affectionate, loyal, humble, and supremely wise regarding concept they personify
22:10.8(254;5) are personification of some single universal ideal
22:10.2(253;4) carry out routine major and minor sector work
18:4.4-5(210;7) impart inexpressible illumination to deliberations
22:10.2-7(253;4) in Uversa personality register
30:2.9(336;1) not indwelt by Adjusters
22:9.5(252;7) not permanently assigned
22:10.7(254;4) number 8.75 million in superuniverses
22:10.7(254;4) of more distinguished performance than Celestial Guardians
22:10.1(253;3) private secretaries to high superuniverse Sons
22:10.1(253;3) Trinity-embraced finaliter and Paradise-Havoner trinitized sons
22:10sec(253;3) in personality register
30:2.11(336;3) Master Spirit #3 directs many
residence in Jerusem circles
46:5.14(525;4) woman taken in adultery; husband was Nazareth degenerate
162:3sec(1792;5) growth of commerce
81:3.1(903;3) affected Buddhism
94:9.3(1038;1) altar fires kindled with primitive fire drill
92:2.2(1004;5) beliefs
atman conception of Adjuster
benefit of physical humiliation
levels of deity and divinity
trinitarian concept of Being, Intelligence, and Joy
104:1.5(1144;2) combined multifarious deities into one spirituality
96:0.1(1052;1) friendly relations with house snakes
85:3.3(946;5) influenced by Jainism, Islam, Christianity
94:4.1(1031;2) integral part of social fabric of India
94:4.9(1032;1) most adaptive, amorphic religion ever to appear
94:4.8(1031;9) most ancient religion; most advanced for its time
92:6.2-4(1010;6) Nanak incorporated H. into Sikhism
92:7.2(1012;3) religion of metaphysics
5:4.7(67;5) Judas hanged himself in
186:1.7(1998;5) entered Europe from Africa; lions virtually exterminated
64:4.7(721;5) hunted by Neanderthalers
64:4.2(720;8) flee when danger arises
165:2.8(1819;4) administrative enactors, dramatists of sovereignty
44:2.9(501;8) begins with creation of Havona
8:1.9(91;6) Jews viewed as providence of God
121:7.7(1340;5) primary midwayers are planetary historians
38:9.12(425;4) record of man's agelong food struggle
68:2.5(765;2) revealed facts in Urantia Papers are accurate
101:4.2(1109;4) sacred and profane
h. 97:8sec(1070;4) survivors become familiar with local system
h. 48:6.20(554;5) value
brings evaluation of past to bear on present
inadequately reveals destiny
mind of man requires starting point
8:1.10(91;7) Vorondadeks are historians of local universes
35:5.7(390;4) constantly raided tribes of Palestine
93:5.6(1019;3) organized and highly civilized
96:2.2(1054;7) taught Salem cult to descendants of Adamson
93:7.2(1021;6) custodian of local system; holder of interned spirits; tertiary Lanonandek #19
45:3.5(512;5) prayer keeps holy days from reverting to
91:1.1(994;6) postglacial period; began 35,000 years ago
61:7.18(702;8) residential area of 7 zones
11:3.3-4(120;6) souvenirs of our material days found on
11:3.2(120;5) in Jerusalem temple; only high priests and Nazarites permitted to enter
135:1.2(1496;7) young Jesus wondered what lay behind veil of separation
125:5.3(1382;5) adjutant mind-spirits' work antecedent to work of
36:5.16(403;4) Christian ceremony bestowed H.S. accompanied by breathing on candidate
86:5.9(955;1) Jesus' instruction regarding
138:5.2(1542;3) John the Baptist said Jesus would baptize with H.S.
135:9.4,7(1505;4) Master Spirit's involvement in bestowal
16:4.13(190;7) mortals can know; be conscious of
9:2.5(100;7) nature of the Holy Spirit
confined to local universe
does not indwell individual minds
increasingly effective when mortals obey divine leadings
initial supermind bestowal; universally bestowed
enables possessor to choose Adjuster
more effective in light and life
spiritual reason is endowment of
101:3.2(1108;1) remnant of water fetish
88:1.2(967;4) sprinkled on newborn to prevent ghost interference
84:4.6(935;6) used in Mithraic and Christian ritual
98:6.4(1083;4) water priests used to wash feet in; best ghost protection
87:6.5(964;4) acceptance of gospel immediately improves home life
evangelists to abide in same
h. in a city
163:4.14(1805;11) few modern homes as good as Jesus', John Mark's
177:2.6-7(1922;4) founded on full sex equality
52:2.7(591;7) founded on male sex restlessness, female mother love
68:2.6(765;3) h. is where woman is
68:2.6(765;3) history
h. was family gathered about fire
institution not much before Nodites and Adamites
laws and practices in continental nation
mores designed to stabilize
84:7.3-7(939;6) leaving
h. for sake of kingdom
163:3.4(1804;1) love of
h. not augmented by unwise pursuit of pleasure
84:8.4(942;5) modern civilization at standstill in safeguarding
81:6.25(909;6) morontia and spirit beings have homes
44:3.1-2(501;11) religion and children are great unifiers of family life
99:4.2(1089;5) self-maintenance and self-perpetuation real objects of
h.; self-gratification incidental to
68:2.9(765;6) value of the home
embraces 3 essential functions of human existence
find highest joy in establishing
h. building should be center of all education
progenitor of true morality
stabilizes personality through compulsion of necessitous adjustment to diverse personalities
whole afterlife happier because first 8 years spent in well-regulated h.
177:2.4-5(1922;2) divine builders, celestial artisans
44:3.2(502;1) Jesus' comforting words to
133:6.2(1478;1) advanced Chinese civilization
79:7.1,5(886;2) Andite settlements
79:7.1(886;2) hydraulic problems of agriculturists in
79:8.6(887;6) taught God concept in Amida Buddha; faith
(H's continue...)