Jesus blessed
p. because usually sincere and pious
196:2.8(2093;2) a few police can restrain an angry mob
68:1.4(763;7) beware of fickleness of
185:5.5(1993;5) clamored for release of Barabbas
185:5.4-11(1993;4) craved promises of salvation, immortality
98:4.1(1081;4) discerned insincerity of Jewish rulers
173:2.8(1892;5) Jesus
common people heard gladly
in custody no longer hero to
p. 185:5.4-5(1993;4)
lower orders no longer so ignorant, politically helpless
99:1.5(1087;2) proletariat regarded as useless except for breeding
121:3.5(1335;4) necessity for producing large numbers
81:6.12(908;1) numbered 500 million on Caligastia's arrival
66:0.2(741;2) overpopulation
early races restricted
p. by killing sickly children
may become serious problem in near future
reduction in
p. fosters better side of human nature
stationary in light and life
55:6.3(630;6) varies inversely with given standard of living
68:6.3(769;8) system immediately neighboring Satania
41:2.1(456;5) placental mammals that returned to sea
61:2.11(696;2) master mind of orange race; headquarters at Armageddon
64:6.12(724;2) one of 24 counselors
45:4.7(513;8) neighboring universe to Nebadon
32:2.12(360;1) ruler of blue race once had 100,000
81:2.8(902;2) always has advantage over negative
102:6.7(1125;2) disciples required to dedicate all they had
171:2.4(1870;1) held in common by early church; led to disaster
194:4.2,7(2066;2) man's life consists not in abundance of
165:4.1(1821;1) many ancients regarded
p. as spiritual handicap
89:3.2(976;4) when man gives God all that he has, God makes him more than he is
117:4.14(1285;3) all are supposedly experiential
0:12.2(15;8) always supreme over actuals
102:5.1(1123;7) completed Trinity Absolute will express all
106:6.3(1168;2) transmutation into actuals
118:4.3(1298;3) what is to be are the purposive mandates of Deity
102:5.1(1123;7) first group specialists were
69:3.10(774;9) Nathan of Nazareth was; Jesus wished to become
123:5.15(1364;3) Cretan Andites made
p. ca. 12,000 B.C.
80:7.2(895;2) garden Adamites made
76:3.8(850;4) taught by Prince's staff
66:5.24(748;5) cock did not crow until Peter denied Jesus
184:2.8(1981;2) ghost cult origin of rooster on weather vane
87:6.4(964;3) illegal to keep
p. inside Jerusalem
184:2.10(1981;4) parable of
p. spoken exclusively to apostles
171:8sec(1875;6) abhorred by ancients
69:5.12(776;10) absence of ideals in national leaders explains
111:4.10(1220;9) culture never develops under conditions of
81:6.6(907;3) improvident depend on the state (thrifty taxpayers)
69:9.5(780;8) lot of those who seek wealth in isolated channels
160:4.4(1779;2) man's natural estate
69:2.2(773;3) none in light and life
55:5.2(629;11) part of ritual of mortification of flesh
89:3.2-3(976;4) should not be tolerated
71:3.5(803;5) widespread in times of Jesus
121:1.5(1333;1) always stimulates religious feelings
92:1.4(1004;2) our
p. is through renewing of Spirit
34:6.5(380;6) physical power.
See also energy
designates electronic level of linear-gravity responsive matter
term denotes postgravity stages of energy
p. given to Jesus
p. is earned
p., eternity
p. is not
Jesus avoided all display of
p. 138:6.5(1543;3)
primitives took for granted
p. would be used selfishly
refuse to use
p. for self-aggrandizement
136:8.6(1521;1) tendency to bow down before
p. 89:4.1(977;3) there is no
p. but of God
3:2.1(46;5) they who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength
131:2.6(1444;6) of daily life managed by agencies of Infinite Spirit
5:3.5(66;1) encouragement by judicious
139:1.10(1550;1) seek only what belongs to you
156:5.19(1740;6) Vedic deity-father principle
(P's continue...)