1 of 3 original selections for Garden of Eden
76:1.3(847;5) after default, Adam abandoned Garden of Eden; caravanned to
75:7.1(845;1) caravan to
s.g. took 1 year
76:1.1(847;3) civilization artificial; had not evolved
78:2.3(870;1) cradle of civilization for 30,000 years
78:0.1(868;1) culture terminated by infiltration of inferiors
78:6.8(874;5) defense wall extended 56 miles between rivers
76:1.3(847;5) farming and gardening chief pursuits
81:1.6(901;1) herds, seeds, plant bulbs, and cereals caravanned to
76:3.6(850;2) located between Tigris and Euphrates rivers
76:1.1,3(847;3) religious life difficult to organize; Nodites in charge
76:2.3(848;3) number 84,691 on Uversa; numbers increasing
24:1.5(265;5) order of Universe Circuit Supervisors; serve on superuniverse headquarters
24:1.2,5(265;2) appear wholly automatic and mechanical
29:4.5,27(325;1) beings of enormous antigravity endowment; work in reverse to primary associators
29:4.28(328;4) evolve limitless supplies of energy
29:4.28(328;4) in Uversa personality register
30:2.17(337;1) type of Master Physical Controller
29:4.4(324;6) appeals to vanity, confers power of mystery
70:7.2-3(790;5) essential to successful practice of fraud and superstition
90:4.9(992;1) importance of maintaining confidences
13:1.13,20(146;2) not granted us to know personal relations of Creators and creatures
18:1.4-6(208;3) records open for consultation
25:6.2(281;7) secret societies taught keeping secrets
70:7.12(792;1) there are no arbitrary secrets
18:1.4(208;3) unlimited disclosure of sin-expression is quickest final cure
54:5.9-12(617;9) based on rite of blood-drinking
89:9.3(984;2) employed by kings to collect taxes
70:7.14(792;3) kept unscrupulous kings on anxious seat; practiced lynch law
70:7.12(792;1) power of mystery conferred on members
70:7.2-3(790;5) sociopolitical and religio-mystical types
70:7.1(790;4) assigned to Mighty Messengers, Those High in Authority, and Those without Name and Number
28:6.1(313;5) tertiary seconaphim; associated with Souls of Goodness
28:6.20-22(317;1) ascribes urge to be unselfish to material mind
103:5.3(1134;1) atheism is maximation of ugliness
56:10.4(646;5) broke bonds of church control
195:8.4(2081;4) cannot lastingly increase responsiveness to sufferings of others
99:1.5(1087;2) contributed to tolerance, social service, civil liberties
195:8.6-8(2081;6) dangers
betrays man into political and economic slavery
godless philosophy leading only to war, world-wide disaster
terrible destruction of
s. yet to come
195:8.13(2082;5) humanism may be grafted onto spiritual roots
102:7.4(1126;4) of Nile Valley never surpassed in moral grandeur
95:3.3(1045;6) religion of Jesus will conquer
195:9.2-3(2082;7) thoughtless
s. of man in street
195:6.7(2077;3) untrue humanist teachings
99:5.1(1090;7) Salem headquarters for China
94:5.1(1032;3) parables about seeds
plants bearing seeds
afforded animals better food supply
appeared in Permian
evolution from spores
65:6.3(737;3) sometimes planting seed necessitates its death
48:6.25(555;4) ancestor of all relative, nonspirit functional realities
56:1.4(638;2) basic space force of Unqualified Absolute
56:1.3(638;1) fashioned after similitude of 3 Gods in 1
42:1.6(468;3) first stage of individuation of absoluta into pre-energy form of cosmic force
11:8.5(126;1) focalized on nether Paradise
11:5.4(122;4) passage of particles through
s. gives rise to phenomena analogous to postulated ether
42:5.15-16(476;1) phases of transmutation to universe power
pre-energy not responsive to direct Paradise gravity
56:1.3(638;1) reactive to transcendental causation in proportion to absoluteness
42:2.8(469;8) reacts with elasticity of response in accordance with unknown but stable laws
12:6.6(136;4) response is universal, inescapable; inherent in Absolutes
56:1.3(638;1) under personal control of Universal Father
56:1.3(638;1) sacrificed in building walls of Jericho
89:6.6(981;3) disclose beings who function best in temporary association
in Uversa personality register
30:2.18(337;2) type of Morontia Power Supervisor; certify morontia progressors for advanced standing
48:2.16(544;6) do not take too seriously
48:6.26(555;5) faith of Jesus provides salvation from
101:6.8(1112;4) humor is divine antidote for exaltation of ego
48:4.14-15(549;1) man identifies urge to be self-serving with his ego
103:2.10(1131;9) nature of self
consciousness sorter and associator
has personality and temporal identity
incessant clamoring of inescapable
s. for honor
man's invincible foe
selfhood is material on evolutionary worlds
selfhood resides in material mind circuits during mortal life
summation of parts constitute individuality
112:1.18(1227;8) only a well-unified personality can arbitrate multiform ego contentions
103:5.4(1134;2) securing equal good for others and oneself
103:5.4-6(1134;2) union with God exalts, enriches, spiritualizes, and unifies man's evolving
s. 117:5.2(1285;5),
133:7.7(1479;7) Vedic concentration on
s. led to belief in reincarnation
94:2.3(1029;1) work is important,
s. is not
48:6.26(555;5) co-operation with Adjuster does not entail ostentatious
s.a. 110:3.4(1206;2) defeat is true mirror in which to view real self
156:5.17(1740;4) God alone has perfect appraisal of himself
2:1.3-4(34;2) Jesus did not provide for spiritual self-examination
140:8.27(1583;1) prevents conceited egotism
140:8.27(1583;1) science and religion need searching, fearless self-criticism
103:7.7(1138;5) understanding self and others leads to craving to know God
1:6.6(30;5) vs. self-forgetfulness
143:2.2(1609;3) battle cry of Lucifer rebellion
53:4.2(604;4) indulging
s.-a. separates man from communion with Father
5:1.10(64;1) kingdom of order inherently triumphant over
53:6.5(606;8) refuse to use power for
48:7.8(556;8) self-admiration leads to seeking unjust power over others
54:1.6-8(614;1) sin to prostitute divine talents for self-aggrandizement
136:6.9(1519;2) based on assurance of doing Father's will
181:1.8(1954;5) Spirit of Truth gives
(S's continue...)