doctrine of suffering; original gospel of Gautama
94:8.3(1036;5) cherubim and sanobim characterized by
38:7.6-7(422;6) do not ascend to seraphic status
38:8.4(423;4) perform indispensible borderline tasks
38:7.6(422;6) similar to midwayers
38:7.6(422;6) discern both spirit and material worlds
44:0.10(498;5) divine executioners
25:2.8(276;1) have holes, but Jesus had nowhere to lay his head
163:2.2(1801;5) Andonites; first humans in England
64:2.6(719;9) held remnants of Onagar's culture in England
64:2sec(719;4) retained Andonic culture; maintained racial superiority; ancestors of Eskimos
64:2.5-7(719;8) Adjusters best typify fragmented orders of Deity (30:17-19)
nature of Eternal Son incapable of
7:5.3(86;4) blue race persisted longest in southern
Neanderthalers spread to
64:4.1(720;7) sun worshippers in 3000 B.C.
80:9.13(898;8) white race dominant by 5000 B.C.
80:5.8(894;1) 10 on each constellation capital
41:1.4(456;3) automatic energy presence, pressure, velocity gauges
29:4.30(328;6) chronoldeks are frandalanks that also measure time
29:4.30(328;6) created by Master Force Organizers and Universe Power Directors
29:4.29(328;5) in Uversa personality register
30:2.17(337;1) master
f. are living instruments indicating energy charge of superuniverse
29:4.2(324;4) stationed on all inhabited worlds
29:4.29(328;5) type of Master Physical Controller
29:4.4(324;6) wholly automatic and mechanical
29:4.5,31(325;1) avoid tempting rewards of dishonesty
160:4.5(1779;3) cheating acceptable outside tribe for ancients
69:4.3(775;3) Jesus' advice to rich man on wealth derived from
132:5.2,8,12(1462;3) secrecy essential to successful practice of
90:4.9(992;1) Adjuster, future finaliter, Father, and Supreme depend on our decisions
112:5.5(1233;1) Adjusters may indwell beings who have
f.w. 52:1.6(590;2) cannot choose beyond range of choosable
118:9.2(1303;3) dedication of
f.w. is man's choicest gift to God
1:1.2(22;5) defined as
ability to know God and power to worship him; to choose eternal survival
dangerous, unstable unidentified with spirit
determining factor in human experience
empowered to rescind spiritual choice and reject survival at any time before fusion
includes possibility of self-confusion, self-disruption, and self-destruction
increasingly liberated as universes are ascended
maximated decision; deliberate choice leading to decision-conduct
not unrestricted, but respected in spirit world provided choices not injurious to self or others
range of choice necessary to enjoy universe progression by making contact with reality
residing in material mind circuits in mortal life
111:3.2(1219;1) early tribulation resulting from liberty offset by later higher loyalty
35:9.8(393;8) enables subjective consciousness to be Godlike
130:2.10(1431;5) endowing imperfect beings with
f.w. entails inevitable tragedy
110:0.1(1203;1) endowment of personalities
16:8.5(194;5) Father's gift of personality makes mortals self-determinative and self-creative
5:6.6(71;1) fixed policy of universe law not to infringe
53:4.4-7(605;1) historically
decision of twins to flee was first act of
development of speech usually coincides with acquiring
Edentia authorities would not intervene in rebellion until every person made final decision
Life Carriers may not arbitrarily influence
62:5.9(708;7) hunger and fear provide external restraint to
118:8.5(1302;2) involved in moral decision, truth discernment, unselfish love, purposeful cooperation, cosmic insight, personality dedication, worship
16:8.7(194;7) man must be fallible if he is to be free; misunderstandings inevitable
25:3.7(277;4) man not a helpless slave of God or victim of mechanistic cosmic determinism
103:5.10(1134;8) mortals are subjects of predestination, but may reject any part
118:7sec(1300;5) mortals may draw near and forsake God so long as power of choice remains
5:1.11(64;2) only in
f.w. has there been deviation from divine paths
12:8.3(139;6) permits mortals to cocreate themselves with God as they are to be
116:4.8,11(1272;7) religion is natural but optional
5:5.5(68;7) spirit liberates, mechanism limits, function of
f.w. 118:8.3(1301;8) spiritual volition self-identified with God is liberated from time
118:6.6-7(1300;2) temptation cannot be overcome merely by human will
156:5.5(1738;4) that creature can do wrong establishes fact of
f.w. 54:4.3(616;2) energy insulators on transport seraphim
39:5.12-14(438;5) regarded as unlucky
88:1.6(968;1) High Commissioners act as
37:5.7(411;5) all live religions encourage
f. 99:6.2(1092;2) ascenders never lose power to recognize former associates
112:5.22(1235;4) betrayal and disloyalty to friends is most destructive of personality status
67:1.3(754;4) concept of personality of Deity facilitates fellowship
1:7.1(31;1) cosmic mind explains kindred spirits
16:6.3(191;6) creatures crave association
10:1.3(109;1) fellowship facilitated by Adjusters
1:7.1(31;1) forsake not an old friend
147:7.3(1656;1) friendliness characterizes spirit-born sons of God
180:5.12(1951;1) Havona arrivals look up old friends
30:4.21(343;3) higher we ascend, lonelier we are without our fellows
28:5.14(312;1) historically
ancient idea meant adoption into clan
Judas separated himself from supporting influence of friends
saliva exchange, blood drinking were seals of
impulse of
f. transcends all convictions of duty
180:1.6(1945;3) making friends
daily prayer quickest way to overcome habit of criticizing friends
enrich souls by pooling respective spiritual possessions
he who would have friends must be friendly
how to make friends (130:7.2
moral affinity and spiritual harmony essential to
one cannot know a person from a single contact
the more we bestow ourselves, the more we love
129:0.2(1419;2) not good for man to be alone
25:8.4(283;5) nourish religion by loyal fellowship
99:3.7,9(1088;8) robs suffering of its sorrow
160:2.8(1776;2) spirit gravity creates cohesiveness among persons, groups
7:1.6(82;5) Spirit of Truth directs loving contacts
(F's continue...)