Chinese sacrificed maiden to improve tone
89:6.4(981;1) Gautama founded school at
94:7.5(1035;5) Immanuel's
b. for Michael
120:3.10(1330;5) Jesus'
b. to apostles
193:5.2(2057;4) worship of meteor which fell in A.D. 1880
85:1.2(944;6) blue race admixed with Saharans
80:9.11(898;6) red race migrated over, 100,000 85,000 B.C.
79:5.6(883;7) 144 supreme seraphim who attend Avonal missions
39:1.4-6(427;4) fanatical Phoenician woman
148:8.4(1666;3) ancient Hebrew city; later Scythopolis
124:3.6-9(1370;4) Bethany ford of river Jordan
171:2.1(1869;3) John's disciples remained at
141:9.2(1595;6) 2 miles from Jerusalem temple
172:3.1(1880;7) almost every person from
B. was believer
172:3.1(1880;7) Jesus met Mary, Martha, and Lazarus at
124:6.9(1375;3) Simon father of Lazarus was leading resident of
168:0.4(1842;4) appealing legend of star of
122:8.7(1352;3) headquarters for Abner, messenger corps
162:9.2(1798;3) Herod killed 16 boy babies at
122:10.3(1354;2) inhabitants did not know Jesus born in
142:8.2(1605;4) Joseph registered for census at; remained
122:8.4(1351;8) Mary wanted Jesus to grow up in
123:0.5(1356;2) Joseph father of Jesus worked at
123:3.8(1360;3) hamlet short distance northwest of Bethany
172:3.6(1881;4) Jesus' Palm Sunday donkey from
500 to 1500 present; model of order and sanitation
1000 improved or cured at hospital
camp equipage later used at Pella
hospital supervised by Elman the physician
Karuska of Sidon was patient at
under supervision of David Zebedee
148:0.1(1657;1) fishing harbor of Capernaum
139:1.1(1548;5) healing of 683 at sundown
145:3sec(1631;6) healing the paralytic at
148:9sec(1666;5) Mary mother of Jesus died at
187:4.7(2009;6) Zebedee's home at fishing headquarters of
129:1.4(1420;1) woe upon light-rejecting inhabitants of
163:6.5(1807;4) greatest sorrow is to be wounded in house of friend
149:6.12(1677;1) Jewish law forbade testimony of traitors
184:3.6(1982;7) money not Judas's motive for
139:12.5(1566;4) Solemnities of Trust reflect individual's possibilities of
28:6.14(316;1) Jesus denounced belief in
150:3.12(1681;7) offered Job depressing counsel
148:6.5,9(1663;3) Andon created fire with flint sparks into bird's nest
63:2.5-7(712;5) became fetish animals
88:1.5(967;7) Cretaceous was era of
60:3sec(688;8) descended from partially progressive reptiles
65:2.8-10(732;6) domesticated by 5000 B.C.
81:2.8(902;2) evolved from hollow-boned leaping dinosaurs
60:3.22(691;3) prebirds had too little brain for body size
60:3.21(691;2) primitives believed
b. to be source of wind
85:3.4(946;6) used for transport on Jerusem
46:2.4(521;1) believed caused by evil eye
87:5.5(962;6) commemorated self-inflicted death of Attis
98:4.4(1081;7) Andonites entered Europe via region of
80:9.6(898;1) iron ores mined in
80:6.3(894;4) once was extension of Mediterranean
64:4.10(721;8) early metal workers and magicians
69:3.5(774;4) early specialists; enjoyed special privileges; hated
69:3.6,9(774;5) descendants of Onamonalonton
64:6.7(723;6) Judas blamed others for his difficulties
193:4.7(2056;5) placing failures of one's own making upon others
176:3.9(1918;2) refrain from condemnation
147:8.4(1656;5) no forgiveness for deliberate b. against God
165:3.6(1820;5) Jesus restored sight to Bartimeus
171:5sec(1873;1) Jesus restored sight to Josiah
164:3sec(1811;2) rabbis taught blindness caused by sin
164:3.3(1811;4) sometimes invite to banquets
167:1.5(1834;3) among earliest medicines
90:4.8(991;7) ancients believed
b. created child
84:2.1(932;7) b. money substituted for vengeance; Moses abolished
70:10.12(796;2) barbarous idea of penance by shedding b.
4:5.4(60;3) from sacrificial animals sickened Jesus
125:1.4(1378;6) Hebrews believed no remission of sin without shedding
4:5.5(60;4) many still depend upon
b. for salvation
89:9.4(984;3) of kings believed divine
70:6.4(790;1) Philo taught forgiveness only through shedding
121:6.5(1339;1) Phrygian mystery cult celebrated day of
97:4.4(1066;1) place
b. shed became property of injured person
69:9.8-9(781;2) scientific aspects of blood
15 million chemical reactions in
cuttlefish oxygenate
b. with copper
retains salinity of ancestors' ocean environment
role of iron in oxygenation
65:6.4(737;4) some ancients believed soul resided in
86:5.11(955;3) ancient social brotherhoods based on rite of
89:9.3(984;2) belief blood was seat of soul gave origin to
84:2.1(932;7) first peace treaties were blood bonds

of sacrificial animals by Mithraics
98:5.4(1082;5) once common cannibalistic practice
89:5.11(979;10) seal of friendship, acceptance into clan
(B's continue...)