brother of Herod Antipas
153:1.1(1707;4) Caesarea Philippi was capital of
157:3.1(1745;2) Abraham made converts among
93:9.4(1023;1) constantly raided tribes of Palestine
93:5.6(1019;3) defeated Saul at Gilboa
97:9.6(1072;4) Hebrews learned alphabet from
74:8.9(838;1) King David defeated; assumed collection of caravan tariffs from
97:9.11-15(1073;1) political refugees from Crete
74:8.9(838;1) accomplishments
mitigated Roman objections to Judaism
possessed copy of Book of Wisdom
95:4.3(1046;4) tolerated belief in reincarnation
164:3.4(1811;5) wealthy Jew; restored concept of Trinity; glimpsed Thought Adjusters; taught atonement doctrine
121:6.5-6(1339;1) belief led to mastery of metals
88:6.5(972;5) assumes reality of body, mind and soul
101:5.5(1110;5) base on insights of cosmic mind
16:6.10(192;6) blunder to oversimplify reality; approach higher from lower
19:1.5-12(215;2) can never be settled in its conclusions
27:6.5(303;3) cannot nourish faith
103:7.1(1137;6) civilization in danger when youth neglect
111:4.4(1220;3) examples of stunted philosophic growth
101:7.4(1114;2) few systems persist without religious identification
98:2.12(1080;2) Greeks vainly sought solace in
98:2.2-3(1078;6) highest attainable
p. based on science, faith, and revelation
103:6.15(1137;5) is to religion as conception is to action
98:2.12(1080;2) lower planes of mota join higher levels of
48:7.1(556;1) Nalda dodged issue of salvation with
143:5.5-7(1613;3) posits a God of universal unity
5:5.3(68;5) religion is mother of
5:5.5(68;7) schools of
p. in continental nation
72:8.4(817;1) should always look for creative design behind
2:7.5(42;6) sometime becomes chief pursuit
71:7.2,4(806;2) spiritual insight is soul and energy of
102:2.6(1120;3) strengths
attempts integration of meanings and values
co-ordinates experience and knowledge
harmonizes discrepancies; cannot be built on materialism or spiritism alone
inveigles man to contemplate spiritual reality
should make science and religion more tolerant of each other
solves mysteries, problems
wisdom; leads to co-ordinate consciousness
102:3.5(1122;1) struggles for emancipation from dogma and tradition
12:9.5(141;6) uniformity not attainable in
103:1.1(1129;4) considered snakes mouthpiece of evil spirits
88:1.5(967;7) employed crucifixion as punishment
187:1.5(2005;3) Jesus' 18th appearance to
193:2sec(2054;2) offered first-born as sacrifice
89:6.7(981;4) part of older Semitic race that included Jews
156:3.2(1737;1) superior mixed Semites
96:2.1(1054;6) only 14 have appeared
65:2.11(733;1) energy manipulator celestial artisans; assist Morontia Power Supervisors
44:5.2(504;6) refrain from despising material means of healing
164:3.15(1813;2) Veronica suffered many things of many
p. 152:0.2(1698;2) could not have predicted water molecule
12:9.3(141;4) laws of
p. immutable, not responsive to training
65:6.8(738;1) truth, beauty, and goodness not inherent in
195:6.11(2077;7) co-operation with Adjuster does not entail mock
110:3.4(1206;2) descended from enormous ancient reptiles
65:2.9(732;7) Joseph offered 2 for temple sacrifice
122:10.2(1354;1) Morontia Companions; co-ordinators of all morontia ministers
48:3.7(545;8) help ascenders understand Trinity, Father-Son partnership, and Infinite Spirit
26:5.2(291;2) secondary supernaphim; serve ascenders and Paradise Citizens on 7th circuit of Havona
26:5sec(291;1) Morontia Companions; social companions of new mansion world arrivals
48:3.8-9(546;1) to sacred shrines ancient ritual
90:5.3(992;4) spirit luminosity accompanying Adjusters
107:4.5(1181;1) Greek poet; attempted reformation of Greek religion
98:2.5(1079;2) can never hold a quart
48:7.5(556;5) cleared from seas in times of Jesus
121:1.4(1332;5) successful race blending
82:6.9(920;7) imagination and spiritual receptivity influenced by
49:5.12(566;7) of ghosts preceded coercion, supplication, conciliation, and propitiation
90:0.1(986;1) Edentia group approving planetary life-initiation plans
57:8.9(661;3) 70 in charge of each morontia sphere
48:2.11(544;1) in Uversa personality register
30:2.18(337;2) Morontia Power Supervisors; grant morontia forms to all morontia progressors
(P's continue...)