meet pilgrims on inner Havona circle
26:11.6(297;3) herd instinct insufficient to account for present society
68:2.4(765;1) innate drives toward growth and self-realization function unless inhibited
100:1.6(1095;1) man's technique varies, but his disposition remains unchanged
84:5.13(938;3) reduced land yield or increased population brings worst traits of human nature to surface
68:6.4(770;1) training of intellect annulled by instinct
111:7.5(1223;7) accumulated mores
69:0.3(772;3) all minister to some social need
69:1.1(772;4) man secured civil freedom through
81:5.5(906;3) man should control his
i., not be controlled by them
69:1.1(772;4) most are laborsaving; contribute to group security
69:0.2(772;2) overdevelopment of
i. detracts from the individual
69:1.1(772;4) caused by protecting children from consequences of foolish conduct
84:7.20(941;1) animal reaction to intellectual or spiritual superiority
184:4.5(1984;6) Jesus preserved dignity upon continued
186:2.5(1999;5) among primitives
children were old-age
i. 84:7.13(940;9)
civilization, laws were
i. against violent death
food storage was
i. against famine and disaster
ghost cult was
i. against disaster
industry grew up as
i. against famine
religion exacted burdensome premiums of fear, superstition, dread, and priest gifts
86:7.1-2(956;4) old-age
i. in continental nation
72:6sec(814;3) reserves against risk of incapacity in light and life
55:3.6(625;5) society lessens risk in individuals' living
81:5.3-4(906;1) wise investment of earnings against future adversity
163:2.11(1803;2) intellectual overdevelopment sometimes handicaps and embarrasses religion
102:3.1(1121;3) broadcasters of superior seraphim associate with
39:2.15(431;4) broadcasters of superior seraphim associate with
39:2.15(431;4) Hearts of Counsel reflective of
28:5.15(312;2) tertiary supernaphim; living newspapers of Havona
26:3.8(289;1) superior seraphim; report to Gabriel
39:2.3(429;7) enlightenment should deliver from dependence on
92:7.7(1013;2) Mithras interceded for humans among gods
98:5.3(1082;4) no i. needed between man and God
6:3.4(75;9) spiritual menace in galaxy of saints
195:4.2(2074;8) of all forces and personalities
116:6.5(1275;5) can never bring permanent peace
134:5.10(1489;1) post-Adamic epoch is era of
52:3.10(594;1) should be fostered in language, trade, sports, religion
81:6.19(908;8) administrator seraphim; portray responsibilities of universe government
39:4.7-9(434;7) help Paradise arrivals adjust to new groups of beings
27:3.3(300;6) primary supernaphim
27:0.3(298;3) Unions of Souls in reflective synchrony with
28:5.13(311;5) inexorable restoration of imbalance between self-liberty and self-control
118:8.6(1302;3) direct channel of communication between Eternal Son and Paradise Sons
15:9.7(177;6) appeared with revealed religion
92:7.2-3(1012;3) caused summary dismissal at Urmia
134:3.6(1486;1) covers secret doubts
146:3.2(1641;4) danger of religious
99:6.3(1092;3) doctrine is most terrible tyrant which enslaves men
88:2.7(969;5) ethical consciousness unmasks immorality of
52:6.5(597;6) everlastingly inimical to human progress
71:3.2(803;2) mental poison; tremendously interferes with spiritual progress
110:1.5(1204;3) none on celestial worlds
47:4.2(534;6) stumble not into entanglements of
191:4.3(2041;6) among primitives
belief effects of drugs due to supernatural forces
plants worshiped because their liquors produced i.
shamans employed drugs to induce physical states
90:1.4(987;2) Gautama's commandment against
religion of Jesus not an opiate
194:3.3-4(2063;1) Sumerians used opium as medicine
90:4.9(992;1) accelerates cultural development
81:6.9(907;6) economic freedom secured through
81:5.5(906;3) inestimable benefits of
81:2.10(902;4) post-Adamic dispensation is age of great
52:3.6(593;5) motion of
i. sometimes discernable by effects on visible
115:6.7(1265;8) causes compass variation
58:2.9(666;6) heat in stratosphere ionizes oxygen
58:2.6(666;3) produces aural displays in atmosphere
58:2.8(666;5) stripping atoms of outer (chemically active) electrons
42:3.8(472;6) temperature range; storms in
58:2.6,10(666;3) Andites from
I. invaded Europe with Andonites
80:9.6(898;1) aridity forced Andites to invent new methods
81:6.3(906;8) barbarians of
I. raided Euphrates and Tigris valleys
78:8.3-5(875;7) beliefs in Iran
fire reverence long persisted
kingdom of heaven concepts from
Zoroastrianism founded in
131:5.1(1449;4) dawn mammals originated in
62:1.3(703;4) overpopulation in 15,000 B.C.
79:2.4(880;2) Persians freed Jews from Babylonian captivity
97:10.2(1075;7) remnant of blue race left in
64:7.11(727;8) not a distinct period
81:3.4(903;6) Jesus worked in mines at
146:4sec(1643;2) man from
I. ridiculed in temple
173:1.6(1890;1) flint striking iron pyrites made sparks for fire
69:6.4(777;7) ore mined from Mount Sinai and Black Sea region
80:6.3(894;4) role in oxygenating blood
65:6.4(737;4) Urantia's density is about that of
41:4.3(459;7) Chinese state delayed by thoroughness of conquests
79:8.1(887;1) fatal weakness of Ikhnaton's gospel was greatest truth
95:5.9(1048;3) further information regarding power centers would only add to our confusion
29:3.8(323;6) national egotism has been essential to social survival
71:3.2(803;2) pottery discovered by observing burned clay hut
81:2.14(902;8) Simon Zelotes kept at work by belief Jesus would soon return
192:2.5-6(2048;1) timing of submergence of Eden
73:7.2(827;1) federation achieved primitive form of state
71:1.3-12(800;5) mother-family one reason statehood never achieved
84:2.2(932;8) reformed waste in funerals
87:2.10(960;4) Adamites labored along rivers of Mesopotamia on
78:2.1(869;10) Caligastia 100 taught
66:5.2(745;8) Sumerians used irrigation canals for military defense
78:8.5(876;2) offered to support Jesus' family if he joined Zealots
127:2.5(1397;3) Abraham secured wife for
93:9.4(1023;1) held to his father's teachings
93:9.5(1023;2) sacrifice by Abraham
(I's continue...)