originated in incantations
92:3.6(1006;3) relieve philosophy with
143:7.3(1616;5) rhythm recorders, celestial artisans
44:4.11(504;3) primitives thought much sickness caused by
90:3.7(990;2) believers emancipated from haste and painful stress
102:2.3(1119;8) faith exhibits inexplicable
101:3.4(1108;3) crime detected in ordeals of
70:10.5-6(795;2) mental
p. of fear, anger, suspicion, and intolerance interfere with spiritual progress
110:1.5(1204;3) physical
p. greatly retard efforts of Adjuster
110:1.5(1204;3) poisoned weapons used very early
70:1.18(785;1) rulers gained great power through
70:6.6(790;3) venom addicts could not get along without
85:3.3(946;5) complemental relationships of ministering spirits
26:1.9(286;4) sloping entrance of great pyramid pointed to
95:2.7(1044;6) Ancients of Days occupy point of spiritual polarity on Uversa
18:3.6(209;8) reflective focus on Uversa not same as spiritual focus
17:3.1(200;5) space reports received at; seraphic transports depart from
39:5.13-15(438;6) a few
p. can restrain a mob
68:1.4(763;7) are bachelors in continental nation
72:7.5(815;5) international
p. force may prevent minor wars
134:5.10(1489;1) kings fostered secret
p. 70:7.12(792;1) regulations secure freedom from violence
81:5.5(906;3) religion has been moral
p. force of all time
92:3.9(1006;6) secret societies functioned as secret
70:7.11-12(791;8) shamans were first officers of the law
70:10.5(795;2) Andite sailors biologically modified
78:5.7(873;3) islands more numerous and larger in days of Andites
78:5.7(873;3) racial composition
79:6.3(884;6) commandment in Dalamatia against
66:7.9(751;4) monotheism in the making
5:4.2,9(66;6) allowed Roman soldiers to arrest Jesus; posted 10 guards, sealed tomb
188:2.2-3(2014;2) animosity with Herod
185:3.8(1992;1) built aqueduct with temple funds
185:1.5(1988;4) charge of blasphemy carried no weight with
184:5.1(1985;2) impressed by Jesus' masterly bearing
185:2.12-13(1990;8) not so guilty since ignorant of gospel
185:7.2(1996;1) on trial before Jesus
186:2.6(1999;6) personal characteristics
skeptic; did not fathom strong religious feelings
political position
began rule of Judea in A.D. 26
deposed after needless slaughter of Samaritans
Jews threatened to charge with treason
reasonably good governor
reprimanded by Caesar
Roman procurator of Judea, Samaria, and Idumea under legatus of Syria
185:0.1(1987;1) retired to Lausanne; committed suicide
185:1.6(1988;5) "truth, what is truth?"
185:3.5(1991;5) would not take money for Jesus' body
(P's continue...)