emerged from mana level of prayer
91:0.5(994;5) in Judaism, philosophy and aesthetics entirely submerged in religion and morality
98:2.7-9(1079;4) lack of balance between intellectual and spiritual growth hazardous
lack of balance in Greece, where personal religious experience failed to keep pace with intellect
98:2.7-9(1079;4) philosophy, religion, and science welded together by wisdom, faith, and experience
98:2.12(1080;2) sense of proportion necessary in exercise of virtue
16:7.7(193;6) spiritual growth greatest when physical, mental, and spiritual powers in
b. 110:6.4(1209;4) unification of mathematic logic, mind-reason, and spirit-faith in personality
16:6.10(192;6) world peace cannot be maintained by
134:6.9(1491;3) Andonites entered Europe via
80:9.6(898;1) Andite invasion route to Europe
80:4.1-2(892;4) has vast spiritual resources
195:6.1(2076;6) ancient interest rate was 100%
69:5.6(776;4) commercial credit first practiced at Dalamatia
66:5.12(747;2) courts determine interest rates in continental nation
72:5.4(813;5) early banker was valorous man of tribe
69:5.2(775;10) early creditors controlled body after death
69:5.8(776;6) extensive system in Jerusalem temple
173:1.3-4(1889;1) honest wealth entitled to interest
132:5.9(1464;3) Moses said his people would lend but not borrow
96:5.4(1058;2) negligent servant should have obtained interest
176:3.4(1916;4) Jewish custom against women sitting at
172:1.2(1878;5) Jewish custom that interested persons linger
147:5.2(1651;6) primitives gave pretentious feasts to dispel dishonor
69:5.12(776;10) evolving monotheists keep subordinate gods as
96:1.14(1054;4) b. of Jesus.
See Jesus: events in life
evolution of ceremony
87:6.5(964;4) in early Christian church
194:4.9(2067;4) Jesus never opposed rite of
170:5.13(1865;3) John baptized for remission of sins
135:6.4(1502;2) of gentile proselytes into fellowship of outer court
135:6.4(1502;2) price apostles paid to gain followers of John
144:7.1(1626;2) public profession of entrance into kingdom
144:8.5(1627;2) religious ceremonial in Babylon
85:4.1(946;8) Jesus crucified in place of
B.; mob cheered
187:0.2(2004;2) political agitator; murderous robber; son of priest
185:5.3-11(1993;3) thief on cross had looked upon
B. as hero
187:4.5(2009;4) defeated Sisera at Taanach
126:1.2(1387;2) first matchmakers were
83:2.1(923;1) early people wrote on
66:5.9(746;7) improved in Garden of Eden
81:1.7(901;2) able Greek believer in Jerusalem
194:4.11(2068;1) foolish rich man pulled down
165:4.2(1821;2) among ancients,
b. attributed to spirit machinations
83:4.4(924;7) ancients always blamed
b. on wife
83:7.2(928;3) doll first employed as talisman against
88:6.4(972;4) early practices of silent
b.; fetish stood guard
69:4.1-4(775;1) father of Nathaniel
139:6.9(1559;4) Jesus restored sight to
171:5sec(1873;1) earth's crust stabilized by molten sea of
58:5.3-4(668;5) form of lava heavier than granite
58:5.6(668;8) Palisades of Hudson formed by extrusion of
60:1.3(685;5) brutal Hebrew raid upon king of
69:8.3(779;2) blue race admixed with Saharans
80:9.11(898;6) belief deformed babies were result of careless
b. 84:1.4(932;1) Greeks practiced ritual of
85:4.1(946;8) religious ceremonial before Prince's arrival
87:6.5(964;4) Mary mother of Jesus a descendant of
122:1.2(1345;1) wife of Uriah the Hittite; King David married; mother of Solomon
97:9.10,15(1072;8) imparted traditions of Salem to Gautama
94:7.5(1035;5) Dravidian shipping to
79:3.7(881;7) string of
b. was once a battery of charms
88:1.2(967;4) foolish carpenter spent time squaring rotting timber
156:5.2(1738;1) strengthen moral character, create happiness
140:5.6-24(1573;8) in Jerusalem temple
162:4.3(1794;2) always triumphs over ugliness
156:5.5(1738;4) ancients believed b. aroused envy of spirits
87:5.7(963;2) base life on highest consciousness of
110:3.7(1206;5) concept not inherent in physics
195:6.11(2077;7) defined as
discernment of goodness in truth
finite maximum of experience
harmonious relations, rhythms of creation
man's effort to discern God in matter
reflection of Paradise in material creation
unification of contrasts, of Creator and creature
value-realization of God-consciousness
111:3.7(1219;6) discernment of b. is integration of reality
2:7.8(43;1) leads to worship, especially with children
167:6.5-6(1840;4) man's understanding of
b. only relatively true
115:1.2(1260;3) most religious when simple and naturelike
167:6.6(1840;5) never satisfying if ununified
44:7.3(507;4) pleasing surroundings contribute to happiness
140:4.10(1573;1) service of
b. no substitute for religious experience
196:3.20(2095;7) sincere pursuit of
b. leads to God
195:6.17(2078;3) truth, fact, and relationship inseparable from
44:7.2(507;3) Indian tribes believed they originated from
74:8.5(837;4) believed nature spirit produced sand whirls
85:4.2(947;1) Jesus warned apostles would be called associates of
150:4.2(1681;9) leader of apostate secondary midwayers
77:7.4(863;5) lacked ability to respond to spirit leading
130:8.4(1440;4) almost unknown among ancient tribes
69:9.1(780;4) Jesus lived in rock cavern near
136:4.12(1515;6) Jesus' headquarters while on Mount Hermon
134:8.1(1492;8) Babylonian god; Mesopotamian god of earth
97:6.2(1067;5) Mesopotamians reduced their gods to concept of
96:0.1(1052;1) most northerly Danubian settlement at Liege in
80:8.4(897;2) acceptance of teaching as true
101:8.1(1114;5) always limits and binds
101:8.2(1114;6) b. rather than knowledge determines conduct
99:4.5(1090;1) education increases respect for others' opinions
25:3.12(278;3) hard to shake once part of one's religion
153:3.6(1713;1) may not be able to resist doubt and withstand fear
102:6.7(1125;2) religions of authority require uniformity in
155:6.9(1732;2) time required to effect radical change in fundamental
(B's continue...)