base life on highest truth
110:3.7(1206;5) early traders regarded it permissible to cheat strangers
69:4.3(775;3) following truth wherever it leads, and regardless of conclusions
103:7.5(1138;3) fruit of the spirit
193:2.2(2054;3) Jesus embraced truth regardless of apparent source
126:3.8(1390;3) regarding property,
h. originally rested on superstition
69:9.9(781;3) truth must strike in heart with living roots
177:5.2(1927;3) futile without an audience to parade before
68:2.10(765;7) historically
primitives desired
wealth early became badge of social distinction
Zebedee sons sought
171:0.5(1867;5) incessant clamoring of inescapable self for
h. 3:5.13(51;12) sacredness of personal honor
196:0.7(2088;2) seek only what belongs to you
156:5.19(1740;6) entertaining false
h. leads to disappointment and frustration
137:6.5(1533;3) fondest
h. must sometimes die for new opportunity
48:6.25(555;4) fruit of the spirit
193:2.2(2054;3) grandeur of trust
3:5.8(51;7) hope springs eternal in human breast
181:1.7(1954;4) hope transcends all fear because of God's love
34:6.13(381;7) lessen expectations to reduce disappointment
192:2.10(2049;1) man earns status by his
3:5.16(52;2) spirit-born individuals calm while keenest
h. crash
100:2.8(1096;5) transformation of faith engenders hope
101:10.8(1117;2) most primitive society was
70:3.1(787;1) chemical reactions resulting from
65:6.6(737;6) pituitary glands in relation to spirit reception
49:5.12(566;7) anger is stone thrown into nest of
48:7.20(557;4) drop of water contain 100
h. exerted over 2 years
41:7.6(463;6) extinct in America before arrival of red man
61:7.15(702;5) intelligence approaches that of elephant
61:3.6,10(697;1) stealing
h. once capital offense
70:10.15(796;5) tend to flee when frightened
61:3.10(697;5) value
Andites of Turkestan first extensively domesticated
determined dominance of Andites in Occident
for food, travel, agriculture, war
hunted by Neanderthalers
not domesticated in days of Prince's staff
offered barbarians tremendous military advantage
78:8.3(875;7) Vishnu shown with horse's head
85:3.4(946;6) battle with Set
95:2.6(1044;5) Father spoke through
155:6.2(1730;6) preached hope and forgiveness through repentance rather than sacrifice
97:4.5-6(1066;2) secret writing began Old Testament
97:9.20(1074;2) guest friendship was temporary hospitality
70:3.9(787;9) minister as one entertaining children of Most High
133:4.8(1475;1) Morontia Companions; entertain superhuman groups
48:3.10(546;3) library of Dalamatia
66:5.9(746;7) house divided soon brought to desolation
153:4.3(1714;2) move not from house to house
163:1.3(1800;5) proclaim gospel from
150:4.2(1681;9) granite elevations belong to preoceanic ages
57:8.12(661;6) meeting between Indian tribe and Eskimo group
64:7.19(728;8) Great Lakes once emptied through
61:7.10(701;9) associated with social duties
81:5.4,6(906;2) grants to individual curtail all others
70:11.2(796;8) men's rights are not women's rights
84:5.11-12(938;1) natural rights are old social rights
70:9.3(794;1) no more than rules of the game
70:9.3(794;1) society should fairly administer
70:9.7(794;5) woman got rights when time came
84:5.4(937;1) all tribal reactions grew out of effort to avoid
68:4.2(767;2) savages believed spirits derived satisfaction from
89:0.2(974;2) serving with Jesus in
182:1.6(1964;3) supreme tribal disgrace was failing puberty tests
70:7.3(790;6) before God is appropriate
149:6.10(1676;4) causes one to be exalted
175:1.10(1907;2) childish when self-conscious and attention-craving
149:6.9-10(1676;3) happy are the humble, the poor in spirit
140:5.7(1573;9) humbly receive credit for Adjuster's endeavors
110:7.10(1213;5) Jesus asked why someone called him good
196:2.2(2091;4) lean not upon one's own understanding
131:2.8(1445;2) normal consciousness of smallness, mortal shortcomings, essential for religious growth
100:6.4(1100;6) once was attempt to deceive envious spirits
87:5.6-7(963;1) purge me from secret sins
146:2.13(1640;2) safety only when soul craves reproof
131:3.6(1447;3) sit not in chief seat
167:1.5(1834;3) spiritual progress predicated on recognizing spiritual poverty
100:2.1(1095;5) angels enjoy our real
h. 38:2.1(419;1) echoes of a backward glance; based on recalling past
48:4.19-20(549;6) function
automatic safety valve preventing sustained self-contemplation
demonstrates absurdity of much causing concern
discounts anxieties of present
divine antidote for exaltation of ego
lessens shock of unexpected fact or truth
prevents injurious nervous tension
48:4.19(549;6) hearty when portraying one's supposed superiors falling victim
48:4.13(548;8) Jesus' rare good humor
129:4.4(1425;3) Joys of Existence seek to improve
28:5.16(312;3) religion exalts all true
99:4.1(1089;4) reversion directors promote
30:3.7(339;4) spirit humor
grows out of faith in God's loving overcare
higher spirits engage in reminiscent
h. 44:3.4(502;3)
never accentuates misfortunes of weak and erring
reminiscent, current, and prophetic types
48:4.4-7(547;7) Urantian
h. is vulgar and unkind, but comparatively keen
48:4.13,19(548;8) regarded as fetishes
88:1.9(968;4) brought prodigal son to his senses
169:1.8(1852;1) constant urge of early man
63:6.3,5(716;2) external restraint to free will
h. strikes are modern analogue of old-time retaliation
70:10.10(795;7) led to food raids among primitives
70:1.8(784;4) led to primitive food-gathering lines
68:5.3(768;3) of open lands stimulates invention and resourcefulness
64:1.3(718;5) primitive man only thought when he was hungry
68:2.5(765;2) spiritual hunger
of unspiritualized mortal mind
those believing in Jesus will not experience
153:2.7-9(1710;5) urge led to accumulation of capital
69:5.3-4(776;1) blue men became expert
68:5.5(768;5) climate made unprofitable for Asian Andites
81:3.1(903;3) did not enslave; either adopted or killed captives
69:8.4(779;3) evolve into farmers via herding
81:1.5(900;7) family incompatible with unsettled life of
52:2.8(592;1) hunting stage of civilization
68:5.4-5(768;4) in Andite era, only extensive hunting areas were in North America, north of Turkestan
81:6.4(907;1) Neanderthalers were great
64:4.2(720;8) sex rewards improved Neanderthal skills
(H's continue...)