ancient puberty ceremonies taught boys to avoid
70:7.7(791;4) by wife was infringement of husband's property rights; involved inheritance
82:4.3-4(917;6) infidelity test from Old Testament
70:10.6(795;3) primitive wives took pride in husbands' affairs
82:3.13(917;1) primitives believed multiple births caused by
68:6.8(770;5) woman who died in childbirth believed guilty of
84:4.7(935;7) Andites contributed trait; were adventurous; circumnavigated globe
78:5.8(873;4) be not tempted by cheap and sordid
195:5.10(2076;1) God has embarked on eternal
a. with man
5:1.12(64;3) love of
a. suggests death begins eternal discovery
14:5.10(159;6) spirit personalities not given to useless a.
13:3.3(149;6) supreme a. is man seeking and finding God
155:5.10(1729;5) give
a. only when asked
48:7.16(556;1) Jesus' counsel to the rich man
132:5sec(1462;2) Prince's staff never sent emissaries except upon request
66:6.5(749;7) reserves of Faithfuls of Days function as
18:7.1(213;3) aesthetic cult of pure wonder no substitute for religion
101:7.5(1114;3) love of the beautiful
56:10.7(646;8) ridiculous effort of the ignorant to appear wise
48:7.17(557;1) enduring marriage never founded on biologic
spiritual bond which holds families together
160:2.4(1775;5) center of primitive Badonan culture
79:0.1(878;1) Andonic migration to
64:1.5(718;7) cannibalism resorted to as war measure
89:5.4(979;3) Christian missionaries caused confusion in
66:6.7(750;2) few Andites penetrated beyond headwaters of Nile
78:5.5(873;1) geology
61:5.3(699;4) land animals lived continuously only in
60:1.2(685;4) natives of
A. are more recent pastoral peoples
68:5.6(768;6) Neanderthalers spread to
64:4.1(720;7) Nodite centers in north
80:1.2(889;4) once connected Europe to South America
59:5.11(681;3) orange, green, and indigo races gravitated to
64:7.1,3,13(726;8) pre-reptiles evolved in
59:6.8(683;5) rainbow thought to be a snake
85:4.2(947;1) reptiles first appeared in
60:1.9(686;5) rose out of Pacific depths
57:8.21(662;8) Salem missionaries penetrated to remotest tribes of
94:0.1(1027;1) Simon Zelotes died in heart of
139:11.11(1565;8) Thomas preached in north
139:8.13(1563;1) tribes believed in ka and ba
111:0.4(1215;4) umbilical cord regarded as fetish in
88:1.8(968;3) wives still purchased in
83:3.1(923;7) at Jesus' 16th appearance
193:0sec(2052;1) widow of Damascus; member of women's corps
150:1.1(1678;5) specialization of labor based on
69:3.4(774;3) wishing to live our lives over again
26:10.5(296;1) ancient deity; exalted head of Vedic pantheon
94:4.6(1031;7) Trinity degenerated into triune symbol of fire god
104:1.2(1143;5) Tabamantia is an agondonter
50:7.2(579;1) will creatures who can believe without seeing
50:7.2(579;1) accidental origin
81:1.6(901;1) Andites were expert farmers
78:5.8(873;4) appears in age of Planetary Prince
68:5.9(769;1) association with plants instills patience, quiet, and peace
79:8.2(887;2) farmer is victim of drought, floods, hail, storms, pests, diseases, heat, and cold
86:1.5(951;1) farmers are conservative
79:8.3(887;3) great improvement when men took over from women
84:3.10(934;9) institutions of slavery and private land came with
81:2.9(902;3) universal on all atmospheric worlds
49:4.5(564;7) weakness is lack of excitement and adventure
68:5.11(769;3) King of Ephraim; reproved by Elijah
123:5.12(1363;5) murdered Naboths to get their land
97:9.19(1074;1) Phoenician wife of
A. forged papers
97:9.19(1074;1) resisted Shalmaneser at Karbar
97:9.18(1073;8) head of Zoroaster's galaxy of 7 gods
98:5.3(1082;4) Sol Invictus was a degeneration of
98:5.3(1082;4) ambush at
A. faithful picture of barbaric slaughter
69:8.3(779;2) turned into chemistry
81:2.5(901;8) effective teacher of gospel; son of Simon of Cyrene
187:1.10(2006;3) campaign into Punjab
79:4.3(882;3) spread Hellenistic civilization over near East
195:1.7-10(2071;7) apostles entered Tyre by
156:4.2(1737;3) 70 elders ruled world's largest synagogue
130:3.8(1433;3) early Christians also disciples of Philo
Hebrew scriptures translated into Greek at
121:6.2(1338;5) intellectual center of Occidental world
130:3.7(1433;2) Jesus
experiences at
A. on way to Rome
Ptolemy's library; a million manuscripts
130:3.4(1432;4) stone laid down by lime-secreting
59:2.3,11(675;2) Islam's clear-cut presentation as the only Deity
95:7.6(1051;4) descended from nonprogressive reptiles
65:2.10(732;8) God the Ultimate manifest to universes of time
118:2.4(1296;6) Jesus embalmed with
188:1.4(2013;3) God is the first and last
10:7.1(115;3) father of James and Judas Alpheus
138:4.1(1541;3) attempted to dissuade Norana
156:1.3(1734;5) believed on resurrection Sunday
191:0.11(2038;6) blissfully ignorant of controversy
144:1.4(1618;1) enjoyed entry into Jerusalem
172:5.11(1886;3) fishermen from Kheresa; age 26 in A.D. 26
139:9.1(1563;2) good-natured, simple-minded; servants of apostles
139:9.3-8(1563;4) James Alpheus
fisherman, farmer of Kheresa, selected by James
married with 3 children; also called Thaddeus
139:9.1,5(1563;2) Jesus told to work as for God
192:2.13(2049;4) Judas Alpheus
fisherman of Kheresa, selected by John Zebedee
married with 2 children; also called Lebbeus
put cloaks on Palm Sunday donkey; returned donkey to owner
172:4.1(1883;3) returned to homes soon after Pentecost
(A's continue...)