bride at wedding at Cana
137:3.6(1528;2) beggar at
N. lacked ability to respond
130:8.4(1440;4) Claudus preached in
at Jesus' 16th appearance
193:0sec(2052;1) daughter of Elman; member of women's corps
150:1.1(1678;5) carried news of crucifixion to Alexandria
191:6.1(2044;2) father of Johab, groom of wedding at Cana
137:3.6(1528;2) attended session of Sanhedrin
164:5.3(1815;4) attitude
cursed with suspicion, over-individualism, pride, prejudice
hurt by supposition Jesus misunderstood him
opposed change in gospel to resurrection of Jesus
opposed proclaiming Jesus king
rare and droll humor, never took himself seriously
139:6.4,6(1558;5) business partner of Philip
139:6.1(1558;2) called attention to Jesus' teachings regarding nonresistance
183:4.2(1975;5) controlling influence on resurrection Sunday
191:0.5,7(2037;5) father Bartholomew died after Pentecost
139:6.9(1559;4) grasped meaning of entry into Jerusalem
172:5.7(1885;2) in Philadelphia with Abner for 1 year
193:6.4(2058;3) Jesus' talk with N. about Scriptures
159:4sec(1767;3) painful digestive disturbance
154:2.4(1718;5) speech on supreme desire
177:3.2(1923;3) taught art of teaching
163:0.2(1800;2) taught meaning of parables of talents and pounds
171:8.9-13(1876;6) unmarried; from Cana; only support of infirm parents; 25 in A.D. 26
139:6.2(1558;3) invited Jesus to breakfast
166:1sec(1825;3) age of Planetary Prince culminates in intense
52:2.5(591;5) has been essential to social survival
71:3.2(803;2) hero-venerating
n. of 20th century
92:6.9(1012;1) Ikhnaton's gospel fatally lacked appeal to
95:5.9(1048;3) Moses wisely encouraged
96:4.6(1057;2) Rome overcame
n. by imperial universalism
195:3.2(2073;6) wanes upon race blending
52:3.10(594;1) war fostered and solidified
70:2.3-4(785;8) cannot rub elbows without conflict
134:5.7(1488;5) failure to increase in population prevents full realization
81:6.11(907;8) Spirit of Truth lessens self-assertiveness
194:3.18(2065;6) man reaps harvest of efforts to comply with
166:4.8(1830;8) physical phenomena less predictable the farther one is from Paradise
15:8.8-9(176;3) transgression of
n.l. may be fatal in material realm without jeopardizing spiritual survival
67:7.4(761;3) administered as community property in light and life
55:3.7(625;6) early wars fought over deposits of
n.r. 69:4.6(775;6) held as social trust in continental nation
72:7.13(816;4) largely determine extent of material civilization
81:6.3(906;8) share discoveries with largest number of fellows
132:5.6(1463;4) variety indispensable to
64:6.31(726;3) philosophy leaning heavily toward world of matter
103:6.14(1137;4) defined as
background of immutable laws modified by local conditions
exhibiting only matter, motion, and life
imperfections are stop-moments in reel of infinity
unreal shadow of spirit realities
151:3.3(1692;2) demands survival
68:2.9(765;6) does not reveal a personal God
101:2.7,9(1106;6) no detectable survival of individual personality
101:10.1(1116;2) primitives believed
n. was directly under control of supernatural beings
151:5.5(1695;1) primitives elevated nature spirits to gods
85:6.4(948;4) takes no cognizance of sex morals
82:2.1(914;7) utterly indifferent to human welfare
101:3.4(1108;3) violence is law of
n. 70:1.1(783;4) worship of nature
envisioned division of labor in supermortal world
led to belief in charms indwelt by some spirit
88:1.3(967;5) shamans induced autohypnosis by staring at their
contaminated by low moral standards of Sepphoris
150:7.2(1684;1) degenerate husband of Hildana from
162:3.4(1793;3) hill of Simeon behind
N. had been high place of Baal
126:1.2(1387;2) Jesus
first sermon at synagogue
graduation from synagogue
synagogue had complete copy of Hebrew scriptures
123:5.3(1362;4) synagogue school; view from hill above
123:5sec(1362;2) village spring was center of gossip
123:5.15(1364;3) Abner onetime head of
165:0.1(1817;1) ascetic and eccentric; majority refused to accept Jesus
142:8.1(1605;3) believed in coming of Messiah
137:7.12(1535;4) John the Baptist joined
135:1sec(1496;6) looked upon as sanctified personalities
135:1.2(1496;7) Nazarite corner of women's court in Jerusalem temple
135:2.1(1497;3) parable of Lazarus and Dives
169:3.1(1854;5) permitted to enter holy of holies in temple
135:1.2(1496;7) Samson and prophet Samuel were
135:1.2(1496;7) vowed to abstain from intoxicants, let hair grow, not touch dead
135:2.1(1497;3) absorbed invading blue race
64:7.9(727;6) Adamites exterminated strains of
N. in blue race
80:1.7(890;3) blue race retarded by absorption of
79:5.1(883;2) destroyed or driven out of Asia by yellow race
79:5.2(883;3) dominated world for 500,000 years
64:4.1(720;7) greatly improved work in flint
64:4.3(721;1) of east Asia contaminated with debased animal strains
79:5.2(883;3) retrogressed; had no religion, only superstition
(N's continue...)