administered from
D. 108:3.7(1189;3)
transit time to Urantia from
D. is 117 hours
108:1.9(1186;7) Paradise rendezvous of Adjusters, Gravity Messengers, and other Father fragments only
107:3sec(1179;4) secrets include mission of Adjusters, Father fragments
13:1.5-6(144;5) attained by conforming to will of Creator
130:4.3(1434;2) comprehended as truth, beauty, goodness; love, mercy, ministry; justice, power, sovereignty
56:10.20(648;3) comprehended in worship, service, and personal spiritual experience
101:10.4(1116;5) consciousness of
d. is progressive spiritual experience
12:8.15(140;11) divine technique in approach to
d. 27:4.2(301;3) enriched by creature and Creator experience
0:12.3(15;9) evil inherent in segmentalized conception of
d. 19:1.4(215;1) fruits are peace, progress, satisfaction, joy, wisdom
56:10.20(648;3) functions in mortal personality as Adjuster, Spirit of Truth, Holy Spirit, and Supreme
101:2.10(1107;2) greatness is Godlikeness
28:6.22(317;3) humbly obedient to creature choice
13:4.5(150;4) in Supreme Creators
56:5.3(640;7) may be imperfect on creature levels
0:1.18(3;5) no scientific proofs of
d.; discoverable only by faith
101:10.4,6(1116;5) not self-centered
10:1.3(109;1) Paradise residents partake of essence of
26:7.4(293;2) plural in manifestation
34:6.2(380;3) pursuit of
d. leads to kingdom of God
54:0.1(613;1) spirit gravity is qualitative measure of
12:8.5(140;1) stability always proportional to
12:6.1(135;11) unifying and co-ordinating quality of Deity
0:1.2,16-18) absence of ideals of national leaders explains
111:4.10(1220;9) d. is safety valve preventing still worse situations
83:7.8(929;2) disgraceful laxity of Pharisaic interpretations
167:5.2-4(1838;3) easy
d. leads back to crude societal stages
83:7.7(929;1) Hildana forsook her wicked husband
162:3.5(1793;4) indicates Deity was not conjoining party to marriage
83:8.4(929;7) Jesus condemned practices giving man advantage
167:5.4(1839;1) Jesus refused to lay down laws regarding
d. 140:8.14(1581;1) laws in continental nation (72:3.8 9)
marrying with thought of convenient
d. if not wholly pleased
82:3.15(917;3) not favored in days of Adam
140:6.6(1576;6) premarital education reduces
83:7.7-8(929;1) property penalty did much to lessen
83:7.3(928;4) woman's greater economic liberty contributes to
83:8.9(930;5) avoid attitude of finality in
182:1.8(1965;2) believers should reply to dogmatism with more farseeing dogmatism
cosmic mind response negates a priori assumptions
16:6.4(191;7) doctrinal fetish betrays man into cruelty
88:2.7(969;5) dogmatism enslaves spiritual nature
99:6.1(1092;1) indolent resort to false shelter of stereotyped
102:2.7(1120;4) Jesus deplored dogmatism
141:5.4(1592;2) Jesus warned against using creeds to control believers
141:5.4(1592;2) most terrible tyrant which enslaves man
88:2.7(969;5) only unqualified reality can consistently be dogmatic
102:7.8(1127;2) philosophy struggles for emancipation from dogma
12:9.5(141;6) powerless to transform human character
34:6.6(380;7) religions can agree on values while maintaining belief in conflicting creeds
103:1.4(1130;3) religious groups should remove all creedal pressure
103:5.12(1135;2) uniformity unattainable in creeds
92:7.4(1012;5) at first only howled; later barked
69:7.4(778;7) brought Abel's flocks home without their master
76:2.7(849;1) charged swine at Kheresa
151:6.6(1696;4) detected approach of ghosts
87:6.4(964;3) eat crumbs which fall from children's table
156:1.5(1735;1) first adopted by blue man
81:2.7(902;1) first animal to be domesticated; used for food, hunting, transportation, companionship
69:7.4(778;7) held in high esteem as pet and as food
89:5.16(980;5) in North American ice age
61:5.7(699;8) Jesus and Ganid played with
d. 130:2.8(1431;3) present not what is holy to
140:3.18(1571;5) sacred animal of Parsees
88:1.4(967;6) watchdogs made it possible to sleep at night
84:3.10(934;9) accurate record of Hebrew history; destroyed by priests
97:8.1(1070;4) accurate record of Hebrew history; destroyed by priests
97:8.1(1070;4) first employed as talisman for barren wife
88:6.4(972;4) Chicago's sunlight bill would be $100 million/day
58:2.1(665;4) sunlight would be economical at $1 million/pound
41:5.2(460;6) placental mammal that returned to sea
61:2.11(696;2) Andite invasion route to Europe
80:4.1-2(892;4) Greeks and Romans looked down upon riders of
172:5.12(1886;4) kings on mission of peace rode upon
172:5.5,8(1884;4) wise man seeks for key to unlock
160:3.4(1778;2) custom of smearing blood on
89:7.2(982;1) young Jesus remonstrated regarding custom of touching parchment on
124:4.7(1372;4) Gadiah and Peter argued in home of
130:1.3(1428;3) Joseph's brethren sold him into Egyptian slavery at
126:1.2(1387;2) alone, can never prevent survival
110:3.5(1206;3) do not fear; Spirit of Truth will speak
34:7.8(383;2) doubting messengers carried message just as swiftly
190:1.6(2030;5) first 7 years of rebellion were times of heart searching
67:3.7(756;8) honest
d. is not sin
102:1.1(1118;4) inhibits free expression
196:0.11(2089;1) Jesus loved honest doubters
139:8.6(1561;6) most stubbornly asserts itself just before crumbling
191:5.4(2043;2) reference in 23rd Psalm
48:6.8(552;6) spiritual rebirth gives power to overcome all
142:5.3(1601;3) temptation to doubt vanishes on 3rd circuit of Havona
26:9.3(295;1) James brother of Jesus sold
126:3.12(1391;2) Mary maintained dovecote on rooftop
123:4.4(1361;4) symbols of peace and love
(D's continue...)