philosophers' gravest error
2:7.5(42;6) provides opportunity to love truth
3:5.10(51;9) shadow of hair's turning, premeditated for untrue purpose
48:6.22(555;1) prophets honored, save in own country
150:9.1(1686;4) ancestor worship created strong families
79:8.9-10(888;2) Andite family council practices improve society
84:7.29(941;10) early
f. embraced related working group, slaves
84:7.9(940;5) incompatible with hunter's unsettled life
52:2.8(592;1) Jesus
gave precedence to accepted customs
came to speedy end with passing of hunter mores
clan peace chiefs ruled through mother line
red men clung to mother-family
transition to patriarchal
f. in China
wife stealing and purchase hastened passing of
wife's mother was supreme authority in
84:2.3(933;1) must not interfere with religious obligations
140:8.14(1581;1) nature of family
cannot be had without children
man and woman adjusting their antagonisms
sex hunger and mother love establish
temporal institution; does not survive death
140:8.14(1581;1) obligation to transmit legitimate wealth to succeeding generations
clan war chiefs established father line
council of elders gradually grew into
pastoral living created
84:3.1(933;6) position accorded
f. in China creates stability
79:8.9(888;2) rising tide of self-gratification is threat to
84:8.1(942;2) value of families
f. illustrates the heavenly
most effective social group; master civilizer
reveals to parents Creator's attitude to his children
84:7.30(942;1) selected 3 families for Michael's incarnation
122:0.2(1344;2) originally marks for private property
69:9.13(781;7) Jesus used term for kingdom of heaven
170:2.20(1861;4) be not perturbed by
176:1.1(1912;3) brought prodigal son to senses
169:1.8(1852;1) periodically decimated primitive man
66:5.3(746;1) disastrous threats of
160:3.5(1778;3) doctrinal fetish betrays man into
88:2.7(969;5) enthusiasm may drive on into
149:4.3(1673;3) prevent religious
f. by scientific mental attitude
99:3.9(1089;1) spiritual revelation sometimes precipitates
110:4.5(1207;5) neighboring universe to Nebadon
32:2.12(360;1) leader of green race 350,000 years ago
64:6.17(724;7) one of 24 counselors
45:4.9(513;10) Jesus'
f. had cows, sheep, chickens, donkey, doves, dog
126:5.11(1393;8) Jude ran away to his uncle's
128:7.8(1417;7) young Jesus desired to purchase a
f. 126:5.10-11(1393;7) Salem missionaries in
93:7.2(1021;6) institution of self-gratification
69:1.5(772;8) unduly dominates Urantia
66:6.2(749;4) ancients treated disease with
90:4.8(991;7) can induce mystic state
100:5.10(1100;1) common ancient practice
89:3.1(976;3) early oaths accompanied by
87:6.9(965;3) evolution of concept of sacrifice
89:4.1(977;3) Jesus ate frugally on Mount Hermon
134:8.3(1493;2) prolonged
f. destroys hunger
140:5.8(1574;1) thought pleasing to ghosts
87:2.4(959;5) some ancients believed soul resided in
86:5.11(955;3) belief man cannot improve his status
facing the inevitable with stoic resolution
181:1.7(1954;4) primitive religion prevented
f. 86:7.3(956;6) trust in God's overcare is not
140:8.2(1579;4) concept prevented evolution of Zeus in Greece
98:1.3(1078;1) some subordinate gods kept as
96:1.14(1054;4) Vedic source of all gods
94:1.5(1028;1) secondary supernaphim of 3rd Havona circle
26:9sec(294;5) denotes primacy of First Source and Center
0:3.17(6;4) always free to travel in interests of his order
35:1.4(385;3) created Melchizedek Sons with Creator Son and Mother Spirit
35:1.1(384;4) created spironga with Gabriel
37:10.2(416;2) directs stabilization corps in light and life
55:10.3(634;3) executive associate of Gabriel; chief executive in Gabriel's absence
35:1.2(385;1) never away from Salvington when Gabriel is away
35:1.2(385;1) order in Paradise classification
30:1.7(331;3) presides over emergency commissions, advisory bodies
35:1.2(385;1) represents Michael in Life Carrier deliberations
36:2.5(397;5) temple to Michael is in foreground of
F.M. 's home
119:1.4(1310;1) with Jesus at transfiguration
158:1.6(1753;2) highest human concept of God
196:3.32(2082;3) paradox of part and whole
12:7.8(138;3) real because Father has bestowed personality
16:9.10(196;6) success in quest of Infinite proportional to achieving
106:9.11(1174;7) call no man father in spiritual sense
175:1.10(1907;2) children need
f. as well as mothers
47:1.6(531;4) children wholly dependent on
f. for first ideas of God
177:2.5,7(1922;3) earliest races gave little credit to
f. in childbirth
84:2.4(933;2) highly educational and disciplinary responsibilities of
126:2.2(1388;2) mortals have seven
f. 51:6.6(587;4) not like judges, enemies, or creditors
(F's continue...)