Archeozoic, from 1 billion to 550 million years ago
78:7.4(875;1) designers and embellishers of celestial artisans; dramatize significance of relationship
44:6.7(506;8) interpret in light of correlated past and future
19:1.11(215;8) trivial when divorced from past and future
160:2.9(1776;3) does not save, ennoble, or stimulate growth
103:5.11(1135;1) should develop stability and certainty
48:6.24(555;3) courage and faith can lead unthinking men to recklessness
149:4.4(1673;4) Father is not like an indulgent parent who condones recklessness
147:5.9(1653;3) Jesus' faith wholly free of
196:0.14(2090;1) recklessness of blind p.
100:7.15(1103;3) in continental nation
72:10.2(818;5) arrogance may evolve into sin
111:6.2(1222;1) commendable in family, reputation, and nation if not carried too far
139:6.3(1558;4) contemplating God, self-glorification is ridiculous
48:4.15(549;2) deceitful, intoxicating, and sin-breeding
111:6.10(1223;2) exaltation of one's own mind over God's
50:1.2-3(572;4) futile without audience to parade before
68:2.10(765;7) greatest danger to man's spiritual integrity
142:0.2(1596;2) Lucifer's and Caligastia's exaggerated feelings of self-importance
66:8.2(752;3) Lucifer's p. nourished itself to self-deception
53:2.5(603;1) material irritant of immaturity
160:3.5(1778;3) outruns reason and eludes logic
195:7.7(2079;2) p. of unspiritualized learning treacherous
130:3.7(1433;2) prevented by intimate contact with others
160:2.7(1776;1) resist not injury to feelings of personal dignity
141:3.8(1590;3) subtleties of spiritual
p. 163:6.6(1807;5) wisdom of recognizing one's insignificance
131:8.6(1452;4) awe common people by conducting ritual in ancient tongue
90:5.6(992;7) call no man Father in spiritual sense
175:1.10(1907;2) celibate due to baseness of woman
84:4.4(935;4) celibate orders fostered by continence cult
89:3.6(977;1) claimed to hold keys of heaven
90:5.5(992;6) deleterious agency of religion
91:5.6(999;2) ecclesiasticism incompatible with living faith
195:10.8(2084;8) institutional religion turns ministers into administrators
99:6.3(1092;3) intervene between religionist and object of worship
90:0.2(986;2) Micah denounced priests who teach for hire
97:5.5(1067;2) millstones about neck of races
90:5.8(993;2) primitive priests
became specialized according to predilections
chief among ancient capitalists
Salem missionaries forbidden to function as
98:1.1(1077;5) women entitled to perform religious service
194:3.14(2065;2) placed land under protection of taboos
69:9.13(781;7) first group to appear on organizing material spheres
29:4.27(328;3) in Uversa personality register
30:2.17(337;1) living catalytic agents; act by their presence
29:4.25(328;1) most slavish of all intelligent creatures
29:4.5,27(325;1) produce primitive units of material existence
29:4.25(328;1) type of Master Physical Controller
29:4.4(324;6) personalization of local universe Mother Spirit
34:1.1(374;4) Andonites assimilated better strains of
65:3.4(734;1) extinct 5000 years after man's appearance
62:4.7(707;6) last vital link in human evolution
62:4.7(707;6) lightning struck tree in which prospective mother slept
62:3.9(705;8) replenished fire kindled by lightning
63:2.7(712;7) skeletons very similar to primitive humans
62:4.4(707;3) threw stones; used clubs, spicules of flint, bone
63:1.2(711;5) walked upright, largely abandoned tree life; developed language
62:4.1-4(706;5) Jews believed Messiah would reign over them as
97:10.1(1075;6) Melchizedek who lived on Urantia
35:4.5(389;4) early appearance in China
79:8.7(887;7) Master's teaching misinterpreted since exact words not remembered
180:2.4(1946;2) progress slow before printing press
81:6.9,44(907;6) truth difficult to perpetuate prior to
122:8.7(1352;3) Holdant in charge of internees
45:3.5(512;5) in Satania are 7 worlds circling world of the Father
53:9.8(611;7) morontia progressors permitted to visit
45:1.11(510;9) solemn warning to all Nebadon
53:9.8(611;7) first refinement of war was taking of
70:1.20(785;3) Jesus' talk with the condemned prisoner
133:4.12(1475;5) John the Baptist at Machaerus
135:10sec(1506;3) preventive detention but no prisons in continental nation
72:10.1-3(818;4) Roman law allowed one friend to stand with prisoner
183:5.3(1977;3) Creators respect
p. even of lowly creatures
18:1.4-6(208;3) none in primitive life
70:10.4(795;1) among primitives
brought increased liberty and stability
p.p. consisted of things personally touched
food was man's first
institution came with agriculture
methods of handling early property disputes
regarded as spiritual handicap
respected because supposed charged with owner's personality
sleeping space was one of earliest
69:9.11(781;5) institution of self-maintenance
84:8.6(943;1) man craves right to use, control, sell, and bequeath
71:2.9(802;8) right to
p.p. not absolute, but all government, liberty, and happiness have grown up around
69:9.17(782;4) enjoy without abuse
48:7.8(556;8) children in
absent choice for ascendant career, die at life's end; no adjudication
Adjusterless children enter p.n. upon survival of parent of most advanced spiritual status
are wards of the finaliters
attended by seraphic guardians, spornagia
cannot become finaliters
constitute permanent ascendant citizenship of Paradise
given opportunity to choose heavenly way
personal guardians serve those attaining 3rd circle
raised in families of 5
repersonalized as of status at death except no sex differentiation
47:2.2(531;6) children who die after receiving Adjusters but before the age of spiritual choice live with Material Sons; do not go to p.n.
47:2.4-5(532;2) devoted to children who die before acquiring individual status in event of survival of either parent
47:2.1(531;5) Lucifer and Satan sought to corrupt
53:7.9(608;5) similar nurseries also maintained on constellations and local universe headquarters
49:6.14(570;3) spironga minister to physical necessities
47:2.6(532;4) supervised by 1000 Material Son and Daughter couples
45:6.9(517;2) survivors deficient in parental experience must qualify in
p.n., possibly with own children
47:1.4-5(531;2) visitation by mortal parents
(P's continue...)